Installation of dental implants, the pros and cons


A beautiful white smile always helps its owner to win the interlocutor, which often plays an important role in obtaining prestigious posts in the conclusion of a great deal, and of course, provides the luck in love affairs. But if there was a permanent loss of teeth, read the article the pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages during the installation of dental implants.

At all times, and especially in our beautiful white smile has helped and helps its owner to win the interlocutor, which often plays a pivotal role in getting a good position, in the conclusion of a good bargain, provided your luck in love affairs. Toothless groom, and the more toothless groom attract the attention of the opposite sex only in exceptional cases.

In addition, healthy teeth play a major role in proper digestion, because it starts during chewing food thoroughly, and not after its ingestion. If it is to work on poorly chewed chunks, then soon fails, the other can not buy in a store.

But, unfortunately, to keep your teeth healthy, one desire is not enough. Even regular brushing teeth morning and evening, though, and improves the condition of the teeth, it is still not a guarantee. Here and general health effect, and heredity, and various physical injuries that result in permanent tooth loss.

First was the only way to patch formed in the mouth empty space - to put the bridge. That is, if the person did not have one or more teeth, he suggested obpilit yet available next to the rents they wear crowns and crowns to attach to this simulator tooth, which will fill the empty space.

Now this method is also quite actively practiced, firstly because of credibility patients, and secondly, because of the relatively low price. That's really when the miser pays twice! Those healthy teeth that obpilili, and then put on their crowns, and with constant exercise (because they will keep for themselves the construction of the bridge and to participate in mastication), after the procedure, applicants are one hundred per cent removal.

Not immediately, of course, but after a certain number of years. How many people carries a bridge depends, strangely enough, on the overall health of the patient and the quality of the work performed by a dentist, and used by the material from which made the crown and to which it is fitted.

Now, a new technology of patching holes in the mouth - the installation of dental implants. This procedure is difficult and demanding, and yet for many insanely expensive. But it's worth, consider the pros.

What is so great about these implants?

• First of all, when they are installed are not affected teeth, located close to the hole.

• Second, the implant keeps the jaw from deformed.

  • Third, it is much safer and much much more durable bridge.

• Fourth, it never hurts. Realize it's nice, is not it?

• Fifth, he looks almost no different from living a natural tooth.

Cons have dental implants too.

• First, the high price, due to which such a pleasure can afford not all.

  • Secondly, the gradual installation and the length of the stages themselves.

  • Third, the living tissue rejection of a foreign body. It happens very rarely, but it's worth mentioning.

• Fourth, if the implants are installed on the site of posterior teeth, their quality is quite difficult to clean.

The fact that between a fake tooth and gum, as try and remains a small gap. When implanted in the front teeth, problems with cleaning practically does not occur. If extreme implanted teeth, their cleaning is recommended not only the usual brush and a special apparatus, feeding under the pressure of the water stream.

At home, nothing complicated about it, and this device is not expensive. Difficulties may arise in the road or in places where it is impossible to use this device.

In some cases, you must install dental implants

Putting an expensive implant or maim healthy teeth and do not very expensive bridge, everyone decides for himself. But there are cases where the implant is the only possible. This happens when the patient is not too many teeth, that is, the bridge will have to consist of four or more units, excluding crowns.

If your doctor proposes to establish a bridge, you should immediately seek another specialist. Because such a large bridge, though outwardly appear to be good, will inevitably lead to the rapid destruction and subsequent removal of teeth that he is being held.

The second case is the mandatory installation of the implant, when there are no extreme teeth, that is, when the bridge is nothing to attach.

Some "experts" in order to save money, offer the patient, set only one implant so that it served as a basis for holding the bridge, that is, that the bridge kept on one implant and one natural tooth. At first glance, such a proposal seems to be quite beneficial, especially for those in the media is limited, and chew something right.

But this design is fundamentally wrong, because a live tooth in the gum absorbs, and the implant is fixed monolith. That is, if you make a bridge to the implant and the living tooth, he at any load will experience uneven deformation that lead to extremely negative consequences.

There are cases where even with a strong desire and the availability of funds, it is impossible to place the implant. This is the so-called maxillary sinuses. Placing it in such places have three stages. First, build bone.

Then, after at least six months in the absence of negative readings put into the graft tissue screws. Again, wait for a few months, but not less than three. If during this time, again, will not be negative readings on the screws made final prosthesis.

What should I look for when choosing a clinic for implantation.

Firstly, the presence of a separate surgical clinic room. Building bone and installation screws are surgical operations and, therefore, a doctor's surgery should comply with the prescribed medical standards sterility.

Secondly, the procedure for deciding on implantation. As a rule, a good surgeon alone the question of the implant does not solve, and certainly consults with the prosthetist. And, of course, before deciding whether the patient is asked to pass a series of tests and make the necessary pictures of the jaws.

Thirdly, the price of implantation. The fact that it is the lion's share price for the material. How is it better, the price of the entire operation above.

But if you weigh the pros and cons, the pros and cons of dental implants dare something to deny yourself, but to collect money and still deliver them, you make the right choice.

High blood pressure causes, treatment

 Treatment pressure, high blood pressure
Treatment pressure, high blood pressure

What if high blood pressure, which may be the causes, treatment

When diastolic pressure increased to 90-105 mm people can normalize your blood pressure without resorting to drugs. In these cases, herbalism successfully helps to reduce the pressure to normal.

Recommended intake grated walnuts, fresh berries, especially strawberries, alcohol tinctures of garlic, as well as juices such as beet, grape, grapefruit.

If blood pressure rises above normal no more frequently than once every three months, you need to adjust your lifestyle to make it more dynamic.

Doctors recommend that people with high blood pressure for many hiking.

With moderate blood pressure need to control weight bodies engaged in charging or aerobics, to completely abandon the habit of smoking and add a lot of salt in food. Thus useful products in the composition of the diet They are fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products.

Very useful minerals - potassium, and calcium. Potassium is found in fresh vegetables, fruits, a lot of it in bananas (daily dose of 3-4 mg of potassium).

Various studies proved beneficial properties of calcium in hypertension, especially at higher salt dependence. Calcium in milk and many other dairy products. Its daily rate - 800-1000 mg.

If within six months to reduce blood pressure failed, it is necessary to prescribe medication for the treatment of pressure.

There are 5 groups of drugs recommended by WHO experts in these cases. One of these groups constitute the most modern drugs - ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzyme).

These drugs for the treatment of pressure are not symptomatic and pathogenic, that is, eliminating the cause disease.

And the reasons for high blood pressure can be very different - and kidney disease adrenal, vascular disease, toxemia of pregnancy, prolonged use of steroids and al.

In appointing the drug fails to reduce blood pressure in 70% patients and, in combination with other drugs - in 90% of cases.

ACE inhibitors (analapril et al.) not only reduce and stabilize blood pressure. Consequently, reduced Hypertrophy of the heart and blood vessels, prevented renal failure, reduced the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

It is very important that this group of drugs may be used in patients with diabetes diabetes and asthma. Side effects is minimal.

A great misconception is that by lowering high blood pressure, a person believes that he has reached desired result. The pressure must be reduced to rigid rules (150/90 mm), making it gradually.

But you need to take high blood pressure medication for the treatment of pressure all the time, just as patient with lack of wearing glasses and a diabetic takes insulin. but decision on the appointment of the drug in each case must take a doctor.

Self-medication with drugs such - is unacceptable.

Typically, blood pressure is increased during times of heavy exercise and under emotional stress. In a healthy person after the termination of these precipitating factors pressure quickly returned to normal.

If not going steady increase in pressure may indicate the development of hypertension and requires treatment pressure.

How to stop this process? Read the following article.
