Products that help to preserve youthfulness


How useful products can help you keep the youth.

Tomatoes, tomato sauce, ketchup, salsa

Lycopene - the pigment that gives tomatoes red, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease,

some cancers, macular degeneration (causing blindness in people aged 55 years and older). Lycopene is best absorbed from termicheskiobrabotannyh products, however, and fresh tomatoes should not be neglected. Furthermore the lycopene, tomatoes contain antioxidants. Similar properties are: pink grapefruit, guava, watermelon, hot red pepper.

Carrots, sweet potatoes (yams) pumpkin

Use daily min. 220 gr. orange fruits and vegetables gives opportunity to obtain the necessary amount of beta-carotene, which subsequently converted into vitamin A, necessary for healthy skin and eyes. Vitamin A reduces the risk of certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis.

Lutein and lycopene are also found in orange fruits and vegetables. In addition to the above properties (see paragraph 1), these carotenoids protect the skin from the harmful effects of sun, prevent the formation of wrinkles. Contained in carrots falkarinol reduces the risk of cancer. Similar properties are: mango, and cantaloupe (cantaloupe).

Blueberries, red grapes

Anthocyanins, contained in these fruits dye is absorbed by the cell membranes of the brain, improves memory and cognitive abilities. Frozen Fruits do not lose their useful properties. They have similar properties: plums (fresh and dried), blackberries, red cabbage.

Broccoli and brussels sprouts

 Sulforaphane contained in cabbage, increases production enzymes that bring toxins from the body. The younger the broccoli, the higher the content sulforaphane. Before freezing broccoli and brussels sprouts are subjected balanshirovaniyu, so that element in them is much smaller. If you do not like broccoli, you can use a colored and white cabbage.

Oats, barley, legumes

The oats and barley contains soluble fiber that lower cholesterol and thereby prevent the development of cardiovascular disease. Due legumes, you can increase the amount of soluble fiber consumed, as well as folic acid and, controlling blood pressure, potassium.

The optimal number of 350 grams. leguminous week. In addition, they contain anthocyanins and quercetin with antioxidant properties. The darker the bean, the higher the content of these nutrients.

Spinach and collard greens (kale)

Use of spinach, cabbage and other leafy vegetables reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 11%. Due to the content in these vegetables, carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) decreases the possibility of developing age-related problems of the visual apparatus. It is recommended to use 350 gr. leafy vegetables per week. Frozen vegetables are also good as fresh.

Salmon, sardines, tuna

They contain omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Omega-3 help maintain the sharpness of thinking and prevent degradation of the mental apparatus.


Apples contain antioxidants, one of which is quercetin, prevents the development of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Do not forget that the greatest number of nutrients found in apple peel.

Low-calorie dairy products and soymilk

Yoghurt and milk products contain calcium and vitamin D, necessary for strong, healthy muscle and bone tissue. If you have lactose intolerance (milk sugar), then you can use, enriched with calcium and vitamin D soy milk.

It has been found that soy helps prevent the development of cancer cells and reduces menstrual symptoms, and 25 c. Soybean day reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Isoflavones contained in soybeans, reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Avocados and olives

Avocados and olives contain monounsaturated fatty acids. Recent studies have shown that these acids contribute to a better absorption of carotenoids: lycopene Tomato, beta-carotene from orange and lutein from leaf vegetables.

Olive oil, walnut and flaxseed

These vegetable oils helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (eg, carotenoids). Moreover, these oils are monounsaturated, which means with a predominance of the omega-3 omega-6 fatty acids.

Excess omega-6 increases the number of inflammatory processes in the body, while omega-3 possess anti-inflammatory functions. In sunflower and corn oil contains more omega-6 fatty acids.

Green tea

Catechins contains antioxidants to prevent the occurrence of heart disease. In addition, these elements reduce the risk of breast cancer by reducing circulating estrogen in women.

Condiments and spices

Recent studies have shown that eating half teaspoon seasoning or spices that contain antioxidants - ginger, oregano (Origanum), sage, mint, cloves, allspice, cinnamon - can prevent development of many chronic diseases.

However, among the spices released curcumin, since studies on animals have confirmed that it reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Shiatsu acupressure Anti-Wrinkle


In the East, believe that nature and man controls the energy that can both create and destroy. While harmony is not disturbed, the energy has a positive character and a person is healthy. But as soon as the energy circulation fails,

it becomes destructive - and the person subject to various ailments and diseases. According to Eastern philosophy, the energy moves the body through special channels, the number of which is 14.

These channels are arranged point, called "tsubo", where the energy can stagnate or weaken. To restore its movement, must be properly "work" with these same points.

Shiatsu - Acupressure Wrinkle available to all

It can help in a variety of cases: osteochondrosis and headaches, asthma and peptic ulcer disease. And, of course, with the help of elements of Shiatsu can relieve fatigue after a hard day's work, stimulate mental activity or to do a facial massage.

Anyone who has mastered sektretami shiatsu, can not worry about his health and mood - you can always give yourself  Image
 help ... with the help of their own hands. By the way, Shiatsu is perhaps the only one of all methods that do not require special medical knowledge.

Anyone who is going to learn and apply the massage, it is enough to follow the simple rules.

• Prerequisite application techniques Shiatsu - complete relaxation. If you feel the tension, better give up the session. The easiest way to relax in the supine position. The main thing - not standing.

• Held only on healthy skin areas, where there are no injuries, wounds or inflammation.

• Duration of exposure with one hand movement - from 5 to 7 seconds. The total duration of each point - no more than 2 minutes.

• To acupressure reached his goal, the point should be massaged to determine very precisely.

• Shiatsu-pressing is soft pad of your finger - as if they transferred the weight of the body. Be careful not to press reminded blow was not massaging or jerky. The impact should not cause discomfort.

• When the facial massage using three fingers: index, middle and ring. With the eyes of the entire work by hand.

• Hands, especially the hands and fingers, performing shiatsu should be heated, leather toes - clean nails should not be long.

• It is believed that the acupressure effect lasts for 24 hours after the treatment, although it may be necessary to carry out, and 2-3 times a day.

• Do Shiatsu virtually no contraindications. Except in very severe condition associated with acute infectious diseases and cancer, massive damage to the skin, schizophrenia.

Massage for face

 Through our individual passes 8 meridians, which form a network that provides power to all parts of the head.

Shiatsu can influence the points that are responsible for muscle tone of the face and thus prevents the appearance of wrinkles, tightens oval face, eliminate enlarged pores.

Try to do a facial massage on a regular basis - every day. The best time for this - morning or evening, after you clean the skin. After the massage, you need to put your fingertips cream suitable for your skin type.

To shine in the eyes

Easy to apply pressure with your fingertips for about 3 seconds on the inner corners of the eyes. Repeat 3 times.

Against wrinkles on the forehead

While pushing the index and middle fingers of both hands, smooth forehead from the center to the temples for 30 seconds.

Against wrinkles around the mouth

Use your thumb and index finger massage the corners of the mouth from the bottom up within 30 seconds.

For the neck

The flip side of his left hand stroking the right side of the neck for 1 minute, then - the left side of the right palm.

For general health

Against insomnia

Knead earlobes between two fingers, as well as points located at a distance of 1 cm from the outer corners of the eyes. Reception - massage the middle and index fingers and thumb in small circles with a soft pressure.

From eye fatigue

Massage the base of the nose near the tear ducts.

From Back Pain

Click on a point in the middle of the crease behind the knee.

From sickness during menstruation

Massage the point in the middle of the forehead, three fingers above the eyebrows.

Express Shiatsu

With the help of these manipulations can increase the flow of blood to the head, lift weight, get rid of fatigue and lift mood. You must first press the four fingers (except the thumb) on the area of ​​the crown. Then ...

To relieve fatigue and stress

Pad of his thumb gently press on the right carotid artery, and then - to the left. While pushing to move from a point below the lower jaw gradually descend to the collarbone. Another option - to press on the little fingers point at the base of eyebrows, around the eyes.

To relieve tension in the neck

Press down on the whiskey with two fingers (index and middle). You start near the corners of the eyes, moving to the ear. Then, press on the back of the neck four fingers at a distance of 1-2 cm from the spine. Move closer to the head and down to the back.

To improve efficiency

Press four fingers on the neck muscles. Starting from the spine, gradually moving forward to the carotid artery. With his left hand massage the left side of the neck, right - right.

This complex is incredibly convenient because you can use it anytime, anywhere - even in the office during lunch break. Eastern wisdom keeps our youth even there!

Author: Xenia Uglanova
