Congratulations to Sergei his birthday poems

 Happy birthday Serge

Happy birthday to Sergey from friends


We wondered with sex,

What to give and what to desire ?!

Five consecutive nights not sleeping

And we decided that's what, reverse:

Maybe you dreamed about Bentley?

But Lada car too!

The bank account in Swiss francs?

There is still, Sergei!

"All inclusive" in the Maldives?

Do not worry, nonsense!

The main thing - that was happiness,

Joy and love always!

Want cottage and an apartment?

All come with time!

In a dream you need to work!

Chest forward - trumpet calling!

Yachts, villas, airplanes?

All unimportant at all!

Important to Health

It was no problem at all!

Restaurants, clubs and bars

And the models in great demand ...

Home to friends

You were happy and excited!

In this holiday - Birthday

You can talk a lot.

The main thing - hope, faith

And passionately love!

That warmth, comfort in the house.

A loud, ringing children's laughter!

And, of course, finance

Fetched without interference!

And we wish,

Place beyond the heavens of all goods except

That "potential" was strong!

Happy birthday, Serena!

Humorous congratulations from friend


Gray, as we know each other -

All the secrets and is not considered.

With all my heart I congratulate

From what I have in the world!

I stretch out a hand of friendship

And the council will give you a very worthwhile.

You know: only one

You can entrust all the secrets.

Happy jam, my best friend!

Let everything be in the life you have.

Let hope, like a ray of light,

So goes the life of fun!

From a friend in verse


A friend of my childhood, a nice guy,

Mischievous, funny boy!

What's the matter, gray, suddenly became,

You're just too important adult pan?

Do you remember a funny girl,

Caulk with pigtails,

All this fun

With reddish eyelashes?

I'm still the same konopushki!

You wait a minute, do not rush,

Your dear friend

Congratulations from the heart!

Cheerful greetings from friends


Dear you, our Seryozhenka,

Nice small heart of oak!

Take care of you used your legs hurt -

As you go down the aisle something?

That strikes the hour of the unexpected -

You surrendered head

If a guest is not called,

And from the face of the whole is not himself.

So live, live long!

Happy birthday, Sergei.

All you is itching,

Smiling cheerful!
