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The golden rule of rejuvenation and healing
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oxygenates the blood. Oxidants are also alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea, chocolate, and tobacco.
Does this mean that we should abandon the usual product? Not at all.
It should be a good understanding of what foods oxidize and which alkalify blood, and take care that the blood pH was kept in the normal range. Preference should be given to products that provide an alkaline reserve of blood.
Psychologists are advised to maintain sufficient alkaline reserve of blood to consume four times as much food with alkalizing effect than the acid-forming. It follows that our diet should consist of four fifths of alkalizing foods.
Known phytotherapeutist Jethro Kloss wrote: "The daily diet of a healthy person should contain at least 75-85% of alkalizing foods.
The diet of a person suffering from a disease, their share should be increased to 90%.
What products have alkalizing effect?
First of all, almost all raw vegetables and fruits even acid, such as citrus fruits and pineapples. Extremely beneficial effect on acid-base balance of the melon. Combat acidosis promotes eating green shoots of young plants, unpasteurized honey, herbal infusions, raw almonds, soy sauce, seaweed.
Recently, nutritionists advise to include a diet of more cereals and legumes. But in order for the body to get the most benefit from this, it is necessary to know how they affect the acid-alkaline balance.
Most legumes, as well as all cereals, except buckwheat and millet, with conventional cooking increased acidity of the blood. However, after soaking and sprouting all legumes and cereals have become the property of alkalizing effect. Eat them the best in their raw form as an addition to salads.
Presoaking facilitates digestion and increases the digestibility of nuts and seeds. Soaking helps to remove them from the shell substances that suppress the activity of enzymes. Similar processes occur in the germination of seeds. The appearance of the first sprouts indicates that the product was "alkaline".
Here are some practical tips to help avoid acidosis - "acidification" of the body.
Soak all cereals before cooking for 30 minutes. Then drain the water, and cook porridge with fresh water.
Bean is better to soak overnight. You can use the accelerated method: let them simmer for a minute, then leave and stand under the lid closed for an hour. After this, the water should be drained and Dowar beans in fresh water.
All seeds, grains and beans to prepare for cooking in advance. For this purpose they are soaked for one hour, then obsushivayut and stored in a dark place.
Every morning on an empty stomach eat fresh fruit. This will speed up the excretory processes occurring with particular intensity from four o'clock in the morning to twelve days. During this period of time the body has the greatest energy potential to remove excess acid from the cells.
Waking up in the morning, many notice bad breath and plaque on the tongue. At this time the body is in full swing work on the removal of toxic products of metabolism and excess fat. If at this time to eat fruit instead of scrambled eggs and bacon, and even with sausage, this will break the acid-alkaline balance in the body, and certainly will not, lose weight.
For this reason, a fruity breakfast leads to brilliant results. You can on their own experience make sure that fruit, eaten on an empty stomach, cleanse the digestive tract.
Every day, eating a large salad for lunch of raw vegetables, you increase your intake of alkaline foods to 45%.
Grated raw beets, carrots, sliced red and white cabbage, fennel, celery, onions and garlic should be sure to go into your menu.
If in addition you are drinking fresh juices and herbal teas prefer black tea and coffee, the consumption of alkaline foods may reach 55-60% of the diet.
Eating dinner in addition to porridge, beans and other protein products is still a small amount of greenery, you can easily reach, 75% sought help and healing and rejuvenation of the organism.
To maintain the alkaline blood, try as often as possible, preferably twice a week to arrange a fasting days, eating only raw vegetables and fruits.
Recovery of acid-base balance is very important for healing and rejuvenation of the organism.
I wish you health and long youth.
Academician, psychologist, author of rejuvenation
and improvement "Vivaton" AM Savyolov-Deryabin