Increased immunity


What can we do for your own health and beauty? To be beautiful - it means to be healthy! Healthy people are beautiful. And the one who torments illness, only a prisoner of his own health. But we must remember that the health and beauty akin to the tender plant,

which requires constant care and gentle care. Therefore, the advice of experts should not only listen, but also to take them on board. This fall, we often get sick - sneezing and coughing, temperature and spleen. Noses are red and wet. There can be no beauty ...

Who is guilty? Doctors believe that the cause of most of our pre-season maladies - a weakened immune system. Just tired body to fight the aggressive environment.

Immunity - our bodyguard, a brave defender of many evils and troubles. Day and night he tirelessly fights bacteria and viruses, toxins and destroy foreign cells. Someone with immunity lucky childhood. But even a strong defender of our tired and lose its former strength.

The first signs of declining immune activity that should have alerted - fatigue, chronic fatigue, drowsiness, or, on the contrary, insomnia, headache, aching muscles and joints.

The next stage - the endless "sores" past does not pass, no infection, no virus. Herpes on the lips means that in the body there is a failure, and you need to take urgent measures. And you need not only to treat runny or another wound on his lip, and to take a range of measures.

The last stage - the whole range of chronic diseases and complications.

The immune system - a complex mechanism. Bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, interconnected vessels - the basic units of "defense equipment". This slim unit responds to the smallest changes in the external world and the body.

Poor environment, poor diet, vitamin deficiency, stress, overexertion, chronic diseases, viral infections, unknown new microbes reduce immunity. In addition, an infinitely long winter is rapidly advancing twilight, slush, dull landscape outside the window - all becomes a cause of mental and physical discomfort.


Man is what he eats. We could not agree more. Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend that as often as possible to include in the autumn diet of broccoli, carrots, milk products with bio-additives, strawberries, kiwi, pumpkin, salmon, pine nuts, olive oil, turkey meat, citrus. Add to eat as many greens - parsley, dill, celery roots and leaves.

A remarkable effect is the constant use of pumpkin, zucchini, squash. Unsaturated fatty acids in fish and seafood, much increased. However, prolonged cooking destroys nutrients. Nutritionists argue that the increase may quail eggs. They need to be eaten raw, on an empty stomach for 7-8 pieces.

Alive Vitamins are essential ...

The main source of vitamins - fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh juices. But in the fall and winter, do not forget about the regular intake of vitamin complexes. They should be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. Particular attention - loading dose vitamin C in the form of ordinary askorbinki or soluble effervescent tablets containing a daily dose of vitamin C, protects against colds.

Training and hardening of the body ...

Swimming, douche and douche help you get stronger. Perfect tempering effect in the Russian bath. Just do not sit still and do not mope - regular aerobic exercise, gymnastics or fitness also raise the tone.


Natural natural means of improving are considered herbs and plants: Echinacea, Astragalus, ginseng, licorice, red clover, goldenseal, dandelion, garlic, milk thistle, St. John's wort, celandine, nard.

In our pharmacies you can meet and immunomodulatory beautiful plants from South America and South-East Asia - gotu kola (Gotu cola), viltsatsora (Uncariatormentosa). Take herbal infusions and decoctions can be both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Herbs often included in the composition and food additives.

Look at the pharmacy ...

If things are really bad, look at the immunomodulators - activating and supporting medication. List of pharmacy immunomodulators and similar substances is enormous and is about 100 names. They are appointed by a specialist. These immune modulators are clinically tested and their effects on the immune system is scientifically proven.

Instills ...

The well-known and tested method to protect against disease - get vaccinated. The body, had been ill of a disease in a mild form, he begins to actively produce antibodies. It is especially important to follow the schedule necessary vaccinations for children. An adult can now be vaccinated against the flu or hepatitis in every district hospital.

Do not wait until it weakens and "hand over" the body of viruses and germs, take care of it in advance. And yet - do not succumb to the general mood grippoboyazni. "Panic - only the enemy, from which there is no defense," - said the ancient generals. Keep this in mind and be ready, and, therefore, healthy.

Do not forget the folk remedies ...

Excellent immunomodulator familiar even our great-grandmother, agave, scientifically - aloe. Prepare tonic medicine simple: half a cup of aloe juice mixed with a glass of honey, add a glass of Cahors wine, take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals.

Euphorbia Pallas growing in Siberia and the Altai and popularly called "man-root" - a powerful immunomodulator.

This plant poison, and therefore requires careful application, an overdose is not allowed. To prepare the take 25-50 g dry root poured 0, 5 liters of vodka, insist 3 weeks in a dark place. Take strictly 7-10 drops three times a day for one to three months.

Firming and soothing collection (except for strengthening it removes arrhythmia, heart palpitations, and is useful in the neuroses). Uliginose mixed in equal parts with lemon balm, valerian root, hop cones, linden flowers, marjoram, motherwort and coriander seeds.

Brew fee previously scalded teapot at the rate of 1 tbsp. Spoon (from top) gathering at 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Kettle cover and let stand for 1, 5-2 hours. Drinking serving per day in 2-3 doses.

Be healthy!

Human papillomavirus whether to treat it

 Papilloma virus: Should I treat it?

The article presents the medical facts about human papilloma virus infection, as well as discussing the situation with the examination and treatment of the infection in the Russian medical institutions, the treatment of the virus.

The article presents the medical facts about human papilloma virus infection, as well as discussing the situation with the examination and treatment of the infection in the Russian medical institutions. Ever since the discovery was made, that cervical cancer is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) around the infection in the Russian medicine turned the hype that can not, unfortunately, be called healthy.

Human Papilloma Virus Treatment

It is a widely held tests for HPV and zealous attempts to cure women from the virus before it causes cancer. For this purpose, use different antiviral and immunostimulating agents, and, optionally in combination with one another, and often several courses. Now try to understand how dangerous papilloma virus, and whether it is the money that we have to spend it on owners of expensive tests and more expensive drugs.

Human papillomavirus affects the skin and mucous membranes of certain organs, leading to excessive growth and improper epithelial cell division. HPV can be transmitted sexually and cause gynecological diseases such as genital warts (warts), cervical cancer and cancer of the external genitalia and vagina.

Should I treat it

There are more than 100 types of HPV, but only a few of them cause of the above diseases, the warts and cancer are caused by different types of virus. The types of virus that can cause cancer, called oncogenes, all of them are known 15. More than half of all cancers are caused by HPV types 16 and 18, with the rest - in other oncogenic types of the virus.

It was also found that each woman having sex at least once during the life of one of the infected oncogenic types of HPV, however, cervical cancer, even in the absence of prevention, sick, only 3 out of every 10,000 women.

This is because the human papilloma virus after penetration into the body is stored therein is not good, and about 2 years and then inactivated healthy immune system. Papilloma virus is not terrible, even during pregnancy: being transmitted from mother to fetus, it causes disease in the child in extremely rare cases.

To date, effective means to get rid of HPV does not exist, so the genital warts is carried out to remove them one of the modern methods (chemical, surgical, applique antiviral creams), and prevention of cervical cancer is performed by an annual survey of women using Pap test (cervical smear cytology).

In addition, a vaccine against 4 types of HPV, recommended to all adolescent girls and women up to 26 years. As can be seen from the above data, a survey of the female population in the papilloma virus completely inappropriate and has no value for the prevention of cancer. And that, above all, should know that who is going to pay for the test and the subsequent treatment of the money earned by hard work.

Save your health, how to become healthy
