The procedures for rejuvenation, facial laser resurfacing

 The procedures for rejuvenation

One of the most effective procedures for rejuvenation - face laser skin resurfacing. It helps to remove old skin layers, resulting in the skin is completely updated, new elastic fibers, scar tissue is removed, removed wrinkles, increases elasticity, improves appearance.

The essence of the procedure for facial rejuvenation

The process is based on the use of a laser beam. It is able to penetrate into the uppermost layers of the skin and has the effect of ablation, ie. E. Evaporation of various tissues. Once removed the old layers, begins the process of renewal, the skin is updated.

Currently, cosmetologists can use two types of laser devices for rejuvenation - karbondioksidnye and erbium. Rays aerbievyh devices penetrate the thinnest layer of the skin (less than 1 micron). In the second rays can affect the size of the layer to 20 microns.

Erbium setting most often used exclusively to achieve the effect of ablation. But if you are using the newest machine, it can also begin the process of tissue coagulation. Koryuondioksidnye devices enable us to obtain a more powerful cell regeneration.

For this reason and for the rejuvenation effect after its application more visible. But the chance of complications is much higher. Erbium equipment works more accurately, resulting in patients is rarely appear scars and dark spots on the skin.

When to perform surfaces with the help of a laser?

Excellent results can be achieved sanding using a laser in a situation of photoaging of the skin. This process represents the increase in the upper layers of the skin, reducing the amount of liquid within it under the influence of sunlight. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear. Surfaces with the help of laser makes it possible to neutralize this kind of manifestation.

Furthermore, this process is used to remove traces and acne scars. Laser beams over and over again to help clean up the connective tissue cells. Skin becomes much softer irregularities decrease significantly and become nearly invisible.

Possible complications after grinding face

If the grinding process is carried out in a poor person, for example, beauticians could not correctly calculate the force of the laser beam, on the skin may appear hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation. In addition there is a chance to get a little scarring.

Quite rare, but still possible complications in the form of infection, as in some situations it may be activated earlier asleep infectious process. To avoid possible complications, it is necessary for 14 days after the procedure to protect the skin from the effects of the sun's rays.

When results are noticeable rejuvenation?

Preliminary results shlifovki consider laser may be approximately 10 days after the end of the process. It is through such a period of time there is a restoration of the skin, redness goes away. But, most often, only one session is not enough to completely get rid of the problem.

Often the cost to perform the whole course of such procedures for the face, which is made up of five to ten sessions. For this reason, to judge the effect of this procedure for skin rejuvenation will be about four months.

The methods of rejuvenation at home

 Rejuvenation Home

Every woman wants to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. What's there? Always! There are many ways to maintain youth and beauty, such as various cosmetics, plastic surgery, sports and more.

In this article you will learn about skin care and rejuvenation at home. Home remedies are not inferior to purchase cosmetics. And sometimes, even surpass it to be effective. In particular, they consist of a good, natural, natural ingredients, and of course are safe for the skin.

Rejuvenation of the body and the body at home

For rejuvenation great variety of beverages from natural ingredients.

Rejuvenating Balm of wine and garlic

Rejuvenating balm of fine wine and garlic helps to rejuvenate the skin. It not only makes the skin young and fresh, but also beneficial effects on the reproductive system and reproductive functions of women.

It is very effective and cook it at home quite easily. Take a clove of garlic, peel, pour 200 ml of good white wine and simmer for about half an hour. Then cool the liquid and pour it into a separate container with garlic. Balsam need to drink three days, then take a break for a week. The course is repeated s times. Drink one Çayönü spoon three times a day for 20 minutes before eating.

Wine with lavender and sage

This recipe is a preventive and helps fight the approaching old age. According to the popular recipe, we should take 20 grams of dry leaves lavender and sage, add a liter of dry red wine and put in a cool place, protected from light. Two weeks infusion to shake, and then drain. This wine should drink 50 grams twice a day for half an hour before meals.

Tea made from the leaves of wild strawberry, raspberry and rose hips

This is a great way to rejuvenate the body home. This tea activates the secretion of the hormone estrogen in the body, and this hormone has beneficial effects on the woman's appearance: promotes blood flow, affects the production of collagen and gives the skin dry.

Just to save young great help to various baths. Skin rejuvenation help bran. Required to take two kilos of bran, pour the five liters of water and boil for a few minutes. Strain the liquid and pour into a bath of warm water. After a bath the skin becomes soft, supple and youthful.

A good remedy for skin renewal is a mask of almond oil. It beat almond oil whisk or spoon to saturate it with oxygen. Oil should be applied to the body after taking baths.

Rejuvenation of the skin and hair

Facial skin also needs care. There are many recipes for masks, which help restore metabolic processes and maintain youthful skin. They are easy to prepare at home.

• Whisk the egg yolk with one tablespoon of olive oil, add a few drops of lemon juice and a spoonful of honey. Apply the mask should be massaged. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

• One egg white, beat with one teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of flour. Apply the mask on clean skin. Leave on for twenty-five minutes and rinse with running water.

• To prepare a banana facial mask, grab a banana and rub it into mush. Add one teaspoon of milk and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply on face for thirty minutes. After that, rinse with warm running water.

• Mix the egg white and one teaspoon of cream, add one teaspoon of natural honey. Mix well and apply evenly on cleansed face. Hold the mask for fifteen minutes and then rinse with warm boiled water. The hair also require special care. For them, as there are a variety of masks.

• egg hair mask nourishes the hair and gives it shine. Whisk two egg yolks with a glass of water and apply on the hair for an hour. Rinse with water. As for the best effect, you can prepare a mask, two egg yolks, whisk, add a spoon burdock oil, a spoonful of vitamin E and vitamin A spoonful Apply on hair for thirty minutes, rinse.

• Just have a good effect of various oils, such as burdock, castor, rosemary and nettle. Should rub oil into the hair roots and leave for an hour - a half, then rinse shampoo.

These simple tips and techniques of rejuvenation will help you make at home skin more elastic, beautiful and fresh. Of course it will not take years, however, help to look younger longer.

Homemade facial skin rejuvenation accessible to everyone

Table of contents
Homemade facial skin rejuvenation accessible to everyone
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In this article, we are not talking about plastic surgery, not on expensive laser, meso, and phototherapy, and about home skin rejuvenation methods available to each of us. The French claim that using them can be "reset" to the person at least 10 years.

All that is required to implement them - the desire to rejuvenate, internal discipline and 10-15 minutes of time every day. Yes, it is every day, because just as our bodies need food every day for normal functioning, and our aging require daily application of techniques of blocking it.

Absences due to what some very important or quite trifling reasons will lead to the fact that our system is aging unresponsive used to it and will continue to impact our age, if we do nothing.

So, without exception, home skin rejuvenation techniques have to perform every day. Time to implement them is not so important, but it's better to be constant. For example, in the evening, or only in the afternoon. Why is that? Because our bodies every systematic action produces a conditioned reflex, helps ensure the greatest efficiency.

Place for their implementation is also not so important. This can be a bedroom, and a kitchen, and a corner garden. But again, it is desirable that it also be constant. Why is that? Because our system is aging is not autonomous, it is closely connected with absolutely all systems of the body, and above all nervous.

With this easy to agree, thinking that a nervous, irritable, tired man always looks less attractive and seem older than his years. If we choose to exercise a certain place, and even to arrange it so that his appearance caused us positive emotions, our nervous system is on a subconscious level to help block the aging system.

Now our desire home skin rejuvenation.

It is largely based on the belief in what we do, and confidence in achieving results. If there is no faith that the efforts will help achieve the desired, there is no incentive in the application of these efforts.

What could cause a person to believe something?

First, your own eyes exactly what they see. That is, if we see at least some changes, we begin a more active efforts. That's right, and are bound to be changes, but we need time. How many? From week to a month. Each differently, depending on the state of all systems of the body at the start of rejuvenating rate.

Secondly, the experience of others, those who have already received the results. These hundreds of thousands of other women in America and Europe, but all in a short article is impossible to tell.

This method of rejuvenation is based on the basic concepts, and therefore may seem inefficient. But as they say, all genius is simple. The best way to check - try for yourself.

Start rejuvenation needed to lifestyle.

It may seem incredible, but that it affects premature aging. Our whole life is in turmoil. In the morning, I jumped up and down - breakfast to her husband, raising kids in kindergarten-school cram into a minibus or-press on the gas pedal their cars to catch anywhere, will not be late. In the evening we came home from work, squeezed like a lemon, and again - dinner, cleaning, cooking, postirushku as not to fall down on the bed and fall asleep to the morning get up and start all over again.

In countries where the vast majority of centenarians live differently. For example, in Spain or Greece. There's even a Flood spill, but naps have to be. Give yourself the opportunity to at least thirty minutes perekimarit, not to mention the full two-hour sleep from 13-00 to 15-00 fully restore all the functions of our body, adding strength to fight him, and with stress and nerves, and aging.

So, the first thing it is necessary for myself to do - to find at least half an hour for an afternoon nap. And if you can not sleep, at least just to lie, sit, relax, and nothing thinking.

The second most important criterion for maintaining youth - our food.

Has already been mentioned-negotiation but still avoid the issue can not be food. Special diet or special food to maintain his youth there. However, in the East for this drink fresh blood of snakes and eat insects which contain a huge amount of protein, but I think eating caterpillars, spiders and cockroaches even the most desperate beauty wants to look young and beautiful, does not want to.

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