Beautiful poems birthday greetings sister

 Birthday greetings sister

The beautiful sister - beautiful greetings


Happy birthday, dear sister!

You're now a star shine!

Let the wings of gold Firebird

Bring everything you dream!

I want the favorite sister,

To adversity did not know you for ever!

You walk through life with a song ringing,

My good, bright people!

People wish you always good,

And for what - you are loved by the people!

And that life alight -

All the best out of life it!

Let Fortune will favor,

By your glorious undertakings,

And what happened in the life of an evil and dark -

Let melt like acrid smoke!

And I do not need more happiness,

After all, the fate of so generous to me:

Because I know - always close

You're with me, beloved sister!

We are with you laugh at the same thing,

Over the same - weeping bitterly.

They say that we're similar ...

To be like you - good luck!

Be always healthy and beautiful,

Let everything be perfect you!

You live a fun and happy,

The most beautiful sister!

Author Inga Arteeva


Whether you are always delicate clear,

The most endearing and beautiful,

To laugh your a careless,

Time was b eternal happiness,

All you want to come true

And all the dreams fulfilled,

So beautiful as spring,

You're whole life was this.


For centuries you stay beautiful -

Whether still itself,

To the guy called you favorite -

And compared with the rapid only in the spring,

Spirit is not lost, does not fall,

If suddenly you face trouble,

Forever you stay home!

The most beloved sister.


Sestrulechka favorite

Today is your day only,

I want you to be interesting,

And sweet, how is not laziness.

Let all the dreams come true,

Blessed be the most -

And everything always happens,

The sadness you all forget!


You're good, love, good!

I was lucky with my beautiful sister!

I know you will develop what you want

Good luck next to let them go with you!

You give only one warm and happy

Support will not be offended kindness!

Do not surround you ever bad weather

And life will not be able to blackmail the dream!

Author Victoria Naumova

Be happy, my little sister, happy birthday to you, I congratulate !!!

SMS birthday greetings sister, little poems

 SMS greetings sister

Sms greetings


Happy birthday, kitten,

You - as the sun in the morning!

Well, when a diaper

Next older sister!


Beloved sister!

My dear people!

With one thin thread

We will contact you!


Happy Birthday Sister!

Sun summer sip!

Be always like a bird - call

And as beautiful as a flower!


My favorite sister!

Meet your holiday today,

We wish you all a desire to come true,

You're a man, my gold!


Wish you happiness and health,

Fun, peace and goodness!

I embrace you with love,

Lovely my sister!


Let run like the wind, the years -

We're inseparable,

And neither disputes nor adversity

We quarreled with my sister!


We might swear,

Life is a kaleidoscope of motley!

Five minutes later, a hug

Can we with you, sister!


Happy Birthday,

And I wish sunny days!

I'm writing a poem

For sestrenochki my!


I'll ask the morning sun:

"Happy Birthday Greetings,

Look beam through the window,

Where does my sister! "


With the birth, sister!

I live a hundred years

Happy and beautiful

Without sorrow and misery!


Let it be so every day,

As a birthday today:

A little bit of magic, sorcery

Gift of providence.


Happy birthday, sister,

My trusty, faithful friend!

Be happy, be desirable,

Let all happy about!


Sister! Happy Birthday to You

I heartily congratulate me, love!

Wish you happiness, happiness, happiness!

You - the best, I can tell without partiality!


He came - your birthday!

Congratulations from the heart!

Happiness, my dear sister!

I, and my husband and nephew.


Birthday congratulations

I am a sister dear!

I wish you happiness,

Hugs and kisses.

His sister Happy birthday, happiness and success in all !!!

Funny birthday greetings sister in verse

 Beloved sister's birthday

Poems sister


No, I'm not jealous,

Yes, of course I love,

Want even kiss,

My dear sister.

What are you saying, I do not mind,

What gifts and flowers,

Cake and a ball, that one over there, bright,

Zaberesh you today.

Not at all, I'm not mad at my mother,

What does it just for you,

Has prepared a gift,

Most of all you love.

And dad, I'm not angry,

That is because the right of rubbish,

He gives poetry and songs,

Only you, in this wonderful day.

All of you, the one you just,

You know, all the same I say!

That will pass your birthday,

Uh, I'll show you!

In the meantime, congratulations,

Happy Birthday my sister,

I wish you happiness,

Peace, light and goodness!

Author Tamara Salnikov


My sister, only you, my dear,

Worthy of the best around,

You're kind and mischievous,

And the life rages in your key.

I wish you happiness, positivity,

Life without depression and barriers!

Live well and beautifully,

And do not consider their Joy!


Let the sun shine in a bright window,

End will not let the gifts!

The smile did not dry up

And your joy is not wither!

Suppose that you are blooming lilacs,

All the guys - instantly on his knees,

And it may keep you good luck,

Sister, could not be otherwise!


Lord, thank you

I am for my sister home,

Its only one I love,

And for it all my life!

My sister, my good,

I am, as the sun lights.

Your smile bright -

You're her are saving me from harm!

Thank you, take care of yourself,

People like you, in fact very little!

I love you, love you! -

I say to you only knew!


Sister's Birthday,

Shine like a ray of sunshine!

Have fun and good luck,

Less black clouds!

Love, health, happiness,

Comfort and good,

Forgetting about all the bad weather,

You to be brave!

Author Anna Litvinova
