Inflammation and wrinkles - what's the connection?


For those of you who love to explore cosmetic formulations, probably more than once had to meet in the media anti-wrinkle agents, anti-inflammatory action. And surely you were wondering - what role are they playing? Indeed, in the minds of most people, the inflammation -

this is what happens when the skin becomes infected, or if there is an allergy. And all are more or less familiar signs of inflammation - swelling, redness, abscess.

However, the classical picture of inflammation does not reflect the whole variety of forms of this process. Recently, the attention of scientists who study the problems of aging skin, focused on the latent chronic inflammation, which is, in our skin occurs much more often than we think.

First of all, let's talk about what a general inflammation in the broadest sense of the word. Imagine a peaceful city - your body - which has an army of its defenders - the immune system. When there is an attack, the army of idle, incurring put her guards and conducting exercises.

When the event of an attack, such as the invasion of microorganisms, the army quickly to repel the attacks, without disturbing residents. This picture is consistent with the normal operation of the immune system in the absence of pathology.

A good immune system - is the one job that we do not notice. Now imagine a situation where the army or too aggressive, or too many of the enemy in case of invasion across the city are flying missiles, destroying the homes of civilians.

This is - an analogue of inflammation or immune response, out-of-control. Harm from such "protectors" at times no less than by the enemy. And finally, imagine the army, which is to reflect the attack, did not want to lay down their arms and continued to fire intermittently and venturing clashes with the population.

An outside observer, the city may seem calm and peaceful, but to live there safe. This is - a chronic inflammation. When inflammation, immune system cells and tissues in which inflammation develops (in this case, the skin) begin to produce many substances that they need or to communicate with other cells, or to carry out combat operations against the enemy.

Most of these substances are required to temporarily alter the 'landscape', to make it more convenient for "military operations." In particular, increased vascular permeability, so that the plasma and the immune cells to reach the tissue formed blood stagnation that substances inflammation does not spread throughout the bloodstream, and remained at the site of inflammation, activation of enzymes that destroy tissue to cells was easier to lay their way.

In the case of acute inflammation it all happens quickly and strongly - is clearly visible swelling, redness, softening around the hearth inflammation, etc. In chronic inflammation of the external symptoms may not be, or they can be inconspicuous.

Previously scientists and physicians interested in chronic inflammation occurring in various diseases. Now, however, when the methods to detect the slightest changes in the skin, it became clear that a completely healthy skin often develop inflammation, invisible to the eye.

This inflammation occurs for many reasons - bad cosmetics, microbes, ultraviolet radiation, toxins in water and air, particles of dust and sand, cold and others. In young skin all usually ends with the removal of damage or removal of the intruder, but the older a person becomes the longer its smoldering inflammation in the skin.

Chronic inflammation, as well as any inflammation, accompanied by changes in "landscape" fabric. But now all these changes to anything good does not. Under the influence of agents of inflammation vary vessels. Blood circulation, and red blood cells out of the blood vessels and killed, leaving behind blood pigment - hemoglobin.

This hemoglobin undergoes certain transformations and remains in the skin in the form of a dark pigment. However, in skin cells and enhanced production of melanin pigment, which also leads to skin pigmentation. As a result, the skin gradually becomes an ugly view - uneven pigmentation spots.

Due to stagnation of blood flow is disrupted skin nutrition, whereby it goes slower regeneration. But, most importantly, among the substances which appear in the skin in chronic inflammation, there are those that accelerate the destruction of the "soft mattress" of the skin - collagen, elastin, and glycosaminoglycans - substances responsible for skin elasticity and smoothness.

As a result, the skin will fade, and her early wrinkles. As you can see, the inclusion of anti-inflammatory ingredients in cosmetics intended for aging skin, is justified. Moreover, they are needed there.

How are these substances? Anti-inflammatory ingredients have different mechanisms of action. Among them, for example, antioxidants, substances and detoxifying free radicals. This green tea, grape seed extract, rosemary, ginkgo, tomatoes, carrots.

Other substances alter the set of substances that produce the cells during inflammation. They do this, slightly modifying the direction of chemical processes. This group includes, first of all, omega3 fatty acids and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) - the essential fatty acids.

There are many in borage oil, black currant, evening primrose. A number of plant extracts also has these properties - for example, plantain, Centella Asiatica, mallow, witch hazel, apple, chamomile, sea buckthorn and others.

In cosmetics Magiray also widely used effective anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent extract lithospermum pharmacy with its high content of active principle - shikonin. If anti-inflammatory agents - the water-soluble extracts, it is better that they are a part of serum or very light low-fat emulsion. Oils should be in a cream or liposomal preparation.

In cosmetics MAGIRAY possess anti-inflammatory activity:

PLANTO PLUS (Plus PLANTE) - serum-gel containing extracts of plantain, Centella asiatica, witch hazel and algae.

BALANCE PLUS (Balance Plus) - a light, non-greasy cream with green tea extract, witch hazel and slezok Job.

PHYTOESSENCE (Phyto) - non-greasy moisturizing emulsion with extracts lithospermum pharmacy (with a high content of shikonin) and mallow.

EDELE (Edel) - serum with extracts of Alpine edelweiss and apple.

CALMIFIN Cream - Mask (Cream Mask Kalmifin) - is quickly absorbed, delicate mask with extracts of chamomile, mallow, butcher's broom.

SEBOFIN (Sebofin) - non-greasy, absorbs quickly mask with aloe, chamomile, sea buckthorn and honeysuckle Japanese.

PEARL CLEANSING MILK (Pearl Cleansing Milk) - contains borage oil, ginkgo extract, green tea, tomatoes.

How to find former beauty?

 Save the beauty of the face

Many women closer to forty years are starting to notice the unpleasant changes in his face: sagging cheeks, around the eyes appear deep wrinkles-rays, planned "second chin", and the figure of the poor. Of course, all this does not add to the image of beauty. However, every woman at every age wants to look attractive and be confident in its irresistibility.

Previously, correction of age changes appearance used only one way - plastic surgery. However, not all ladies are ready to "go under the knife," even for the sake of beauty, and rightly so! How wonderful that in our time there are procedures such as thermo and NEO PELLE! This - a new era in cosmetology! Now you can achieve stunning results using gentle methods.

Termolifting returns youthfulness

This method is called differently: non-surgical facelift, RF lifting, radio wave lifting, RF-lifting. But the essence is the same - the basis termoliftinga electrotherapy method is called diathermy. It is a deep tissue warming currents of great strength and high frequency.
Methods termoliftinga successfully tested in well-known foreign cosmetic clinics and received an official approval of the US administration FDA.

RF-lifting, unlike angioplasty does not require surgery and is carried out without anesthesia. The effect of "tightening" during procedures is achieved as a result of the deep healing of the skin. Termolifting successfully affects the internal factors of aging.

With the RF-lifting can reduce the wrinkles in the area of ​​the mouth, "chin", nasolabial folds, "bags" under the eyes, to form a clear outline of the face and lips, to remove the "crow's feet" and "rays" around the eyes, vertical wrinkles above the upper lip, improve elasticity and tone the skin of the hands, remove the overhang of the upper eyelid, the fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Termolifting   - Absolutely painless procedure that does not require special preparation. Complex Facelift   usually lasts no more than one and a half hours and accurately performed by Dr. Zakharov here Clean skin of the patient is treated with the gel, and then the special nozzles lead to certain lines. When alternately a feeling of pleasant warmth and light cooling. The effect is visible immediately after the procedure: the skin is tightened, rejuvenated and becomes elastic. Within days after RF-lifting is not recommended to take a sun bath, sauna and gym. Long-lasting effect is achieved after 5-6 treatments.

Beauty injections method NEO PELLE

Alternative thermo - safe, certified by the method of procedure NEO PELLE, during which the injection under the skin the injection of the drug on the individual scheme.

The drug is immunologically inactive biocompatible with human tissues. He is completely absorbed in two weeks, starting with the process of recovery and regeneration of the skin structure. NEO PELLE method is absolutely safe, because the drug does not have the body no detrimental effects.

As you know, the change of the relief and facial contours sagging affects not only the outer layers of the skin, but also the underlying structures. And if termolifting aims to seal the skin, the injection NEO PELLE stimulate the formation of collagen. As a result filled with tear beards smoothed nasolabial folds, formed by high cheekbones and a new shape of the face.

The procedure is performed as follows: the skin is treated with a special anesthetic cream on it and note the area to be corrected. The preparation is then administered by injection under the skin. Scheme of injection for each patient individually designed, taking into account his wishes and facial features. A total of Beauty session lasts about 20 minutes. To maintain the effect 2-3 treatments is recommended every three months.

However, any method, no matter how secure it was not, there are certain contraindications. Termolifting and NEO PELLE - no exceptions. These procedures can not be carried out at present in the treatment zone of benign and malignant tumors, dermatitis, metallic implants, during a pacemaker or other internal defibrillators, during pregnancy and lactation, the presence of cancer, autoimmune diseases and acute infectious diseases, chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation, addiction to the formation of keloids, blood clotting.

In any case, before deciding to carry out any procedure, it is necessary to consult with experts. Only then will you get the desired result - a smooth, elastic skin taut oval face, slender figure. And it is absolutely no harm to health!
