Varicose disease which affects more than half of the female population. You can even call this disease "plague of the 21st century." The article tells what varicose veins, which causes and the first signs, ways and methods of treatment of varicose veins.
The first signs of varicose veins
Beautiful legs covered with swellings, bruises and aching deliver unpleasant sensations. This disease mainly affects people over age category, but there are exceptions.
So, on the theory of varicose veins can appear anywhere. If we turn to ancient languages, the varicose veins can be translated as bloating. Most often, the disease can be seen on foot, since it is subject to lower extremities most loads.
Diagnosis of the disease often requires no research and analysis.
All the symptoms are visible from the outside, uneven swelling of the veins, the acquisition of a darker color. These are the first signs of varicose veins. Furthermore, if left untreated, start bleeding under the skin, and as a consequence of the appearance of ulcers on the tissues. In the case where internal vein affected, the disease is accompanied by swelling. Later in the afternoon legs begin to ache, ache and "twist".
Varicose veins causes of
The cause of the disease is a malfunction of the valves that control blood flow from the bottom up. Also, the development of varicose veins may be associated with congenital valves weakening with age only leads to a deterioration of their performance.
Place of work and lifestyle have an impact on the occurrence of this disease. People who are immobile lifestyle or work standing (sellers, hairdressers and others). During pregnancy there is a risk that the disease begins to progress. This is due to the increase in the load on the lower part of the body in combination with changes in hormonal levels.
But do not immediately get upset when it detects the first signs of varicose veins. Modern medicine offers a very efficient and effective treatment - sclerotherapy. It does not involve surgical intervention. This technique is based on neutralizing the affected areas, thereby outputting them from the general circulation circuit. The method is quite simple and painless.
The procedure itself is run by a special syringe medication to diseased vein. Under the influence of drugs Vienna blocked. After the procedure is necessary to impose a pressure bandage, to prevent blood flow to the treated vein.
The only pain sensation - it is short and slight burning sensation at the injection site.
Patient after the therapy you need to lie down for a while, and then he can go home safely. The bandage should be worn for several days. Today, sclerotherapy can be carried out even for larger veins.
Before taking a decision on carrying out sclerotherapy, be sure to consult with your doctor. Since the therapy has some contraindications. It can not be carried out during pregnancy, lactation, certain blood diseases and others.
As the effects after treatment may appear small scars or briefly change color in place of the procedure. But do not be upset, because the medicine does not stand still and constantly develop newer and better means for sclerotherapy.
What makes this therapy will be carried out without any side effects. However, in any, even the most advanced methods of treatment, consultation with a specialist is required.
Varicose veins causes, early signs, treatment
Varicose disease which affects more than half of the female population. You can even call this disease "plague of the 21st century." The article tells what varicose veins, which causes and the first signs, ways and methods of treatment of varicose veins.
The first signs of varicose veins
Beautiful legs covered with swellings, bruises and aching deliver unpleasant sensations. This disease mainly affects people over age category, but there are exceptions.
So, on the theory of varicose veins can appear anywhere. If we turn to ancient languages, the varicose veins can be translated as bloating. Most often, the disease can be seen on foot, since it is subject to lower extremities most loads.
Diagnosis of the disease often requires no research and analysis.
All the symptoms are visible from the outside, uneven swelling of the veins, the acquisition of a darker color. These are the first signs of varicose veins. Furthermore, if left untreated, start bleeding under the skin, and as a consequence of the appearance of ulcers on the tissues. In the case where internal vein affected, the disease is accompanied by swelling. Later in the afternoon legs begin to ache, ache and "twist".
Varicose veins causes of
The cause of the disease is a malfunction of the valves that control blood flow from the bottom up. Also, the development of varicose veins may be associated with congenital valves weakening with age only leads to a deterioration of their performance.
Place of work and lifestyle have an impact on the occurrence of this disease. People who are immobile lifestyle or work standing (sellers, hairdressers and others). During pregnancy there is a risk that the disease begins to progress. This is due to the increase in the load on the lower part of the body in combination with changes in hormonal levels.
But do not immediately get upset when it detects the first signs of varicose veins. Modern medicine offers a very efficient and effective treatment - sclerotherapy. It does not involve surgical intervention. This technique is based on neutralizing the affected areas, thereby outputting them from the general circulation circuit. The method is quite simple and painless.
The procedure itself is run by a special syringe medication to diseased vein. Under the influence of drugs Vienna blocked. After the procedure is necessary to impose a pressure bandage, to prevent blood flow to the treated vein.
The only pain sensation - it is short and slight burning sensation at the injection site.
Patient after the therapy you need to lie down for a while, and then he can go home safely. The bandage should be worn for several days. Today, sclerotherapy can be carried out even for larger veins.
Before taking a decision on carrying out sclerotherapy, be sure to consult with your doctor. Since the therapy has some contraindications. It can not be carried out during pregnancy, lactation, certain blood diseases and others.
As the effects after treatment may appear small scars or briefly change color in place of the procedure. But do not be upset, because the medicine does not stand still and constantly develop newer and better means for sclerotherapy.
What makes this therapy will be carried out without any side effects. However, in any, even the most advanced methods of treatment, consultation with a specialist is required.
The symptoms of yeast infection in women, causes, treatment
What is thrush, the causes of which are the symptoms and how to treat it. Why does not always need a combination of drugs for topical application than guided in selecting the dosing regimen pills. What there is a choice drug against thrush during pregnancy and breast-feeding techniques.
The symptoms of yeast infection in women and men
Fungal infection called thrush genitals in women. The fungus that causes this disease, refers to the yeast genus Candida. Men, too, is a thrush, but it almost always does not manifest itself.
The name of the disease was due to its main symptoms: vaginal discharge with the watery and white that resembles milk. Once thrush has other symptoms: itching, burning sensation in the vulva, worse after intercourse, copious white. Beli may be liquid or cheesy consistency. Change the color of cables shows that by now the fungus and other flora.
Thrush occurs when the woman lowered immunity due to disease, stress. Hormonal contraceptives creates an excellent background for the fungus. Another cause of yeast infection - antibiotics without a parallel receiving probiotics (lactobacilli and bifidobacteria it). Thrush also transmitted to sexual partners, so if you treat it at home, should be treated in parallel, and his partner, then to re-infected from him.
Treatment of yeast infections in women drugs
Treatment for thrush is left to professionals - a gynecologist. Only they can tell you how to get rid of yeast infection permanently, given a set of different factors: how often thrush complicates a woman's life, the presence of other diseases of its organs, pregnancy and lactation.
Now there are remedies for thrush.
It is best-proven Fluconazole (Futsis, Diflucan). Receiving a single dose of 150-200 mg can save the unpleasant disease. If you have a yeast infection does not occur for the first time, then you will most likely recommend a two-time welcome Diflucan: 200 mg once a day.
The real salvation for pregnant women became Pimafucin. It can even be in tablet form (and better and tablets, and vaginal suppositories) taken in any stage of pregnancy.
The doctor will also be able to tell if you need to add a pill to receive local treatment candles or special vaginal gel. At the moment there are a lot of local products. The best of them can be called Pimafukort candles, gel Candide, candles clotrimazole.
Specialist gynecologist after swab and determine what degree of inflammation of the genital organs, a microbe called him, he will be able to recommend to you the reception of local agents that will act on the fungi and bacteria that are joined. These drugs are Meratin-Combi (it can be used during pregnancy and lactation) Terzhinan, Polizhinaks.
Self-medication such drugs can achieve the destruction of flora and useful, and it is dangerous recurrent disease thrush.
During treatment with antifungal drugs, and then another two weeks you will be advised to take probiotics (eg Bifiform, Laktovit fort Latsidofil) to restore the microflora of the vagina and prevent recurrence of the disease.