Self-lifting, how to get rid of wrinkles, youth Face Secrets


How can I get rid of wrinkles, the secrets of youth and beauty of the face. Self-lifting.

Say what you will, but you can stop the passage of time. At least for myself. And without drastic measures. Without exhausting diets. The beginning of the action of "The Makropulos Affair", you can

clearly defined ... by his own youthful face. And, of course, give praise to the author's unique facial gymnastics Camilla Voler, which states that due to its method of "self-lifting" you will be ten weeks under the age of 10 years and get rid of wrinkles.

Let us explain: "self-lifting" - natural and simple exercises for the face, but if you do the exercises regularly, it improves blood flow to the connective tissue collagen in the lower layer of the skin. And because the cells is much better supplied with oxygen and nutrients to the muscles is filled with force.

The original and simple method of facial rejuvenation Camilla Voler absolutely safe, suitable for women of any age. And, most importantly, very effective.

Even if you are not flabby muscles of the face and the skin under the chin has not "hang out", you should know that the earlier start to "pump up" the person, the longer retain youthful oval.

Important to know: "self-lifting" consists of three interrelated elements required: alone exercise, special creams and special capsule curative effects. The main thing, of course - exercise, which we describe in detail.

But first a few tips:

The sooner you start to engage in "self-lifting", the better. This will keep the skin elasticity. But if the wrinkles and other signs of aging sad already appeared - do not despair. The method will help get rid of wrinkles. You will once again be "fresh catch" as many years ago.

Work on them under this system can not only women but also men. Even if at first difficult to properly perform an exercise, it is not scary. I assure you that in due course be able to develop their own rhythm and everything goes like clockwork.

First, within two months engaged in self-lifting every day. And if the desired effect is achieved - just five minutes three times a week.

Before performing exercises certainly "preheat" person: lubricate it with cosmetic oil (or fat cream) and lightly tap your fingertips on the forehead, chin, cheeks.

Self-lifting, how to get rid of wrinkles

A set of exercises for the neck


Cross your arms in the face: the palm of the right hand should be on the left cheek, the palm of the left - on the right. Lightly tap on the cheeks. Then move on to the neck, making tapping from the bottom up in one minute.


Pull out the lower jaw forward slightly while lifting the chin. Gradually increase the voltage by using the power of the muscles of the neck and chin. Count to five, you can relax. The exercise should be 5-15 times (gradually increase the load!)

"An Apple"

Lift up your head, open mouth, as if you want to bite the apple hanging on a branch, gently bring tension of the neck muscles to the limit. In such a situation should be five seconds. With proper training you will soon easy to repeat it fifteen times in a row.

"The Lion"

Stick out your tongue and fingers touch the corners of the mouth. Increase the tension of the neck muscles to the limit, count to five and then relax the muscles. During the day, repeat this exercise 3-10 times.


Sit down. Turn your head to the left (arms do not move). Force up to the limit of the muscle tension, stand still for five seconds and then relax. On the day to do this exercise 3-6 times in each direction.

Finally - firming massage for every day. Massage with gentle circular movements of the right hand the left side of the neck from the bottom up. Then similarly left hand massage the right side of the neck.

A set of exercises for the chin


Lower lip. To the corners of the mouth did not fall, keep their fingers. Leverage, as far as possible, the chin muscle tension and relax in five seconds. Exercise should be repeated 5-12 times a day.


Extend the lower lip on the chin (with the fingers attached to the corners of the mouth). Extremely tense muscles of the chin. Counted to five, they can relax. It should again be repeated 5-10 times all in a row.


Push the back of the outstretched fingers of the right hand to the chin. In this position, try to open your mouth. Increase tension of muscles of the chin, count to five and relax your muscles. Repeat 5-10 times.

Now, massage, to help put in order not only to his chin, and lips.

Put the two forefingers into the middle of the chin. Semi-circular massage movements move them towards the corners of the mouth.

Lip Exercises

Say the sound of "O", strongly roundly lips. Tighten your lips. After five seconds, relax them. Repeat 5-10 times.


Press lips to the teeth. Turn up the voltage of the labial muscles. Count to five, relax your lips. Repeat 5-8 times.

"The Kiss"

Pull the lips as if to kiss. Carefully tighten the muscles of the lips to the limit. Count to five and relax. Repeat 5-8 times.


Loudly sound "U" (every effort should be!) Slowly tighten your lips to the limit. Relax them in five seconds. Repeat 5-8 times.

Try to perform these simple exercises self-lifting every day and in a week you will feel as increased muscle tone of your face.

And it means - you are on the way to the time when we will look younger!

Beauty and youth plastic surgery


Not all people like their appearance, especially in adolescence. Someone has a big nose, and someone just wants to be like a famous person. With age, there are other problems: our body is programmed to aging, sagging skin, wrinkles appear on the body, on the face - wrinkles.

Do I have to deal with all this and by what means, solves every man for himself individually.

Beauty and youth plastic surgery - "For" and "Against"

Not too pronounced defects in appearance are important only in his early youth, and then the lack of confidence. Over time, these deficiencies in the presence of a rich inner world can be transformed into a bright personality traits.

After all, if we take the example of the great actors, we see that, for example, Olivier one eye smaller than the other, as if squinting slightly, giving his view of the special appeal.

Great actress Anna Magnani was an attractive woman, while having a sharp and abnormal facial features.

Well, if the nose really great, and the ears protruded, if the wrinkles are preventing you from living a full life, then welcome to the plastic surgeon.

This surgery, which involves the movement of tissues and organs of the patient, or the substitution of special materials (implants).

After the quality of the operation effect of the change of appearance should not wear pronounced, in most cases it should not even be noticeable, just friends will see that you are prettier.

In the office of plastic surgeon

You calculated everything and knows what you want to change your appearance. But the fact that the plastic surgeon - is not just a surgeon, he is also an artist, he could not agree with what you want to do.

Fortunately, nowadays there are methods of computer simulation of the exterior, which will allow you to share with your doctor to choose the optimal variant of your future looks. Here, at the computer, you can see how the operation will be estimated.

Methods of

Plastic surgery may be performed in various ways, some held even without the surgeon's scalpel. For example, in the early stages of aging skin using the method of "golden thread" when injected under the skin filaments make it more resilient.

The skin also introduced a variety of substances, wrinkles, etc. These operations have a temporary effect, while the classical plastic surgery alter the appearance forever.

It may also be produced by pulling excess skin, fat removal through small incisions introducing implants into various parts of the body, etc.

Nowadays, plastic surgery often leads through several small incisions in the skin, which then do not leave traces (endoscopic surgery). But this method has its indications and contraindications, which knows only the plastic surgeon.

How to choose a plastic surgery clinic?

Plastic surgery - is another specialty that requires a long careful preparation is not just a physician and surgeon. Unfortunately, in our country it is not officially a specialty, which creates a lot of opportunities for providing substandard care.

Practitioners Surgery is sometimes taken to do plastic surgery, forgetting that they have no special training. The effects of such operations are sad. Even worse with the introduction of various drugs to wrinkles. People who do often do not even have a medical education, which is fraught with the most unpleasant consequences for your appearance.

Here the state has taken care of us. In accordance with the Law "On licensing of certain activities" medical activities subject to compulsory licensing. If the clinic has a license for medical activities, it already means that the clinic has all the necessary material and technical resources, equipment and training of doctors.

All this for you already checked the experts when issuing licenses. You only need to look at the application for a license, which indicates a particular medical specialty and operations authorized this particular clinic.


Remember, operating equipment, instruments, sutures, implants, plastic surgeons and preparation of techniques used today are the same anywhere in the world.

So go abroad and pay a lot of extra money for plastic surgery does not make sense. A good plastic surgery clinic can be selected and at home.

Galina Romanenko
