Homemade facial skin rejuvenation accessible to everyone

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Homemade facial skin rejuvenation accessible to everyone
Page 2


In this article, we are not talking about plastic surgery, not on expensive laser, meso, and phototherapy, and about home skin rejuvenation methods available to each of us. The French claim that using them can be "reset" to the person at least 10 years.

All that is required to implement them - the desire to rejuvenate, internal discipline and 10-15 minutes of time every day. Yes, it is every day, because just as our bodies need food every day for normal functioning, and our aging require daily application of techniques of blocking it.

Absences due to what some very important or quite trifling reasons will lead to the fact that our system is aging unresponsive used to it and will continue to impact our age, if we do nothing.

So, without exception, home skin rejuvenation techniques have to perform every day. Time to implement them is not so important, but it's better to be constant. For example, in the evening, or only in the afternoon. Why is that? Because our bodies every systematic action produces a conditioned reflex, helps ensure the greatest efficiency.

Place for their implementation is also not so important. This can be a bedroom, and a kitchen, and a corner garden. But again, it is desirable that it also be constant. Why is that? Because our system is aging is not autonomous, it is closely connected with absolutely all systems of the body, and above all nervous.

With this easy to agree, thinking that a nervous, irritable, tired man always looks less attractive and seem older than his years. If we choose to exercise a certain place, and even to arrange it so that his appearance caused us positive emotions, our nervous system is on a subconscious level to help block the aging system.

Now our desire home skin rejuvenation.

It is largely based on the belief in what we do, and confidence in achieving results. If there is no faith that the efforts will help achieve the desired, there is no incentive in the application of these efforts.

What could cause a person to believe something?

First, your own eyes exactly what they see. That is, if we see at least some changes, we begin a more active efforts. That's right, and are bound to be changes, but we need time. How many? From week to a month. Each differently, depending on the state of all systems of the body at the start of rejuvenating rate.

Secondly, the experience of others, those who have already received the results. These hundreds of thousands of other women in America and Europe, but all in a short article is impossible to tell.

This method of rejuvenation is based on the basic concepts, and therefore may seem inefficient. But as they say, all genius is simple. The best way to check - try for yourself.

Start rejuvenation needed to lifestyle.

It may seem incredible, but that it affects premature aging. Our whole life is in turmoil. In the morning, I jumped up and down - breakfast to her husband, raising kids in kindergarten-school cram into a minibus or-press on the gas pedal their cars to catch anywhere, will not be late. In the evening we came home from work, squeezed like a lemon, and again - dinner, cleaning, cooking, postirushku as not to fall down on the bed and fall asleep to the morning get up and start all over again.

In countries where the vast majority of centenarians live differently. For example, in Spain or Greece. There's even a Flood spill, but naps have to be. Give yourself the opportunity to at least thirty minutes perekimarit, not to mention the full two-hour sleep from 13-00 to 15-00 fully restore all the functions of our body, adding strength to fight him, and with stress and nerves, and aging.

So, the first thing it is necessary for myself to do - to find at least half an hour for an afternoon nap. And if you can not sleep, at least just to lie, sit, relax, and nothing thinking.

The second most important criterion for maintaining youth - our food.

Has already been mentioned-negotiation but still avoid the issue can not be food. Special diet or special food to maintain his youth there. However, in the East for this drink fresh blood of snakes and eat insects which contain a huge amount of protein, but I think eating caterpillars, spiders and cockroaches even the most desperate beauty wants to look young and beautiful, does not want to.

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Beauty Secrets and Recipes youth elixir

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Beauty Secrets and Recipes youth elixir
Page 2

 The secrets of youth and beauty, recipes, how to keep the elixir of youth and beauty

With age, stay young - is the dream of every woman.

  "Means Makropolusa", unfortunately, has not been found yet, with the right strategy, you can stretch the biological clock. Genetic factor affects only one-third of all in our hands.

Of course, if you smoke, abuse alcohol are often not enough sleep, eat and semi-canned food, lead a sedentary lifestyle - all of these bad habits and abuse, then will affect your health and appearance.

At the wrong way of life, our body constantly produces free radicals. Cells free radicals destroy the fabric of our body and we age.

But we can not only prevent the development of this process in the future, but also to improve gradually been destroyed. For this we need the antidote.

Youth elixir   e the antioxidants, they contribute to the healing of damaged cells. The most effective antioxidants:

Vitamin A is found in liver, milk, carrots, apricots, in a sweet red pepper, melon. Not to mention the role of vitamin A to maintain the view, it also has a beneficial effect on the skin, the hair, the condition of the nervous and immune systems.

Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, potatoes, sauerkraut, peppers, tomatoes. Vitamin C protects cells from the harmful effects of the sun, and aggressive ozone molecules that are formed in the body at an elevated solar activity.

It is also essential for healthy teeth and gums, and promotes the absorption of iron from food consumed. B vitamins are found in meat, beans, nuts and brewer's yeast.

B vitamins regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, cholesterol in the blood. They help the body produce red blood cells.

Vitamin D is found in oily fish, eggs and dairy products, sunlight (promotes the synthesis of vitamin A in the body). Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption and utilization of its salts in the formation of bones and teeth, for a healthy nervous system.

Vitamin E is found in non-cereals, sunflower seeds, almonds, in vegetable oil (only received by cold pressing). The main function of vitamin E is to protect the body tissues from the damaging reactions that occur in the process of metabolism.

Calcium is found in dairy products, green leafy vegetables, legumes. It is necessary for healthy teeth and bones, for the normal functioning of the nervous system, blood clotting.

Iodine is found in sea fish, shellfish. It is necessary for normal thyroid function and metabolism. Selenium is found in meat, eggs, seafood, cereals and nuts.

Selenium in combination with vitamins E and A in substantially protects the body from radiation. Selenium - a powerful antioxidant and is involved in the immune system.

Secrets of beauty and youthful hormonal balance

A crucial role in the aging process plays hormones. While our body produces sufficient amounts of hormones, we are young and beautiful.

The lack of hormones speeds up the aging process - the skin dries and dryabnet, fade hair, sensitivity to infection increases ...

The most important hormones that preserve our youth is - estrogen, testosterone, growth hormone, serotonin and endorphin.

Serotonin and endorphins - the hormones of happiness.

These hormones are released during physical exertion, when a wave of emotions, with caresses and touches of a loved one. This lift sentiment revives circulation, you are prettier on the eyes, the skin turns pink and becomes firm, his eyes sparkle.

Hormones have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and strengthen the immune. Be optimistic! Do not take everything to heart! Love and praise yourself often! Who else but you- you do that ?!

Believe me, positive thoughts literally work wonders! Stress - is one of the strongest factors of aging. There are two types of stress: positive - "hey-stress", the negative - "dis-stress."

Positive stress we need, we get a fair shake, they keep us in shape, stimulate, forced to be active.

Negative stress, on the contrary, knock us out of the rut, bring disorder into the whole of our physiology. Long-term stress leads to diseases: insomnia, heart disease, hypertension, ulcers, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and this will impact on your appearance.

And it stresses, they are not always a consequence of crises, most often it is - petty grievances, long queues, traffic jams, rudeness, intrigue, gossip, envy. But these seemingly minor troubles destroy us, no less than serious misfortune.

This is due to release a hormone - adrenaline, is a hormone decay. During the release of adrenaline in the blood quickens the heartbeat, raises blood pressure and increases the amount of sugar in the blood, breathing becomes shallow and intermittent.

We must learn to deal with stress.

Sober look at the situation, not to dramatize. Most relax, but not by tranquilizers, cigarettes or alcohol. They give only a temporary effect, and each time have to increase the dose, can all lead to a new dependence to new problems.

It is best to do it with the help of autogenous training, relaxation, yoga, exercise. Try to find time for themselves, in all circumstances. I understand that today, to engage in a - this sounds like a luxury.

But for you, believe me, no one will make your biological age. Scientists believe that the biological age of a person does not always coincide with the chronological (passport) age.

As far as you are young, determined using the test:

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