Stealing youth and beauty, or for those who are over ...

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Stealing youth and beauty, or for those who are over ...
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"Stealing Beauty" - one of the masterpieces of Bertolucci: fading beauties among the young lovers of the gods and the girl, whose dream - quickly turn into a woman. All this against the background of the Florentine countryside - a picturesque villa, leisurely conversations, drunken laughter, tension

hidden passion: some leaving, while others - only awakening: In the movie, wilting as well as youth - is really more ruthless to age. New time has brought some pathological fashion for youth and painful perception of aging as a curse - says sexologist MD Leo SHCHEGLOV.

- The youth has now become an indispensable attribute of beauty, and generally every success. Youth - a symbol of prosperity and a bright future, a light attitude to life, good mood, physical health, fun music, pleasure, independence. The young man - one who has come all the mistakes and success.

He is not burdened with the responsibility for the wasted years and can afford to folly. And in this beautiful folly, completely natural and nothing to be ashamed of. The pursuit of the outgoing youth became an entire industry - firms producing anti-cellulite, wrinkles and obesity thrive.

- That is, the youth turned into a commodity, like beauty. And this product is now sold for money, and not, say, for the soul, like Oscar Wilde in the & lt; Picture of Dorian Gray & gt ;?

- Exactly. And the main consumers of this product, of course, those, & lt; people over: & gt; Men exchange one wife at two forty-five twentysomethings mistresses, and middle-aged ladies in search of thrills:

- It seems that the second appearance, in contrast to the first, became clear only recently?

- Modern Western society is largely characterized by mixing the usual clear socio-sexual roles. Once the male and female roles have emerged and formed as demanded by nature. Man get food, I fought the enemy and had to protect their women and their children.

A woman, no matter how cynical it sounds, has always been a cradle for carrying a next life. It must protect the child, which she and given a maternal instinct. The so-called paternal instinct, to be honest, is in serious doubt. Hence - and stereotypes. A man must have the will, to seek, to break.

The main advantage of women - femininity, gentleness, kindness, forgiveness, expectation. A classic example - Penelope. The vast majority of men are currently femininity in this way. These roles are honed for centuries. And suddenly - their performers, as they say, & lt; waved without looking & gt ;.

Men thingies and aggressive woman in a leather dress with rivets - traits of our time. On the one hand, a process that opens some horizons that allow you to jump out of the habitual zashtampovannost.

A man has a right to be gentle and cry in informal situations, and a woman - to be strong-willed to stand up for themselves. But when changes occur not in an evolutionary way, as a revolutionary, always there are problems:

- Big? - Judge for yourself. I know from practice that in some families the men were just broken new times and changes. It turned out that they are not able to shift to once again rise to the occasion. He was the lead engineer, was respected and suddenly - all lost, does not know how to be strong and not be.

In such pairs, women need, and maybe because of the nature, take control into their own hands. Every time you moved the tank, then I become the head of the family. By the way, in many families quarrels occur precisely because a weak man can not accept the fact that she is stronger than him.

- Further more. On the one hand, the family and lives only by women, on the other hand - a marriage on the verge of collapse. There is a conflict: a divorce, or drunkenness insane. These abrupt changes in many psychologically shoulder.

- Sometimes you have to deal with a fantastic situation. Just some Asiatic. Imagine what would have happened if the street some Asian capitals woman in leather jeans, drove to motorcycles. Women out there who do not even have the right to vote. I think that any of these women would be torn to pieces, either themselves fundamentalists - amazed bearded men - would be hanged because the foundation of their faith so brutally trampled.

- And what's the link between fashion for youth and the process of masculinization of women?

- These concepts I would put in the reverse order. Women began to try on the traditionally male clothing. By Type - buy a bond, buy a prostitute, buy a satellite. All we seek is usually buy what is considered to be of high quality. And in today's market are valued youth and youth in particular. The whole style of the modern world - youth.

If there is a woman aged in society that values ​​youth and beauty, it must be something to compensate for its ugliness - well, her husband is rich, the right man, successful, but it is not suitable for a love story. For a novel need, that she was forty-five, and he was thirty.

And he - with accentuated signs of attention and love in his eyes - beautiful, machoobrazny. There are, of course, true feelings between the old ladies and young people. Love is known to be evil: There is another aspect of the problem. If next to me pretty and younger, - increases the value of my own.

If I leave on & lt; Zhiguli & gt; - It is a story, and if & lt; Audi & gt; the latest model - completely different. I become a different person in the eyes of others and their own.

- What does this have to do with sex?

- Min. It is well known that women's sexual needs requires a much greater emotional involvement than men. Men's sexuality is more physiological, and the women - mostly psychological. So, to say that forty-five & lt; sinks & gt; on thirty years in the name of physiology wrong.

Just have an emotional need, which is more important for women. However, judging by the fact that at the moment there are not many men who are physical standards are allowed to be prostitutes, male prostitution - not a mass phenomenon.

- What, in your opinion, should experience a woman who uses the & lt; item & gt ;?

Prev. - Next. "

How to return the skin freshness and elasticity


Buying nice clothes for the summer, we see a huge mirror in the dressing room that our skin early in the summer, too, needs to be updated.

Buy a new skin can not, so you need to restore your own skin its freshness, elasticity, youth!

But to fulfill this desire, it will have to invest their labor and some funds. You are ready?

We start with a little exercise in the name of beauty: have to clean, tone, moisturize the skin and model.

But in response to your skin will find its freshness and will be prepared for the sun and fresh air. Rétinol, polymers, vitamins, hormones, or fruit acids - all of these cosmetics is only one leitmotif: you do for a beautiful summer.

Taking advantage of their active ingredients to re-open its beauty and youth. Why do I need to clean the skin? It is sometimes said that frequent cleansing the skin dries and ages her.

First, a well-cleaned skin gives a feeling of freshness and comfort.

Secondly, our skin must constantly resist external influences, a lot of impurities accumulated on our face, and the protective lipid layer "overloaded".

Cosmetic cleansing products consist of preparatory means intended for removing dust, dead cells, sweat, sebum and traces of makeup, as well as all the impurities that "settle" over the entire area of ​​the skin.

Cleaning substances today almost all are designed to keep the skin pH: supersonic fat soaps, liquid soaps, variety of dermatological bread, milk, gels and mousses for the soul - your choice primarily depends on your skin type, the structure and method of use of the products .

These funds are in everyday use will make their contribution to the important issue of return of freshness and elasticity of your skin.

Humidification - a mandatory step

But this stage - is good for cleansing the skin. It requires that its humidified as much as possible frequency. To paraphrase about porridge and butter: moisturizing the skin will not spoil, especially because there are now a variety of means to moisturize your skin:

Hydrating the film applied to the skin, it is made up of fat, which keep the skin moisture and prevent it from evaporating: the skin remains moist. Today, there were light emulsion-based liposomes or liquid crystals, their active principles to meet the specific needs of every skin type.

Between creams, retaining moisture day and night, emulsions which remove the gloss, fluids "anti-pollution" and micro-emulsions "anti-red", your choice is primarily depending on your skin type, the structure and method of using the products: Leather normal type loves cream with a light texture.

They do not need daily fatty components, to maintain its elasticity. Oily skin or mixed type liquid creams loves "oil in water" and emulsions that reduce shine of the skin.

The skin is dry and sensitive prefers emulsion "water in oil", rich in soothing assets and mainly - ceramides - fatty molecules able to retain water.

Do yourself a weekly mask!

Masks are cream, gel, powder, film, plaster or with clay. They are used on average once a week. Effective and pleasant to use, masks are designed to respond to the special need of every skin type.

This skin care to the maximum extent (at home): Cleansing mask rich destroying "scum" and absorbent products to remove impurities and dead cells.

Mask, normalizing activity of secretions, operates by absorption to restore the acid-base balance. Mask, retains moisture and restores the lipid layer due to its active ingredients, to retain moisture.

Firming Mask generates a vasodilatation, that stimulates and strengthens tissue. Polishing and remodeling mask gives a result similar to cosmetic surgery, thanks to its active tensor.
