Humorous poems birthday greetings older sister

 Congratulations older sister

Funny poems on the day of jam


Today denёk such a wonderful,

Birthday elder sister!

This date is significant for the whole family,

On this day you was born!

I am grateful to our parents,

What they gave a miracle.

You're the coolest, you so desire,

You're my sister - and that's cool!

You can lay out all the secrets,

And you have to listen to your advice.

Always helpful, will not throw in the lurch,

All thank you!

I hope you'll be very happy,

The most beautiful and beloved husband!

More positive and bright smiles,

Sparks in the eyes, less silly mistakes.

Suppose that time is running, you do not worry,

Often all the thirty-two smiles.

Each year gives her only joy,

I wish to feel the sweetness of life!

Remember that in the whole world,

You - bringing love, light breeze.

There is no more beautiful than you, my only,

You are dearer to everyone, and that's the truth.

You're the sister,

What is wanted,

You are the best!

I always knew it!

Author Alain Kuleshov


Today is a holiday at you,

My older sister,

And I extend a big soul

You wish good luck.

Healthy not be sad,

In the sea of ​​love always swim,

Such fun, naughty

To go through life not to be afraid.

Let the flying star

Desire gives today,

And the sun rays of their

With gifts to send to you.

They settled in the shower

And will not be sad and cry.

Only the rain from heaven

You will drip on the cheeks.

Let him bring with him

You health, many years

Ahead always shines,

Hope, faith, good light.

Author Svetlana Sanyuk


Elder sister, I wish you,

That birthday came true

All what you want,

All what you expect much!

And let there be no grief,

Let the sky is blue,

I wish you happy moments,

Let sadness will vanish like smoke!

Author Dmitry Perkov

Congratulations in the verses with her older sister's birthday, dear beloved elder sister, best wishes in all.

Funny and humorous greetings sister happy birthday poems

 Congratulations to my sister a happy birthday

Beloved sister


My sister, my dear,

I congratulate you,

You are a ray of light for me,

I love you wish.

So beautiful, intelligent, tender,

The merits of a lot,

You really, really need me,

My angel svetlooky.

Accept gifts and flowers,

Celebrate a birthday,

Everyone in this world more beautiful you are,

Receive greetings!


You're more than a sister - friend

Ray of light in the kingdom of darkness,

In a vicious circle,

One after each other, we go.

Suppose that in life everything happens

And it seems there is no salvation,

Me from sorrows saves,

Soul, your home, clear light.

Today is a holiday birthday

You become older and wiser,

Receive now congratulations

And the years and do not regret.

You are young and so beautiful,

After all, you know the wine,

He does not know the terrible old age,

Always sang it, delicious!

So shalt soon glasses

And we will raise their liking,

The ringing crystal of our couples,

Let me hug you soon!


Let glasses loudly - loud

About you sing in the morning!

Happy Birthday Sister,

With a bright holiday for you!

Let the flowers in the morning shine

Like a ray of for you,

Suppose that you play again

And the guitar, and trumpet!

Let the wind caress only you,

Let the sun shine hundreds of years,

Happy Birthday! Everybody knows,

What is more beautiful than you, no!


When one sad softly,

When I laugh at random,

You're next, my dear sister,

Are you not afraid of rain and hail!

With you the sun shines brighter,

With you and the rainbow shines!

So even if today everything

For you one buzzing!

Suppose that today you happy

It becomes, because there is no bad weather,

Stay beautiful you are,

Happy Birthday! Long years!


Happy Birthday my sister,

Be successful and charming,

Be beautiful and proud

Whether it is now, always!


You are to me - a ticket to happiness

Are you not afraid of me bad weather,

With you I always calm,

My sister, on the occasion of you!
