The methods of rejuvenation at home

 Rejuvenation Home

Every woman wants to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. What's there? Always! There are many ways to maintain youth and beauty, such as various cosmetics, plastic surgery, sports and more.

In this article you will learn about skin care and rejuvenation at home. Home remedies are not inferior to purchase cosmetics. And sometimes, even surpass it to be effective. In particular, they consist of a good, natural, natural ingredients, and of course are safe for the skin.

Rejuvenation of the body and the body at home

For rejuvenation great variety of beverages from natural ingredients.

Rejuvenating Balm of wine and garlic

Rejuvenating balm of fine wine and garlic helps to rejuvenate the skin. It not only makes the skin young and fresh, but also beneficial effects on the reproductive system and reproductive functions of women.

It is very effective and cook it at home quite easily. Take a clove of garlic, peel, pour 200 ml of good white wine and simmer for about half an hour. Then cool the liquid and pour it into a separate container with garlic. Balsam need to drink three days, then take a break for a week. The course is repeated s times. Drink one Çayönü spoon three times a day for 20 minutes before eating.

Wine with lavender and sage

This recipe is a preventive and helps fight the approaching old age. According to the popular recipe, we should take 20 grams of dry leaves lavender and sage, add a liter of dry red wine and put in a cool place, protected from light. Two weeks infusion to shake, and then drain. This wine should drink 50 grams twice a day for half an hour before meals.

Tea made from the leaves of wild strawberry, raspberry and rose hips

This is a great way to rejuvenate the body home. This tea activates the secretion of the hormone estrogen in the body, and this hormone has beneficial effects on the woman's appearance: promotes blood flow, affects the production of collagen and gives the skin dry.

Just to save young great help to various baths. Skin rejuvenation help bran. Required to take two kilos of bran, pour the five liters of water and boil for a few minutes. Strain the liquid and pour into a bath of warm water. After a bath the skin becomes soft, supple and youthful.

A good remedy for skin renewal is a mask of almond oil. It beat almond oil whisk or spoon to saturate it with oxygen. Oil should be applied to the body after taking baths.

Rejuvenation of the skin and hair

Facial skin also needs care. There are many recipes for masks, which help restore metabolic processes and maintain youthful skin. They are easy to prepare at home.

• Whisk the egg yolk with one tablespoon of olive oil, add a few drops of lemon juice and a spoonful of honey. Apply the mask should be massaged. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

• One egg white, beat with one teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of flour. Apply the mask on clean skin. Leave on for twenty-five minutes and rinse with running water.

• To prepare a banana facial mask, grab a banana and rub it into mush. Add one teaspoon of milk and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply on face for thirty minutes. After that, rinse with warm running water.

• Mix the egg white and one teaspoon of cream, add one teaspoon of natural honey. Mix well and apply evenly on cleansed face. Hold the mask for fifteen minutes and then rinse with warm boiled water. The hair also require special care. For them, as there are a variety of masks.

• egg hair mask nourishes the hair and gives it shine. Whisk two egg yolks with a glass of water and apply on the hair for an hour. Rinse with water. As for the best effect, you can prepare a mask, two egg yolks, whisk, add a spoon burdock oil, a spoonful of vitamin E and vitamin A spoonful Apply on hair for thirty minutes, rinse.

• Just have a good effect of various oils, such as burdock, castor, rosemary and nettle. Should rub oil into the hair roots and leave for an hour - a half, then rinse shampoo.

These simple tips and techniques of rejuvenation will help you make at home skin more elastic, beautiful and fresh. Of course it will not take years, however, help to look younger longer.

Program How to save and prolong youth

 Youth Program

In many cases, how long will your youth, it depends on you personally. If you want to prolong and preserve youth, to live happily ever after, then listen to the simple rules.

Give up bad habits

No wonderful recipe for eternal youth will not give the desired results if you smoke. This "fad" you steal from yourself, at least ten years. Various bad habits (smoking, alcohol) provoked, in the end, a number of serious diseases that can reduce you to not only youth, but also life.


Each of us has a tendency to a particular chronic disease. Cold, stress and exhaustion provoked by the action of pathogens. Freed from frequent colds, the body will have more strength to fight aging. The surest way to recovery - is hardening. But do it slowly and gradually, like a douche, preferably twice a day.

After these water treatments you will experience improved health. Action cold water leads to vasoconstriction of the skin, where about a third of the whole human blood. Blood like "flows" into the internal organs and the brain, which improves access to nutrients. As a result, you will feel the vivacity and lifting forces.

Move to keep youth

The shortest way to premature aging - a lack of exercise. A good walk - three kilometers a day - gives a good result. Do exercises each morning.

Listen to yourself

Listening to your body, you can see that is right for you: hiking, skiing or swimming in the hole. The main thing that fitness classes bring you joy, otherwise they will be meaningless.

Take adopted the motto: aching - pain. Stay at home with a cold for several days. Do not take the tablets if you can do traditional methods. And you want to lie down - lie down.

Inner harmony

You are not guinea pig, love yourself, do not experiment with your organizmom.Vse newfangled diet of food, fasting, cleansing basically have violence on the body, it can give unpredictable results. It is best to fast. And remember that with proper nutrition the body is able to cleanse itself.

Moderation in food

Want to lose weight - go to the gym or pool. Maintain a stable weight is not exotic diets and physical activity. Consume salt in moderation - two grams a day. Do not give up red meat, because it contains trace elements.

Closer to 45godam in your menu should prevail fish and dairy products. Eat organic foods and drink clean water. Clean water through a filter or use only purified drinking water. Wash and cook food only in clean water.

All of the rules are very simple and known to all, but, unfortunately, rarely anyone fully implemented. There is a lack of strong-willed features. At the same time, they all want as long as possible to preserve youthfulness.

Obviously, the secret of eternal youth cut out is the ability to combine the desirable with the possible. Persevere, go to the end and keep the youth as long as possible.

How can slow down the aging process


For centuries, mankind has dreamed of creating a youth elixir to prolong life. As in nature there is a change of the seasons, and in human life. A man passes through different age milestones: a healthy, carefree youth prepares participative maturity over the years, giving way to a reasonable,

leisurely, noble old age. Sumerian texts, numbering 3-4 thousand years, recommended drugs from gray and blurred vision. The ancient Egyptians believed that people could live to 110 years old, this is the age that, according to modern views, is the limit of human life.

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates recommended to eat moderately, to exercise and take hot baths for those who want to live to a ripe old age in full health.

At the time the leak was due to natural aging of the human body's heat and desiccation. The famous Greek philosopher Plato mentions that the process of aging affects lifestyle. People who are able to adapt to different situations, actively fighting against aging and old age.

Aristotle also believed that the cause of aging is the loss of the natural human warmth. Cicero recommended physical exercise, moderate diet, and most importantly - an intellectual activity to slow down the process of aging and preserve youth. He urged people to old age and learning, as the doctrine retains mental freshness.

Seneca pointed out that life is far more important number of years lived. Maimonides, a Jewish philosopher, believed that the life expectancy given in advance, but I believe that it can be increased through the implementation of appropriate preventive exercises. English philosopher Roger Bacon believed that the human body is aging because of wear.

If you trace the history, we see that primitive ancestors, scientists believe, lived to 19-20 years. During the Roman Empire, the average life expectancy does not exceed 25 years, and during the period of the feudal system of 30-35 years. Currently, the average life expectancy ranges from 63 to 70 years, however, scientists believe that a person can live 100-150 years.

Old age should be treated as an equal stage of life equally with youth and maturity. The experience and knowledge comes with age. How to prolong human life and make it full at all stages maintain health, and at sunset it to ensure that old age was a joy? Over time, old age is no longer a synonym of senility, old age will become the personification of courage, great physical and mental abilities, interesting and fruitful activities.

Old age is not something abnormal, unnatural, and is a normal physiological condition of the body. The French even call it the third age, trying to adopt that old age is the same equal phase of life as a youth and maturity. For many it is associated with autumn, and it is necessary to make sure that this was the golden autumn, it is quite feasible and realistic task.

The English writer Bernard Shaw: "You should not think that once I became older, I became very wise. Age brings wisdom, but he brings experience, which can not be young. Old age brings many valuable and positive qualities. A person becomes a reasonable experienced, and it is difficult to overestimate. " Scientists came to the conclusion that it is possible not just to age to those who do not want to grow old.

Old age - is not so much lived through many acquired in the process of interaction with the environment. The experience and maturity of thought has always been a function of time, they remain the privilege of the elderly. All living things subject to time, which leaves its mark on everything. Most important is a certain mood, optimistic view of the surroundings, the habit of philosophical approach to all phenomena of life and do not lose heart.

Can not get old to someone who does not want to grow old, it must not be forgotten. Active creative old age - is quite real. Of great importance is the position of human life. The aging process affects the character of the individual and his emotional sphere. In this there are individual differences, they expressed significantly stronger than age. As they say, age is not determined by the date of birth, and in appearance.

Stay young and beautiful. Forget about what you have ... oh, the horror of 25 years.

Keep an active healthy lifestyle and be happy!
