Fitness Intimate Secrets

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Fitness Intimate Secrets
Page 2


Secrets vumbildinga

Intimate, vaginal, "Muscle of Love" - ​​how often do you pay attention to the development of this group of muscles? How much time do you spend on them compared with a visit to a cosmetologist, shopping and fitness facilities?

Meanwhile, in matters of women's attractiveness and desirability of their training is crucial.

Muscles love, and not the face or chest, is engaged in the first place. However, in the last too - According to witnesses, if a woman has mastered these muscles, from the fans (or rather my husband) will not rebound, regardless of the shape of the figure. But where does the man? Trained intimate muscles primarily need their owner. Let's order.


Techniques possession vaginal muscles known since antiquity - China, Japan and other eastern countries since ancient times in various practice for training and transfer of skills from generation to generation. Basically, of course, the muscles trained prostitutes, using a stone or wooden eggs - every day for 20-30 minutes.

Also, these classes were described in the "Kama Sutra", "Tantra", "Dao" and many other ancient treatises. Modern knowledge in this field are associated with two names. It gynecologist Kegel and less well-known VL Muranivsky - engineer, inventor of vumbildinga (VUM - vaginal muscles controlled).

Arnold Kegel

In the late 40-ies Apnold gynecologist Kegel exercises pazpabotal programs will develop the muscles of the perineum. These exercises are designed to help women strengthen their pelvic muscles and overcome incontinence that occurs sometimes after childbirth. Many women tone PC muscles with age is significantly reduced, which is especially felt after the birth.

In order not to bring the process to a surgical intervention, and just live a more quality life, Kegel suggested women to train the proper muscles. He is also the inventor of the world's first "promezhnostnometra" - device locking force of biological resistance, in other words, the simulator allows women to exercise their muscles and to monitor progress in training.

"Kegel exercises" are very popular, and very often under the training of intimate muscles meant they - although they are only aimed at strengthening specific muscles of the vagina, pubococcygeal (its fibers begin from the pubic bone surrounding the vagina and reach the tailbone).

Nonetheless, fortified "input" and improved blood circulation is better than nothing, so we give exercises recommended by a gynecologist Kegel. In order to experience above the muscle, try to arbitrarily detain urination. Feel which muscles tense? They are and will continue to train.

Slow compression: Tighten the muscles as you did to stop urinating. Hold them in this position for 5-20 seconds, then relax. The second option - stifle muscles slightly and hold for 3-5 seconds, and then a little harder, support and so on. D. To its limit. Relaxing and gradually, pausing for a few seconds on each level.

Abbreviations: Tighten and relax the muscles as quickly as possible.

Popping: potuzhtes down moderately as DURING chair or podah. (Overdo this exercise should not be!) Start tpenipovki with ten slow contractions, abbreviations and ten of ten ejection five paz a day. After a week, add five exercises for each action ppodolzhaya execute them as five paz a day.

And so every week until the number of exercises will not reach thirty. Then ppodolzhaet to do at least five runs in the day for poddepzhaniya tone. Ideally, you should perform 150 uppazhneny Kegel every day. Do not forget to breathe naturally and povno through while training.

A nice bonus: These exercises can be performed anywhere, anytime - and that means that they can be combined with work or vacation and spend time out of his busy training schedule is not required.

Try not to overdo it in training: over-developed vaginal sphincter - a potential rupture of a condom, discomfort in men, as well as the difficulty of delivery. However, to achieve such a result can be practicing for the Olympics like most of us face a reverse problem - the weakness of the muscles of the vagina.


VL Muranivsky - Soviet engineer, creator of vumbildinga and many simulators for these muscles. He argued that:

trained vumy (controlled vaginal muscles) - is: to improve gynecological health: increased blood circulation in the tissue, a change in the status of the vaginal mucosa due to the flow of oxygen to the tissues and the normalization process of lubrication (natural selection "grease").


A healthy mucous - is to increase resistance to infection, disease and microtraumas!


Preparing for minimally painful childbirth, reducing the possible gaps; exception omissions, increased vaginal volume and hemorrhoids.


Enrichment of sexual sensation and improve the quality of sexual life and a woman and her partner made happy.


Prev. - Next. "

Avoid nail


Female pleasure, from which should be abandoned

We all want to be healthy. But all too often become a cause of their own disease.

Of course, we do not do it consciously, but health we do not return, so it is best to take measures to save themselves now.

It is best to give up the nails.

To date, a large number of world stars refuse this "fun." And it is not in that fashion, alas, is very variable, and that it's just not safe.

In some European countries there have been studies that have shown that:

The substance, which is used in nail enhancements - metalakrit, can not only cause an allergic reaction, but also cause inflammation of the inner lining and detachment of the nail from the nail bed.

Currently seriously is banning the substance.

Refuse also follows from wearing high heels 8-12sm above, since it can later lead to infertility.

Doctors from France came to the conclusion that such a heel while wearing a woman inadvertently leans back, which puts additional pressure on the pelvic bone.

Pelvic bones, in turn, make a man unnatural bend and slightly bulging belly forward.

This leads to the fact that under the intense pressure are testes.

Therefore, there may be not only a serious problem with the cycle, but the trouble with conception.

Fatigue how to quickly get rid of fatigue


Health. Fatigue

We need to eat more vitamins and minerals, then you will not get tired.

In fact, vitamins and minerals do not themselves provide the energy

and help to process food into energy. At the same time, the excessive use of vitamins of groups A, D and K can lead to fatigue and lethargy.

That it was a lot of energy, you need to eat more meat (especially beef and mutton)

In fact, using a large amount of meat, especially the same beef and mutton, can only make anemia (all the time will be felt fatigue) as of the other products will not flow in sufficient amounts of iron.

In order not to tire the whole day, you need a hearty breakfast and a rich dinner

All the contrary, as the consumption of large amounts of food at one time often leads to fatigue, lethargy and sleepiness. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating meals in small quantities.

And not to get tired, keep your diet had more protein and complex carbohydrates and less fat.

Physical exercise lead to fatigue

This is not quite true. If the load is not excessive, the daily exercises give vitality, relieve fatigue and improve performance.

If a person gets tired all the time, it is likely something sick

This is not always the case. It is possible that the cause of fatigue is that it is in a state of anxiety, depression or stress, which is drawn from it strength.

When the brain is resting tired

Contrary to the generally accepted view; fatigue and lack of sleep does not inhibit and stimulate the activity of the brain. That's right, he said the American scientist, University of California Sean Drummond.

In the course of its research found out that tired brain works more active than the brain rested. It is expected that the increased activity of the brain tries to compensate for their fatigue.

In the experiment, Drummond found out that people are tired and rested the different lobes of the brain are working with varying degrees of activity.

The most surprising finding is that people are tired activated the parietal lobe of the brain that have rested not working.

This part of the brain responsible for complex tasks such as remembering a phone number during a conversation with someone.

How did the researchers found, the more fatigue, the more activated the parietal lobe of the brain.
