How to keep young hands


To the hand did not give the age hand care.

When we hear about wrinkles and aging skin, most of us think only of the face and neck. However, more signs of aging found on our hands. Many women often neglect the necessity of regular hand care. The person we anoint, but there is no time to care for your hands.

So caring for a person, do not forget your hands, neck and décolleté.

Frequent contact with water and chemicals, sun, cold weather, gardening, etc. add stress and age the skin on your hands. While the hand does not have many sebaceous glands, they, nevertheless, say your age before groomed face.

What can you do in order to keep young hands?

Use hand cream several times a day. Dry skin is easily vulnerable and looks wrinkled.

Protect your hands - Wear gloves when you are in the garden, wash the dishes, or dealing with chemicals.

Protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.

Do herbal baths for hands.

Tips that the skin silky and smooth.

Herbal baths for hands

At 0.5 liters of water to take 1 tablespoon of herbs, you can use all the grass or just one: chamomile, nettle, sage, calendula. Make an infusion and hold hands in a warm infusion of about 15 - 20 minutes. Dry hands thoroughly lubricate the moisturizer.

Nourishing Hand Mask

Stir 1 teaspoon of honey and 3 tablespoons butter. Add 1 tablespoon of cream. You get rich nutrient mask. On the absorption of such a rich cream will take time, but be patient - it will make your hands silky and smooth.

Treatment of dry hands skin

For dry skin, use the following tips mode once or twice per week 1 tablespoon glycerin 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons olive oil, almond or other. Add juice of 1 lemon herbal infusion: chamomile, nettle, calendula.

Tips for skin care of hands:

Potatoes with milk - a good hand mask.

When you are busy cooking with eggs, spread, casually, hands yachnym protein.

When cooking potatoes, use fusion broth for wiping and washing hands and face skin.

Rubbing your hands with a piece of lemon, you will add a more even skin tone.

After washing dishes or working with alkaline detergent, wash your hands with sour milk or a mild solution of vinegar. This will help restore the pH balance of the skin.

Make sure that your hands are always warm. Not only for the sake of improving the skin, but also for your overall health. Flu and colds often start with cold hands.

The earlier you start to care for your hands, the better, more beautiful and younger than you look.

Plants vs. aging


Billions of cells, has given us at birth lifetime passes through a kind of filter, resulting in 70 years they remain no more than 100 000. This leads to various disorders in the body. Besides, we all experience the action of oxidative stress, the extent of which in modern society is increasing every year.

It is known that some plants are able to stop the aging process. They help the body to maintain good health and increase life expectancy.

Morinda citrifolia

Morinda citrifolia Morinda citrifolia, or - fruit, which traces its origins to the islands in the South Pacific and resembles widespread in those parts Hanun scaly.

Polynesian healers "Kahunas" for more than 2000 years used the fruit of Morinda medicinal purposes. The Morinda discovered more than 140 nutrients: vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, amino acids, flavonoids.

Heinicke biochemist, known for his studies of bromelain has shown that Morinda contains 800 times more enzymes than the pineapple. From this was isolated proenzyme Proxeronine regulating numerous physiological functions. Morinda increases the body's natural defenses.

Beauty and young barley juice

Juice freshly shoots of barley - a concentrate of nutrients created by nature itself. These include 60 minerals and trace elements, vitamins, 80 enzymes, amino acids, including 8 essential, chlorophyll ... These data were obtained by Dr. Hagiwara, a Japanese researcher who conducted experiments on 200 plants.

The juice of young shoots of barley is a wonderful source of antioxidants - superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, selenium, vitamins A, C, E, glikozilizoviteksina, lyutonarina, soapwort - slows down the aging of cells.

Moreover, juice of barley:

• helps to restore the acid-alkaline balance, bringing the body minerals, buffering system of blood;

• has a detox effect by being a part of chlorophyll;

• Regular use improves the status of all systems of the body, and as a result, the skin condition;

• has deodorizing properties and helps fight body odor and mouth;

• normalizes the process of digestion, digestion and excretion of food, improves the functioning of the stomach, pancreas and intestines.

Modern food determined by the state of agriculture, aimed at increasing productivity, industrial process refining, freezing or cooking products - it leads to the impoverishment of food and reduce its content of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Juice green shoots of barley - a natural concentrate of antioxidants, slowing the aging of cells.

Even if you are for a few years to supplement their food rations and "bio" -dobavkami, you can still experience a shortage of certain substances.

Today, many do not get enough vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes. People who eat what is grown themselves, are becoming increasingly rare. In contrast, the number of those who regularly eats fast food eateries and restaurants, is growing exponentially.

And think of the elderly with the "bird" appetite, which often suffer from a lack microfood. We should not forget also about the athletes and hyperactive people experiencing increased demand for microfood.

Papaya fermented

Papaya, fermented with the use of high technology became widely known after the famous Professor Luc Montagnier recommended it to Pope John Paul II. The Pope suffered from Parkinson's disease, and suddenly, her symptoms for several months have been much weaker.

What was the reason? According to the press, the Pope took the fermented papaya on the advice of Professor Luc Montagnier. Professor Sam confirms that it is recommended that means John Paul II, but can not say for sure whether the Pope followed his advice: All information on the treatment of the pontiff kept secret! The ability to slow down the aging of papaya caused her immunoukreplyayuschimi properties.

Researcher "natural" products

Professor Luc Montagnier is known primarily for his research and the discovery of the AIDS immunodeficiency virus.

The theme of AIDS has led the professor to the study of medicinal properties of papaya. The fact that the scientist was trying to find natural products that can help patients with immunodeficiency virus, which first of all need antioxidants.

Antioxidants - health factors and prevention of aging - may have different origins. Some come from food or dietary supplements (selenium, vitamins A, C and E), while others are produced by the body - are enzymes, the most important of which are glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase.

These chemicals are struggling with the oxidation of cells, causing aging, as well as the characteristic of AIDS or suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and so forth.

Recommendations Professor Montagnier

Professor Montagnier claims that dietary supplements with antioxidants are better than any medicine. He turned his attention to the fermented papaya because according to many studies it is able to stimulate the production of antioxidants - famous glutathione peroxidase and SOD (superoxide dismutase) - by the body.

This professor is based on the results of several dozen studies on the use of papaya fermented with the use of high technology in various fields: kantserologii, gastroenterology, immunology ... and in Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson's disease

The fermented papaya has proved its effectiveness in the fight against aging, but the fame gained in connection with the treatment of Parkinson's disease. How can we explain such an action papaya? Professor Montagnier himself admits that a clear answer to this question does not have.

Perhaps it comes to stimulating the production of antioxidants by the body and the impact on neurotransmission. Currently, research is being conducted to help understand the mechanism of action of this wonderful product, perfectly complements the traditional treatment.

Already, it is safe to argue that the anti-age effect of papaya caused by the strengthening of the immune defense of the body and its ability to resist external and internal aggression.
