Avoid nail


Female pleasure, from which should be abandoned

We all want to be healthy. But all too often become a cause of their own disease.

Of course, we do not do it consciously, but health we do not return, so it is best to take measures to save themselves now.

It is best to give up the nails.

To date, a large number of world stars refuse this "fun." And it is not in that fashion, alas, is very variable, and that it's just not safe.

In some European countries there have been studies that have shown that:

The substance, which is used in nail enhancements - metalakrit, can not only cause an allergic reaction, but also cause inflammation of the inner lining and detachment of the nail from the nail bed.

Currently seriously is banning the substance.

Refuse also follows from wearing high heels 8-12sm above, since it can later lead to infertility.

Doctors from France came to the conclusion that such a heel while wearing a woman inadvertently leans back, which puts additional pressure on the pelvic bone.

Pelvic bones, in turn, make a man unnatural bend and slightly bulging belly forward.

This leads to the fact that under the intense pressure are testes.

Therefore, there may be not only a serious problem with the cycle, but the trouble with conception.

How come the disease


The world-famous Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer Vanga, without denying the official medicine in his medical practice was guided by the fact that every body

It is individual and requires individual treatment is. At the same time, she made a number of general recommendations as a therapeutic and preventive plan.

Here are some of them.

- Diabetes and Psoriasis people get as a result of severe stress, fear, or a very unpleasant experience.

- Stomach ulcers because of poorly chewed food hot.

- Asthma in most cases develops from cold liquids that a person drinks when fatigued.

- Mastitis in women - the result of wearing tight clothes and linen.

- Tumors appear mostly as a result of a fall or injury, and they can manifest themselves immediately, but much later.

- The kidneys are often ill because of exposure.

- Infertility is usually a result of early sexual activity, fear of getting pregnant, wearing a very close laundry hypothermia.

Almost all of these factors lead to male infertility.

- In the summer it is necessary to go barefoot, without interrupting the connection with the earth.

Let the kids get abrasions, playing everywhere, to develop immunity against all diseases of the cold season.

Eating them should be substantially liquid. Do not punish children dry food.

- Before the meal you can drink 20-30 grams of raki (grappa) for disinfection.

Fatigue how to quickly get rid of fatigue


Health. Fatigue

We need to eat more vitamins and minerals, then you will not get tired.

In fact, vitamins and minerals do not themselves provide the energy

and help to process food into energy. At the same time, the excessive use of vitamins of groups A, D and K can lead to fatigue and lethargy.

That it was a lot of energy, you need to eat more meat (especially beef and mutton)

In fact, using a large amount of meat, especially the same beef and mutton, can only make anemia (all the time will be felt fatigue) as of the other products will not flow in sufficient amounts of iron.

In order not to tire the whole day, you need a hearty breakfast and a rich dinner

All the contrary, as the consumption of large amounts of food at one time often leads to fatigue, lethargy and sleepiness. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating meals in small quantities.

And not to get tired, keep your diet had more protein and complex carbohydrates and less fat.

Physical exercise lead to fatigue

This is not quite true. If the load is not excessive, the daily exercises give vitality, relieve fatigue and improve performance.

If a person gets tired all the time, it is likely something sick

This is not always the case. It is possible that the cause of fatigue is that it is in a state of anxiety, depression or stress, which is drawn from it strength.

When the brain is resting tired

Contrary to the generally accepted view; fatigue and lack of sleep does not inhibit and stimulate the activity of the brain. That's right, he said the American scientist, University of California Sean Drummond.

In the course of its research found out that tired brain works more active than the brain rested. It is expected that the increased activity of the brain tries to compensate for their fatigue.

In the experiment, Drummond found out that people are tired and rested the different lobes of the brain are working with varying degrees of activity.

The most surprising finding is that people are tired activated the parietal lobe of the brain that have rested not working.

This part of the brain responsible for complex tasks such as remembering a phone number during a conversation with someone.

How did the researchers found, the more fatigue, the more activated the parietal lobe of the brain.

The effects of depression


Health. The effects of depression

New research has shown that adults with depression, living on less than optimistic. However, this conclusion does not apply to people who experience post-traumatic stress.

The researchers concluded that about 36 000 patients clinics for war veterans diagnosed with "depression" at risk of dying within the next 2 years. Even if you take into account factors such as lifestyle and indicators of physical health of patients, the mortality rate in patients with clinical depression is 17% higher.

However, studies carried out under the direction of Dr. Leslie S. Kinder shown that this does not apply to patients with post-traumatic stress.


Post-traumatic stress (PTSD) - a mental disorder that occurs in people who were participants in or witnesses of war, violent crime, serious accidents or accidents.

Symptoms include a constant re-creation in the imagination of pictures of what happened, nightmares, insomnia, irritability and confusion, resemble symptoms of a depressive state.

Furthermore, post-traumatic stress can cause the onset of depression. However, according to a new study published in Psychosomatic Medicine, depression and post-traumatic stress have different effects on life expectancy of patients.

Do not forget that Stress can have serious consequences. According to research by Dr. Kinder, the majority of deaths in patients suffering from post-traumatic stress caused suicides and accidents, the most dangerous is the period during the first two years after the injury.

Kinder and her research team compared the state parties to the hostilities in a year and a few years later (in some cases up to ten years) after the war. The study involved 35,715 people, mostly women, from seven medical centers for combatants.

The average age of the participants who do not have any depression or post-traumatic stress, was 64 years, and patients with these mental disorders were generally younger. According to researchers, the increased risk of death was observed only in patients with depression.

These data could be obtained only as a result of enhanced psychiatric therapy as patients suffering from stress.

It should be noted that because of this they outlived. But scientists say that during the investigations have not received enough information about the deaths, strongly supports increasing the mortality rate among patients with depression .

Recent studies have also shown that the cause of death in depressed heart disease often. Scientists suggest that depression has a direct effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
