Fighting wrinkles, to preserve the beauty and freshness of the face
Any woman when he looks in the mirror and sees his face in the hope that the new wrinkles do not appear. But the aging process is irreversible. Trying to preserve the beauty and freshness of your face, many have resorted to operating methods.
But it is dangerous for health, because sometimes the effects of surgery are most dire, and the woman says goodbye to all her beauty.
Daily care, facial cleansing, the use of masks, scrubs and cream application will help you look a few years younger. US scientists have found a new approach beauticians to preserve youthful skin, thanks to the creation of a unique anti-aging cream Stem Cell Therapy.
Cream Stem Cell Therapy struggles with facial wrinkles, age-related changes, pigment spots, dry skin. It contains the stem cells of plants thereby makes its own cell is working as a youth.
The cream includes herbal ingredients that protect the skin from dehydration, slow the aging process and preserve youth and beauty of the face. For daily care of the face, you quickly feel the result. Do not delay care of your beauty!
Every day, the skin increasingly loses its elasticity, and this is the first step in the formation of deep facial wrinkles and age. Included in the Stem Cell Therapy Stem cells of plants, help to increase natural collagen necessary for skin rejuvenation.
The second important component of the cream - kelp extract, which reduces the depth of wrinkles by 29, 2%, to align the relief of the skin by 29, 6%, to reduce lines and wrinkles up to 15, 6%. It is a source of valuable amino acids, moisturizing ingredients, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.
Caring for your face needs of each woman. The daily and regular care of your skin, strength of will, the desire to stay young and healthy at the same time have a skin - keeping your beauty for years to come.
Now, the cream can be purchased in Russia, and it does not have to spend a huge amount of money and time to find the youth of your skin, and sold it at a nice price.
Consultant hotline 8 (800) 100-88-87, will answer all your questions and help you choose an individual course of applying the cream is for you. In addition, all necessary information can be found on the website of the official online store:
Thermage - perhaps, do without plastic surgery?
In cosmetology is constantly coming up with new improved methods for skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, get rid of cellulite and fat .... One of these methods is Thermage.
What Is Thermage?
This is one method of rejuvenation, which is an alternative contour facelift and surgical methods.
How does this procedure - Thermage?
This procedure takes a low-frequency radio waves. These radio waves penetrate the skin at a distance of 5-7 mm, so that, in consequence, there is a stimulation of collagen production. Accordingly, it slows down aging of the skin.
The procedure is quite strong pain, so before carrying out its use of light anesthesia (up to 2 hours of action). Such a strong pain occurs because the very strong level serves to great effect, and achieve excellent results of rejuvenation. Very often refuse from anesthesia as the pain perceived by the patient quite acceptable. Procedure period from 20 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the treatment area of the face.
What results are achieved after the procedure?
The result is achieved immediately after the procedure. Originally a lightweight result as after cosmetological lifting session. The final effect is achieved within 3 to 5 months.
Which areas of the skin is possible to use this procedure?
Thermage may be used in any areas of the skin and body. This device gives the opportunity to its versatility and uniqueness.
What are the indications for use of the method Thermage?
removal of wrinkles around the eyes, on the neck, chest,
suspenders for any part of the body,
for the correction of facial contours,
for lifting the eyebrows,
as an anti-acne treatment.
to eliminate fat.
Are there any contraindications to the use of, and what?
Yes, there are contraindications, but not much. These are contraindications such as:
if the patient has a pacemaker, defibrillator or cardioverter,
presence in patients of any implants, including silicone-treated area of skin,
diabetes mellitus,
skin diseases such as scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, infectious diseases of the skin,
during pregnancy.
The main advantage of Thermage procedure is an alternative to surgery. At the same time, as a result of skin rejuvenation and tightening is not inferior to plastic.
Rhinoplasty - the art to improve the face
Almost every person that does not like in their appearance. Someone not suit your ears or chin, and someone does not like the shape or the size of his nose. To solve this issue, you can use plastic surgery.
Plastic surgery to adjust the size of the nose or a form called a rhinoplasty procedure to rinoplastikoy.Chasto resort for aesthetic purposes, but there are cases where such a procedure has medical records. Due to the deformation of the nasal septum caused by a broken or has an innate character, is a violation of nasal breathing, which may serve as an indication for rinoplastiki.Kak rule, a procedure is not carried out until the completion of the formation of the facial skeleton. The best age for the procedure is under the age of 40 years.
With rhinoplasty you can: change the size and shape of the nose; remedy the defect of curvature of the nasal septum; eliminate the bump; restore symmetrical proportions of the nose; adjust the shape of the nose wings; improve the tip of the nose, etc.
There are 2 types of rhinoplasty: closed and open. A more common closed rhinoplasty. Scarring of rhinoplasty imperceptible such as all sections are in the inner part of the nose. When using the open type is carried cut in a vertical fold which is located under the skin of the nasal septum. The decision on what kind of plastic should be used, is taken by the surgeon depending on the tasks.
Before the procedure, rhinoplasty is necessary to consult with your doctor. The patient receives the necessary information about the operation and the period of recovery after its implementation. The doctor, without fail, asks questions about the health of the patient. It turns out the presence or absence of allergic reactions. Research is aimed at establishing a patient's inclination to keloid scars. If necessary, the patient can be shown the passage of computed tomography or X-ray examination with a view to a more thorough study of anatomical and functional characteristics of the nose.
Before the surgery, the patient is losing a number of necessary tests, such as blood; incontinence; Analysis for blood clotting; analysis for the presence of HIV infection and passes electrocardiogram heart. If all tests are normal, the patient is assigned to the day operatsii.Za few days before the rhinoplasty is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking. Do not take anticoagulants. The operation is performed natoschak.V during menstruation, various inflammatory diseases or respiratory diseases when the operation is not carried out.
The period of post-operative rehabilitation takes from 5 days to 2 weeks. In the first few days may be fever and a feeling of general weakness. During the rehabilitation period the patient has to wear a plaster cast and adhere to certain restrictions. So, you need to breathe only a mouth, you can sleep on your back. Smoking is strictly prohibited. Plaster cast can not be wetted and to touch.
After the bandage will be removed, will gradually go to the swelling and bruising. The final result of the rhinoplasty may be noticeable only after a couple of months.
Rhinoplasty - is not just a surgical operation to change the shape or size of the nose - is an art that requires talent and skill of the doctor. Such a procedure will help to improve the proportions of the face, to remove existing psychological distress and improve self-esteem. Rhinoplasty can make the appearance more harmonious and attractive, while retaining the originality of your appearance.