Program How to save and prolong youth

 Youth Program

In many cases, how long will your youth, it depends on you personally. If you want to prolong and preserve youth, to live happily ever after, then listen to the simple rules.

Give up bad habits

No wonderful recipe for eternal youth will not give the desired results if you smoke. This "fad" you steal from yourself, at least ten years. Various bad habits (smoking, alcohol) provoked, in the end, a number of serious diseases that can reduce you to not only youth, but also life.


Each of us has a tendency to a particular chronic disease. Cold, stress and exhaustion provoked by the action of pathogens. Freed from frequent colds, the body will have more strength to fight aging. The surest way to recovery - is hardening. But do it slowly and gradually, like a douche, preferably twice a day.

After these water treatments you will experience improved health. Action cold water leads to vasoconstriction of the skin, where about a third of the whole human blood. Blood like "flows" into the internal organs and the brain, which improves access to nutrients. As a result, you will feel the vivacity and lifting forces.

Move to keep youth

The shortest way to premature aging - a lack of exercise. A good walk - three kilometers a day - gives a good result. Do exercises each morning.

Listen to yourself

Listening to your body, you can see that is right for you: hiking, skiing or swimming in the hole. The main thing that fitness classes bring you joy, otherwise they will be meaningless.

Take adopted the motto: aching - pain. Stay at home with a cold for several days. Do not take the tablets if you can do traditional methods. And you want to lie down - lie down.

Inner harmony

You are not guinea pig, love yourself, do not experiment with your organizmom.Vse newfangled diet of food, fasting, cleansing basically have violence on the body, it can give unpredictable results. It is best to fast. And remember that with proper nutrition the body is able to cleanse itself.

Moderation in food

Want to lose weight - go to the gym or pool. Maintain a stable weight is not exotic diets and physical activity. Consume salt in moderation - two grams a day. Do not give up red meat, because it contains trace elements.

Closer to 45godam in your menu should prevail fish and dairy products. Eat organic foods and drink clean water. Clean water through a filter or use only purified drinking water. Wash and cook food only in clean water.

All of the rules are very simple and known to all, but, unfortunately, rarely anyone fully implemented. There is a lack of strong-willed features. At the same time, they all want as long as possible to preserve youthfulness.

Obviously, the secret of eternal youth cut out is the ability to combine the desirable with the possible. Persevere, go to the end and keep the youth as long as possible.

Rejuvenating mask recipes for the face and body in the home

 Face masks

Cosmetics made at home, is more effective than cosmetics, which is sold in specialized cosmetic stores. Unlike modern anti-aging cosmetic products, cosmetics, home-made, contains a large number of useful components that make skin fresh and beautiful.

Some of these recipes are preserved, and have been applied in our day. These recipes are not difficult, but very effective, and most importantly they can be easily made at home.

A quick and effective way to bring the person in the order is the use of various masks at home. For smoothing wrinkles perfect honey mask.

Recipe for honey mask

We need to take one teaspoon of honey, one egg white, two tablespoons of yogurt or sour cream, and two drops of lavender oil. It should all mix and apply on face and fifteen minutes wash off the mask with warm water and apply on face moisturizer krem.Esli the skin of the face is dry and can be withering yolk mask. With a face mask will be fresh, blood circulation is improved and the pores narrowed.

Yolk mask

It is necessary to mix one egg yolk with one teaspoon of oatmeal. Apply on face for fifteen minutes, and then make the contrast washing.

Anti-aging mask for the eyes, eyelids home

The constant care also needs the skin around the eyes, so is it reveals the biological age of the woman. Caring for the skin around the eyes should be very delicately, because in this area it is very thin. In order to remove bags under the eyes and eyelids to give a fresh look should periodically make a mask of parsley.

It is necessary to mix two teaspoons of sour cream with a teaspoon of chopped parsley finely. Then the mass is well grind to a pulp and apply to eyelids for twenty minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Rejuvenation of the neck at home

The true age of the woman able to give the neck and chest, so they need daily care. To the neck was always a beautiful day it is necessary to massage and gymnastics. As the aging of the skin in the neck and neck perfectly cope potato mask.

Recipe potato mask for neck

In a small bowl, mash with boiled potatoes need to add a little carrot juice. The resulting mass should be applied to the neck and wrap a scarf. Fifteen minutes later all wash off with warm water.

Recipe rejuvenating bath body

It should take two kilograms of wheat or rye bran, boil them in five liters of water. Then give a little cool, squeeze. Get a lot to add to the bath.

This should take a bath once a week.

Scientists have invented a pill to save youth

 preserve youth

Scientists have created a pill that they think enough to take 1 per day, in order to avoid wrinkles.

These tablets new super tool to prolong youthful skin.

Great tablets for preserving youth called Inneov Fermete developed by Nestle Food in general, cooperation with the world's most famous cosmetics company L'Oreal.

An important matter in them is lycopene, which is available in the pulp of the tomato. This component, according to the companies, promotes cell renewal and protects skin cells from the old changes.

Useful red pills they recently went on sale in several countries in Europe and South America.

Employees invented lycopene in the dosage form, which contributes to its good mastering, and subsequently entered into a means of vitamin C and isoflavones - very useful for the organism substances found in soybeans.

The three main components are powerful antioxidants, due to this, according to scientists, they can extend the youth of the skin and protect the skin from aging.

Researchers organized clinical trials in the 2 groups of women. In group 1 were 90 women aged 51 - 68 years old who have already ended menopause. In the second group there were 70 younger women, whose average age is 46 years.

These two groups of women were divided into two parts: one group received new tablets to save the youth, another group of women were given a placebo.

After 6 months, those who took the pill, the rate of elasticity of the skin become more at 8, 9%.

One drawback of the modern product for young skin - is its cost.

1 pack of super funds, which is designed for ten days of receiving a price of 25 pounds, or about 28 euros.

And according to experts, in order to have an effective result and preserve youth, super pills need to drink at least three months.
