Preserve youth that opt for plastic face: implants or fillers?
A person wishing to hold volumizing correction, in other words an increase in any part of the face, could not help wondering selection techniques - RAM or cosmetic? Unfortunately, patients may not own in a short time to make a choice between the fillers and implants, but to solve the problem experienced is not difficult.
The amount of necessary correction - the first thing to consider when choosing. Today is officially allowed to use exclusively encapsulated fillers, ie drugs enclosed in a silicone shell. The use of such fillers will not harm the patient's health.
Experts also advise to pay attention to the biocompatible agents - drugs, which include hyaluronic acid. The volume injected under the skin of the drug, for example, in the case of lip augmentation, should not exceed 1 ml. If this is not possible, in this case it is necessary to resort to the use of implants. It happens that doctors use encapsulated spies. In most cases, the result of the use of these drugs is the development of aseptic inflammation, subcutaneous gel shift to another area of infection hits. These negative effects lead to unaesthetic shape changes "adjusted" part of the face and creates the preconditions for the removal of the drug surgically.
Especially dangerous for the patient's health situation, in which, together with fillers in the body have been brought microbes - activators of purulent processes.
Unfortunately, in such cases, a person expects several operations, since the removal of a large volume of tissue for drug intervention impossible one. In addition, the treatment will be accompanied by a long course of antibiotics, painful dressings and many unpleasant things that will have a devastating effect on the health. Unfortunately, in the event of such problems, many patients do not know who to contact for help.
The reason is that administration of drugs is often performed on an outpatient basis, without giving the patient the supporting documents that could form the basis for the proceedings. This negative fact is another proof of the dangers of such procedures. Sometimes, instead of high-quality drugs to patients who came for the beauty of the injected liquid paraffin.
Such negligence is guaranteed resulting in extensive fat necrosis
tissue. Despite the fact that such blatant disregard medical check drugs is not common, the number of complications after injection under the skin increase the amount of funds, increasing day by day. Therefore, people who want to adjust the shape of the cheekbones and nose, enlarge lips or change the shape of the face, you need to be measured so that the path to perfection has to take place exclusively through the operating room, in which an experienced and qualified surgeon in a sterile environment efficiently and with minimal risk of adverse effects will the necessary correction. Importantly, the formulation of the implants by many criteria more efficient and safer use of fillers.
A great number of articles about plastic surgery online Incidentally, action! Endoscopic midface lift for half price!
How to keep skin young: fight wrinkles
Beauty Recipes. You can save the appeal without resorting to cosmetic means. The main thing - the overall well-being women, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition. Just then the woman will look good, but her skin will be fresh and smooth.
First of all, try to avoid a large number of sweet, fatty, spicy food, spicy seasonings.
Include in the diet of foods containing vitamins A, B, C - they play an important role in regulating the function of the skin and skin glands, pigmentation and hair growth. So, in your menu should be fruit juice, carrots, apples, pumpkins, vegetable oil, cabbage, very helpful lemons and broth hips.
Condition skin complexion largely depends on whether you're sleeping enough, whether there are in the fresh air. However, it is as equally affects the condition of the hair. No matter what your hair - oily or dry - will be useful for scalp massage. It improves blood circulation, normalizes the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands, strengthens hair growth.
Massage can be done with fingers, but better than a special brush. Try every night, combing hair, massage your skin at least 5 minutes. This procedure makes the hair elastic and shiny.
Fighting wrinkles
Why there are wrinkles? Basically, not because of the experience. In most cases this results from the formation of the surface layers of the skin folds.
The skin loses its elasticity under exposure to sunlight, facial muscles weaken, "charter" from a busy facial expressions. First wrinkles on the forehead can sometimes appear as early as age 30.
Quite often wrinkles appear and the young people. Usually it is a consequence of some bad habits: often frowns, squint, grimace. Women who used to sleep on a high pillow, when the head is a long time pressed to his chest, wrinkles on the neck and chin.
The appearance of wrinkles can be delayed through proper skin care. And even if they already have regular maintenance allows more correct.
One of the simplest and most common methods - the daily tapping of the skin with your fingertips for 5 minutes.
The procedure improves blood circulation and makes the skin more elastic. That prevents further wrinkle formation. Sometimes, therefore, it is possible to get rid of early wrinkles.
"Fighting" with lined, observe the correct order of life. It is also right prosthesis lost teeth because it prevents the retraction of the cheeks.
How to keep skin young
1. Prolonged diet, desire to lose weight often leads to premature aging of the skin. With decreasing calories while most diets restrict most of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids necessary to maintain the skin in a healthy, normal state.
2. It is necessary to determine the optimal you weight and then maintain it at any age. This is a prerequisite.
3. Regular exercise. Physical activity makes skin a healthier, with fewer wrinkles, give it a better tone.
4. Do not make a face. Grimaces reinforce the emerging wrinkles. Get used to take care of yourself: you do not lower corners of her mouth, not whether clenches her lips.
5. Clean your skin. To have a good, thoroughly clean the skin, you should use a mask for its cleansing from dead cells. This mask is used 1 every 2-3 weeks.
6. Use a hydrating mask. Nourishing Mask improves blood circulation and nutrition of the skin, tightens pores.
7. "Superkosmetika." Women 40 years or more, we recommend using the following "superkosmeticheskimi" tools that will keep them healthy skin:
- Vitamin A - it helps "podkarmlivaniya" cells, its absence makes the skin dry, rough;
- B vitamins they protect the skin from cracking and flaking;
- Vitamin C. It restores the skin is essential for the production of collagen, which gives skin elasticity;
- Vitamin E protects skin from oxidation, promotes more rapid healing of wounds.
- Water. We say that the skin is fed vitamins. But do not forget the best "friend" of the epidermis - the water. Drink at least 5-6 cups a day. Water will dissolve toxins (poisonous substances which form the trace elements), will be conducive to their conclusion through skin.
8. Keep track of your blood circulation. One of the effective ways to improve your blood circulation - body rub to do it before the bath dry sponge made of natural material. Thoroughly rub the whole body, including the breasts.
Homemade facial skin rejuvenation accessible to everyone
Table of contents
Homemade facial skin rejuvenation accessible to everyone
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In this article, we are not talking about plastic surgery, not on expensive laser, meso, and phototherapy, and about home skin rejuvenation methods available to each of us. The French claim that using them can be "reset" to the person at least 10 years.
All that is required to implement them - the desire to rejuvenate, internal discipline and 10-15 minutes of time every day. Yes, it is every day, because just as our bodies need food every day for normal functioning, and our aging require daily application of techniques of blocking it.
Absences due to what some very important or quite trifling reasons will lead to the fact that our system is aging unresponsive used to it and will continue to impact our age, if we do nothing.
So, without exception, home skin rejuvenation techniques have to perform every day. Time to implement them is not so important, but it's better to be constant. For example, in the evening, or only in the afternoon. Why is that? Because our bodies every systematic action produces a conditioned reflex, helps ensure the greatest efficiency.
Place for their implementation is also not so important. This can be a bedroom, and a kitchen, and a corner garden. But again, it is desirable that it also be constant. Why is that? Because our system is aging is not autonomous, it is closely connected with absolutely all systems of the body, and above all nervous.
With this easy to agree, thinking that a nervous, irritable, tired man always looks less attractive and seem older than his years. If we choose to exercise a certain place, and even to arrange it so that his appearance caused us positive emotions, our nervous system is on a subconscious level to help block the aging system.
Now our desire home skin rejuvenation.
It is largely based on the belief in what we do, and confidence in achieving results. If there is no faith that the efforts will help achieve the desired, there is no incentive in the application of these efforts.
What could cause a person to believe something?
First, your own eyes exactly what they see. That is, if we see at least some changes, we begin a more active efforts. That's right, and are bound to be changes, but we need time. How many? From week to a month. Each differently, depending on the state of all systems of the body at the start of rejuvenating rate.
Secondly, the experience of others, those who have already received the results. These hundreds of thousands of other women in America and Europe, but all in a short article is impossible to tell.
This method of rejuvenation is based on the basic concepts, and therefore may seem inefficient. But as they say, all genius is simple. The best way to check - try for yourself.
Start rejuvenation needed to lifestyle.
It may seem incredible, but that it affects premature aging. Our whole life is in turmoil. In the morning, I jumped up and down - breakfast to her husband, raising kids in kindergarten-school cram into a minibus or-press on the gas pedal their cars to catch anywhere, will not be late. In the evening we came home from work, squeezed like a lemon, and again - dinner, cleaning, cooking, postirushku as not to fall down on the bed and fall asleep to the morning get up and start all over again.
In countries where the vast majority of centenarians live differently. For example, in Spain or Greece. There's even a Flood spill, but naps have to be. Give yourself the opportunity to at least thirty minutes perekimarit, not to mention the full two-hour sleep from 13-00 to 15-00 fully restore all the functions of our body, adding strength to fight him, and with stress and nerves, and aging.
So, the first thing it is necessary for myself to do - to find at least half an hour for an afternoon nap. And if you can not sleep, at least just to lie, sit, relax, and nothing thinking.
The second most important criterion for maintaining youth - our food.
Has already been mentioned-negotiation but still avoid the issue can not be food. Special diet or special food to maintain his youth there. However, in the East for this drink fresh blood of snakes and eat insects which contain a huge amount of protein, but I think eating caterpillars, spiders and cockroaches even the most desperate beauty wants to look young and beautiful, does not want to.