Love relationships retain youth and prolong life


Recently, foreign experts have conducted research which clearly showed that regular lovemaking strengthen the immune system. That love affair - a thing very pleasant, most normal people who have reached the required age, knows firsthand.

Moreover, many supporters of active pastime in bed and still insist that sex is not only pleasant but also useful. I myself have noticed that regular classes in this business, so to speak, strengthen the body. Incidentally, doctors confirmed.

It was found that people making love once or twice a week, the body produces 29% more immunoglobulin A (a protein having the activity of antibodies and plays a huge role in the fight against viral infections).

That is, instead of having to swallow nasty pills, you need to make love - and everything will be OK! However, those same doctors warn that sex frequently (more than four times a week) can lead to the opposite effect - reduction of immunoglobulin. That's really really - everything in moderation!

By the way, I went somehow my wife to stay with her mother for a couple of weeks - and I immediately fell ill. Maybe I would be so sick, and maybe not. Who knows! Actually, jokes aside, but with the help of sex not only from the flu and colds can be saved.

German scientists claim that the sex life - the best cure for a headache. Because when "regular relations" in the body to release the hormone adrenaline and cortisone, which stimulate the brain and prevent migraines.

As stated by Professor Hamburg Institute of Sexology Werner Habermehl: "Love relationships enhance our ability to focus attention and stimulate creative thinking." According to him, sex - "is a kind of physical and psychological training of the body, which makes it possible to maintain excellent form."

According to scientists on the beneficial effects of the German love of exercise on the human body supported by the Scottish psychologist, Dr. Weeks. He, in turn, found that active sessions allow a person to look younger than their years.

Wicks interviewed 3, 5, thousands of people in Europe and the United States at the age of 18 up to 102 (!) Years old, who looked younger than his age, and found that they attached great importance to making love, and in any case this is not neglected, reports " ».

And Dr. Weeks argues that the people involved in this 3 times a week and look 10 years younger than those who are paying this occupation, only twice a week. Own discovery so shocked scientist, he immediately decided to make it the property of millions, which quickly released in collaboration with other health, Jamie James, a book titled "The Secrets of Supermolodosti."

In the book, as twice two is four, it is proved that the love energy in bed contributes to the disappearance of excess fat, activation of brain activity, the stable operation of the heart, kidneys, liver and spleen. Patients with cardiovascular disease are moderate loving relationship reduces the likelihood of myocardial infarction.

Still love emotions beneficial effect on the skin: they promote the formation of substances that moisturize and give it a natural shine. Hair from the lovemaking becomes lush and even start to grow better.

Qualitative and regular classes this case, the authors write entertaining books, serves as the foundation of youth and health.

But Americans - known workaholics - is primarily interested in how intimate life affects the increase in disability. Research carried out by scientists from the United States, confirmed that making love on improving health impact is positive.

Intimate same problem, on the contrary, hinder fruitful work for the good of the fatherland. Thus, according to scientists, 70% of women and 25% of men suffering from an obvious flaw in the pleasures of love, sharply reduced ability to work. On the same grounds based on 60% to 100% of the neuroses.

In addition, intimate dissatisfaction cause such serious diseases as fibroadenoma of breast and uterine fibroids.

By the way! Recently, British Journal of Cancer published an article, which says that the low activity love men increases the risk of disease rather rare cancers - breast cancer.

Greek scientists have come to the conclusion that between the number of orgasms experienced by man, and the risk of breast cancer there is a connection. Scientists suggest that the reason is the reduced level of testosterone.

Doctors interviewed 23 men with breast cancer, and 76 healthy, asking them questions about the lifestyle, the intima and genealogy. Despite the fact that the study covered a very small number of cases, experts believe it is quite representative.

In general, in order to live a long time to preserve youth, productively and creatively work and do not get sick, you have to make love more often.

But only with reliable partners! And best of all for love, otherwise instead of health can easily get a whole bunch of diseases, from AIDS to the usual gonorrhea. And this is not good.

Food will keep youth and beauty


This diet is not smooth wrinkles, but helps preserve youth, beauty and protect against new wrinkles. After all, from what you eat depends on the rate of aging.

I have not eaten oatmeal?

It's time to think about it for the good of the cause. Those who had never eaten oatmeal, most likely notice its rejuvenating effect. Daily beauty salad for revitalizing the complexion - steamed with boiled water "Hercules", plus slices of fresh fruit and berries.


Lack of moisture will all impact on the appearance. Drink more and more often: in the absence of medical contraindications - up to 8-10 glasses a day. I do not want? Try to do a sip of pure mineral water every time you are grasping for a mug of coffee, cookies, cigarette ...

Cut salad?

Donate a few slices of cucumber for the face, neck and hands. Even greenhouse "overgrown" helps to erase the emerging age spots: freeze it, then thaw and formed juice wipe the skin.

Red and ginger.

Beets and carrots - Kings rejuvenating kingdom. Add them raw to any salad, put in a stew and water for cooking pasta.

Youth - green.

Japanese scientists have found that green tea polyphenols 20 times more effective than vitamin E is widely advertised: they slow down the aging process of tissues, act as antioxidants and reduce cholesterol. And this drink flavonoids prevent the development of heart disease.

Fast wisely.

And will live up to 180 years. To such a sensational conclusion the American scientists. It turns out that in extreme situations, such as fasting, the body starts to produce a special protein that prolongs life by at least 50%.

While this mechanism is found only in mice, but researchers believe that there is the same for us and promise in the near future to create the appropriate technology. In the meantime, the Board wished to strengthen by the "protein of life" with the help of moderate fasting. Nutritionists warn its part: to starve, especially long-term, can only be under medical supervision.

Sandwiches Beauty

Slice the bread thinly spread with grain fortified low-fat spread, put:

• half a boiled egg,

• lettuce,

• Circle raw carrots,

• of dill, parsley, celery,

• Circle of cucumber,

• slice of raw mushroom

Top staple "food pyramid" curds, and garnish with a slice of tangerine.

Well affect the skin

• Milk and milk products (not low fat!)

• Eggs - they have all the vitamins except C.

• Apple fasting days: anything that improves bowel, improves skin condition

• Salad "Broom" - fresh cabbage with orange - wonderful cleaning and Vitamins.

It does not affect the skin

• Vegetarianism: if the menu is balanced in all nutrients, minerals and vitamins, the skin and well-being will be different. If not - you will look like it does not matter whether you eat meat or not.

It is bad for the skin

• Protein diets (Atkins, the Kremlin) increases the load on the kidneys, and they come to the aid of the skin - the second after renal excretory organs. As a result of force majeure, it becomes more vulnerable and remembers all your old sores.

• Onions and garlic.

• Smoked sausages

• Spicy seasonings and spices. Look at the Oriental women - what happens to their beauty, almost 25 years they blow? Is that eternally young Tamara Gverdtsiteli ... is looked after five nutritionists.
