How to return the skin freshness and elasticity


Buying nice clothes for the summer, we see a huge mirror in the dressing room that our skin early in the summer, too, needs to be updated.

Buy a new skin can not, so you need to restore your own skin its freshness, elasticity, youth!

But to fulfill this desire, it will have to invest their labor and some funds. You are ready?

We start with a little exercise in the name of beauty: have to clean, tone, moisturize the skin and model.

But in response to your skin will find its freshness and will be prepared for the sun and fresh air. Rétinol, polymers, vitamins, hormones, or fruit acids - all of these cosmetics is only one leitmotif: you do for a beautiful summer.

Taking advantage of their active ingredients to re-open its beauty and youth. Why do I need to clean the skin? It is sometimes said that frequent cleansing the skin dries and ages her.

First, a well-cleaned skin gives a feeling of freshness and comfort.

Secondly, our skin must constantly resist external influences, a lot of impurities accumulated on our face, and the protective lipid layer "overloaded".

Cosmetic cleansing products consist of preparatory means intended for removing dust, dead cells, sweat, sebum and traces of makeup, as well as all the impurities that "settle" over the entire area of ​​the skin.

Cleaning substances today almost all are designed to keep the skin pH: supersonic fat soaps, liquid soaps, variety of dermatological bread, milk, gels and mousses for the soul - your choice primarily depends on your skin type, the structure and method of use of the products .

These funds are in everyday use will make their contribution to the important issue of return of freshness and elasticity of your skin.

Humidification - a mandatory step

But this stage - is good for cleansing the skin. It requires that its humidified as much as possible frequency. To paraphrase about porridge and butter: moisturizing the skin will not spoil, especially because there are now a variety of means to moisturize your skin:

Hydrating the film applied to the skin, it is made up of fat, which keep the skin moisture and prevent it from evaporating: the skin remains moist. Today, there were light emulsion-based liposomes or liquid crystals, their active principles to meet the specific needs of every skin type.

Between creams, retaining moisture day and night, emulsions which remove the gloss, fluids "anti-pollution" and micro-emulsions "anti-red", your choice is primarily depending on your skin type, the structure and method of using the products: Leather normal type loves cream with a light texture.

They do not need daily fatty components, to maintain its elasticity. Oily skin or mixed type liquid creams loves "oil in water" and emulsions that reduce shine of the skin.

The skin is dry and sensitive prefers emulsion "water in oil", rich in soothing assets and mainly - ceramides - fatty molecules able to retain water.

Do yourself a weekly mask!

Masks are cream, gel, powder, film, plaster or with clay. They are used on average once a week. Effective and pleasant to use, masks are designed to respond to the special need of every skin type.

This skin care to the maximum extent (at home): Cleansing mask rich destroying "scum" and absorbent products to remove impurities and dead cells.

Mask, normalizing activity of secretions, operates by absorption to restore the acid-base balance. Mask, retains moisture and restores the lipid layer due to its active ingredients, to retain moisture.

Firming Mask generates a vasodilatation, that stimulates and strengthens tissue. Polishing and remodeling mask gives a result similar to cosmetic surgery, thanks to its active tensor.

Stealing youth and beauty, or for those who are over ...

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Stealing youth and beauty, or for those who are over ...
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- Some women with age there is a violation of the sexual needs. This is a big problem, because in the eyes of the public rushing to impress sexy women & lt; for ... & gt; It looks ridiculous.

Molodyaschiysya fifty man seems elegant and even attractive. Company takes men who are running around looking for different potions to maintain potency.

And the old ladies who have lost their beauty and freshness, seeking to resurrect, as they say, past the heat of the heart - causing a pity.

Rather, it is a lot of years married, but her husband has long lain down on the couch with a beer and a newspaper, and is not interested in her as a woman. And he has no potency whatsoever.

- How to be?

- Expert advice to help in any way. General tips - hardly, only specific.

From the general - to do business, to be among men, distracted, have fun, think of pleasant walking, nature, indulgence weaknesses trip. Now, however, we are not yet accustomed to the help of specialists-sexologists. Lawyers have finally began to be appreciated, but sexologists - yet.

Only a few wealthy people visit a psychoanalyst or sexologist gradually enters into the same habit, like going to the hairdresser or a seamstress. It should be understood that the topic we are discussing today - it is a problem, not a diagnosis, not a disease. And it is wrong to believe that those who go to a sexologist, something sick, and those who do not go - well.

- Is there a difference between male and female attitude to a sexologist?

- Yes. Men believe that it is necessary to maintain the potency of any age, and women are often ashamed of the fact that in the 57 years of her sexual desires sharper than 40.

It would be nice if, in such cases, the men would come to the reception to the doctor, together with their wives. But it is extremely rare - usually men laugh at their spouses, if they are turning to them to go to the sexologist.

Very educated husbands who agree to such things - a rarity. Still, the sexual culture is slowly growing. Remember, twenty years ago, people on this subject could not even speak. Now an advanced audience made a step forward.

It turns out that the main thing - to have not only a young body, but also the young mind, when not hesitate to visit any doctors, except, perhaps, venereologists.

But recently, however - a plus: will recall that in the era of remorse for wasted years.

A student in the ancient hymn of & lt; Gaudeamus & gt; We have these words: & lt; We will be fun while we're young! & gt; And from you, nothing escapes.

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The golden rule of rejuvenation and healing

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The golden rule of rejuvenation and healing
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oxygenates the blood. Oxidants are also alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea, chocolate, and tobacco.

Does this mean that we should abandon the usual product? Not at all.

It should be a good understanding of what foods oxidize and which alkalify blood, and take care that the blood pH was kept in the normal range. Preference should be given to products that provide an alkaline reserve of blood.

Psychologists are advised to maintain sufficient alkaline reserve of blood to consume four times as much food with alkalizing effect than the acid-forming. It follows that our diet should consist of four fifths of alkalizing foods.

Known phytotherapeutist Jethro Kloss wrote: "The daily diet of a healthy person should contain at least 75-85% of alkalizing foods.

The diet of a person suffering from a disease, their share should be increased to 90%.

What products have alkalizing effect?

First of all, almost all raw vegetables and fruits even acid, such as citrus fruits and pineapples. Extremely beneficial effect on acid-base balance of the melon. Combat acidosis promotes eating green shoots of young plants, unpasteurized honey, herbal infusions, raw almonds, soy sauce, seaweed.

Recently, nutritionists advise to include a diet of more cereals and legumes. But in order for the body to get the most benefit from this, it is necessary to know how they affect the acid-alkaline balance.

Most legumes, as well as all cereals, except buckwheat and millet, with conventional cooking increased acidity of the blood. However, after soaking and sprouting all legumes and cereals have become the property of alkalizing effect. Eat them the best in their raw form as an addition to salads.

Presoaking facilitates digestion and increases the digestibility of nuts and seeds. Soaking helps to remove them from the shell substances that suppress the activity of enzymes. Similar processes occur in the germination of seeds. The appearance of the first sprouts indicates that the product was "alkaline".

Here are some practical tips to help avoid acidosis - "acidification" of the body.

Soak all cereals before cooking for 30 minutes. Then drain the water, and cook porridge with fresh water.

Bean is better to soak overnight. You can use the accelerated method: let them simmer for a minute, then leave and stand under the lid closed for an hour. After this, the water should be drained and Dowar beans in fresh water.

All seeds, grains and beans to prepare for cooking in advance. For this purpose they are soaked for one hour, then obsushivayut and stored in a dark place.

Every morning on an empty stomach eat fresh fruit. This will speed up the excretory processes occurring with particular intensity from four o'clock in the morning to twelve days. During this period of time the body has the greatest energy potential to remove excess acid from the cells.

Waking up in the morning, many notice bad breath and plaque on the tongue. At this time the body is in full swing work on the removal of toxic products of metabolism and excess fat. If at this time to eat fruit instead of scrambled eggs and bacon, and even with sausage, this will break the acid-alkaline balance in the body, and certainly will not, lose weight.

For this reason, a fruity breakfast leads to brilliant results. You can on their own experience make sure that fruit, eaten on an empty stomach, cleanse the digestive tract.

Every day, eating a large salad for lunch of raw vegetables, you increase your intake of alkaline foods to 45%.

Grated raw beets, carrots, sliced ​​red and white cabbage, fennel, celery, onions and garlic should be sure to go into your menu.

If in addition you are drinking fresh juices and herbal teas prefer black tea and coffee, the consumption of alkaline foods may reach 55-60% of the diet.

Eating dinner in addition to porridge, beans and other protein products is still a small amount of greenery, you can easily reach, 75% sought help and healing and rejuvenation of the organism.


To maintain the alkaline blood, try as often as possible, preferably twice a week to arrange a fasting days, eating only raw vegetables and fruits.


Recovery of acid-base balance is very important for healing and rejuvenation of the organism.

I wish you health and long youth.

Academician, psychologist, author of rejuvenation

and improvement "Vivaton" AM Savyolov-Deryabin

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