Chronic gastritis


The main enemy of the stomach

Hearing the diagnosis of "chronic gastritis", many of us ... calm down. "All of this is now sick", "still will not be able to eat," "Only physicians" will heal "- we say. And few people think that gastritis without treatment can lead to much more

dangerous effects - gastric ulcers, and as a result, even to gastric bleeding. And here without the help of doctors is not enough, and the assistance needed will be much more serious. What a pain in the stomach, each of us knows very well since childhood. Sometimes the discomfort go away on its own; in other cases, we usually grabs for pills ...

However, if the pain comes back again and again, to self-medicate it may be dangerous and it is better in this case to professionals. After all, pain in the stomach may be a sign of a variety of diseases. The most common one is the gastritis.

How to recognize the enemy?

Chronic gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa - one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammation is the reason that the body breaks down the process of digestion. And this, in turn, worsen the overall condition of the body, reduces efficiency, there is wanton fatigue, weakness and other symptoms, which even the man himself somehow ignores, without worrying about the possible consequences.

Chronic gastritis may occur without symptoms - such situation is observed in about half of the people suffering from this disease. However, signs that you may have gastritis, can be a pain, occurring in about one and a half or two hours after a meal; "Hunger pains" after 6-7 hours after eating - usually in the morning.

At the same time after a meal you can become much better. Other symptoms - heartburn, belching, nausea. If discomfort is constantly worried and do not go more than a week - to see a doctor. Only he will be able to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment, which can help to avoid unpleasant complications.

Where does the inflammation?

To the question "What is the cause of gastritis? "Most of us the answer is quite easy: the wrong diet, too much spicy food, smoking, drinking alcohol. Some called stress. Others will remember the use of certain drugs.

Doctors confirm that all of this really affects the appearance of the disease. However, recent studies show, most often all of these factors are not basic. Approximately 85% of the disease occurs "because of" dwelling in the stomach bacterium Helicobacter Pylori, or simply put, Helicobacter.

The discovery in the late XX century was one of the turning points in gastroenterology - it is traditionally believed that "infect" gastritis impossible. Usually, the bacteria Helicobacter pylori enter the body as a child, then "asleep" there indefinitely, and at some point begin to "act", causing disease.

Sinister Helicobacter is widespread: for example, in Eastern Europe, Helicobacter Pylori occurs in 40-70% of the population. And likely to develop chronic gastritis, if the person is infected before the age of 20 years, more than 50%; in this case it develops so-called "Helicobacter pylori gastritis".

Its feature is that it is difficult to treat, but with a high probability can cause various complications, especially ulcers and gastric cancer. If such ulcers treated by conventional means, not by destroying the bacteria, then the probability that it will occur again, is very high and close to 90% during the first year already after the end of therapy. Therefore, approaches to treatment and, therefore, the excretion of the main enemies of the stomach - Helicobacter, you must very carefully and seriously.

How to deal with it?

First of all, we must remember that in the struggle with H. pylori gastritis one Almagelum not help: it needs more serious money, and prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination.

It is desirable that the survey included all required tests - both instrumental and laboratory, and compulsory - two special analysis on Helicobacter Pylori. If the result is positive - it is necessary to carry out eradication of the pathogen, that is clear from his body.

H. pylori gastritis should be treated comprehensively. This means that the fight against the disease is carried out in several ways: a specially selected antibiotics kill the infection; gastroprotectives protect the stomach lining from the damaging effects; third drugs affect the change in stomach secretion, etc.

This "multiple" therapy can cure the disease in a matter of days! In addition, the doctor will recommend a good and suitable diet - both during treatment and after it. "A good addition to the tablets will not have a habit of citrus fruit or drink the juice out of them, - said Gary Gitnik gastroenterologist from University of Californa, - should temporarily forget the chocolate and coffee, even if they do not contain caffeine."

Any disease is easier to cure in its early stages - before it happened something serious. Therefore, if abdominal pain, even infrequently occurring and strong bother you again and again - it's time to turn to a gastroenterologist, who will help to solve this problem. The earlier start treatment, the sooner we can forget the word "gastritis" forever.

Causes of constipation and how to get rid of constipation


British believe that gastric emptying in normal may be three times a day to three times a week. Domestic proctology believe that the norm can be considered only the daily cleansing of the bowel; deviation from this rule - is constipation.

Causes of constipation and how to get rid of constipation

Ideally, the chair should be every day in the morning once.

What predisposes to constipation?

The absence in the diet of fruits and vegetables, especially raw, crude fiber, which include brown bread and cereals deprives humans of the natural causative agent of intestinal peristalsis. The diet of modern man has too "soft", digestible ingredients: white bread, a simple sugar, broth.

Animal fats and proteins (meat, fish, eggs, butter) do not make the colon "work", causing intestinal atony and constipation.

Eating a variety of sandwiches, sandwiches, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, especially in haste, "on the run", the lack of dietary soups - all contribute to constipation.

The liquid food should be not less than 1, 5-2 liters a day (of course, if there are no contraindications of the heart, kidneys, blood pressure). In today's Hollywood movies are often seen as a superhero, chewing a sandwich on the go, making a lot of cases: works on a computer, drives a car, busy business negotiations, etc.

American nutritionists have come to the conclusion that this food leads to many disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating should be in a relaxed atmosphere, there should be slowly, carefully chewing food instead of swallowing it with pieces on the go.

All kinds of stress, unhealthy lifestyle can cause disorders of the intestine. For example, some children are shy to use collective toilets in schools, lay it "deal" to return home.

The secretary in the office or a store cashier in a continuous stream of visitors detain desires on a chair until the end of the work. So gradually decreases receptor sensitivity of the colon.

Lack of exercise in modern urban human leads to a general weakening of the physical tone of the body, including the tone of the intestine.

How to get rid of constipation?

Knowing these reasons, we can gain a personal program of struggle. Well, if it nevertheless does not work?

In this case, permissible to resort to laxatives, which can be divided into three groups: Actually laxatives, causing mushy or watery stools (drugs rhubarb, buckthorn, senna) - means for causing chemical irritation of the intestinal mucosa and lead to its increased peristalsis.

This herbal drugs :   rhubarb root, buckthorn bark, fruits zhostera, senna leaves, Sabur, Senado Glaxo, kafiol, castor oil, as well as some synthetic drugs.

All of them are "spur" sluggish intestines that do systematically, of course, can not medication will act "as a whip to ride a horse", especially if the diet is low in fiber. There may be side effects of such drugs: intestinal spasms, cramping abdominal pain, false desires on a chair.

Castor oil is very good cleans the entire intestine, so is used to survey the intestine (rectoscopy, colonoscopy, barium enema), as well as before the operation. However, it can not be used for pregnant women as it causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus and can cause miscarriage.

Pronosnye causing violent peristalsis and abundant stools (castor oil, saline laxatives) - drugs that cause an increase in the volume and dilution of the stool, which leads to their quick "evacuation."

Action laxatives for chronic constipation more physiological. However, with prolonged use (months) from the stool may lose electrolytes (salts of potassium, sodium, etc.) That elderly people with heart failure is becoming a serious problem. Therefore, more than three months of use, these preparations is undesirable.

Laxative and cause the chair close to normal (liquid paraffin) - means to facilitate softening stool and facilitate their advancement through the intestines. This liquid paraffin, and almond oil.

Introduction to the diet of a large amount of vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, soybean, olive, etc.) Is also very useful to combat constipation.

Unless constipation arose after the operation, it is recommended mineral oil. It is totally absorbed in the intestines and taken inside, "transit" passes through the gastrointestinal tract, "lubricating" the stool and the entire intestine from the inside.

However, this classification is rather conditional, since the potency of laxative depends, of course, on the dose.

When 2-3 days no chair, and diet and laxatives do not help, you can put a cleansing enema. To cal not injured intestinal mucosa into the water, which is an enema, it is necessary to add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Water for enemas not necessarily have to be boiled, it can be ordinary tap water. Its temperature should be at room or 20-36 degrees Celsius. The volume of enema of 0, 5 to 1 liter.
