An increasing number of people over many years is a regular struggle with freckles that appear on their face or body, especially in the spring and summer. Of course, such "sun kisses" sometimes add special highlight the beauty of women. Yet most of them dream to get rid of such a gift of nature and fast.
Women are still a long time fought with the hated freckles. Today, there are many traditional methods that can help clean the face of such spots. Further, it offered the most effective ones.
It is a good tool in the fight with freckles becomes almonds
It was used in the data to a few centuries ago. The recipe of its preparation is as follows: Pour a few kernels of almonds with boiling water. After ten minutes they need to get out of the water, clean.
Then the almonds passing through a meat grinder. Little by little in a slurry is added to hot water. All is mixed. After it put a teaspoon of honey. This mixture is applied daily to the face and washed off with warm water after a few minutes.
Get rid of the freckles on your face will help ordinary parsley
Grass should be a good grind and add to it a little unboiled milk. The process of applying a liquid on the face is the same with the previous recipe.
You can also try to lubricate the face with lemon juice. This citrus fruit is also good fights with pigment spots on the skin.
You can try discolored freckle on the face
For this procedure, you must use yogurt. Optionally, it is possible to add a few drops of lemon juice. Kefir need to wash your face morning and evening.
Reduce the number of sunspots can help special masks on the basis of egg white and lemon juice. Before you apply them to the face, the skin will need a good clean and degrease. It is not necessary to perform the procedure more than twice a week.
Those women, who suffer from frequent manifestations of freckles on his face and body, it is not recommended to spend a lot of time in the sun. After all, they often become a cause of a pigmentation. Every time he went out into the street, the skin must be lubricated with special sunscreen. This is especially true summer.
A sufficient amount of vitamin C in the body reduces the manifestation of freckles on her face. Therefore it is recommended to use as many fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably raw. Such prevention will benefit not only in the fight with freckles, but also enrich the body missing vitamins and other substances.
Ways to help get rid of cellulite on the buttocks
Cellulite is very ugly looks like orange peel, which is not so simply correct yourself with the help of cosmetics at home. This diagnosis should be eliminated by an appropriate treatment because it is formed after heavy and large irregularities in the activities of the human body.
We offer to learn the most effective methods and techniques that help get rid of cellulite on the buttocks.
In order to enable women to get rid of cellulite, it was coined a few good treatments, such as massage and exfoliation (the impact of active drugs and therapeutic agents in the body). In order to proceed with the effective treatment of cellulite on the buttocks
First it is necessary to establish the cause of its formation.
Methods of treatment depend on the stage of the disease.
Four-program is suitable for the treatment of the disease in its early stages and will help get rid of cellulite on the buttocks. The first level - is purification. The second - a means of manual treatment activates the lymph flow.
The third and fourth levels of the program include mechanical massage and body wrap. More serious problems with cellulite treated with the help of additional levels 1-3, they wrap combined with the effective use of special masks and hardware techniques.
Vacuum unit will help it to get rid of cellulite on the buttocks.
The apparatus applies suction chamber, which is directed to the living skin. His active influence on the fabric such that affect the exterior, as well as the deeper layers of the skin. The number of sessions depends on the stage of the disease and the condition of the skin tissues, as the procedure does not harm the skin of the body.
Orange peel can be cured by laser.
In the first stage of treatment is mechanical massage, and then massaged the surface of the body is cooled. At the last stage, the effect of the laser. Microstimulation with this method is improved, positively affecting the skin of women.
Also, get rid of cellulite is possible by means of a shock wave, carried out by a hardware technique.
The sound wave penetrates the skin of the body and fights fat.
The device destroys fat deposits in the buttocks
And tightens the skin. This technique is treated fibrous cellulite. Fat evaporates under the action of sound waves.
In place of the cellulite gel is applied, then it is, by using a special nozzle is processed.
This method of treatment is suitable for all stages of cellulite.
Certain guarantees plastic surgery
Everyone wants to look good and young, this is not always achieved by proper diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. There are some problems to solve which is not possible without surgery, it can be ugly crooked nose or chest.
Our contemporaries also came to the conclusion that this is to be beautiful and prestigious. In Moscow, it became readily available and widespread rhinoplasty, breast augmentation and other plastic surgery. However, the well-known publication about plastic surgery failed stars make our women a little wary. Unfortunately, the surgery in our appearance does not always give the expected result since it can touch and ordinary people. The main thing is trust-worthy, competent surgeon and be able to stop in time, no amount of abuse carried out by plastic.
All patients clinics of plastic surgery (or any medical institution) must first of all interested in issues guarantees of future performance, and complete security of the upcoming surgery.
Warranty for patients is a form of responsibility for the fulfillment of all obligations assumed by the clinic. In addition to the preparation of the operation is to enter the patient's awareness, including the possible risks. Having decided to have a small plastic must be an idea of what kind of plastic surgery there.
The goal of reconstructive surgery - to get rid of congenital or acquired defects. This may be, for example, shortness of breath nasal or mastectomy. The most famous view of plastic are aesthetic plastic surgery, including rejuvenation. There are surgical procedures that are performed purely a whim, they are referred to a certain image operations. Studying the information is not necessary to watch the exclusive online broadcast of plastic surgery, this should have very strong nerves, and show them more for specialists.
Sometimes enough to choose the right clinic among many metropolitan medical institutions that deal with similar issues surgery. The most important thing to find a plastic surgeon who will have the necessary skills, a good reputation among patients and a high degree of skill.
Hercules face mask
There is an excellent means of cleansing - a simple, cheap, natural, effective - and called Hercules.
Use to cleanse oatmeal - a procedure that includes three effects: softens, removes dirt, moisturizes.
Hercules is very rich in minerals and trace elements. It has a healing effect, thus improving the structure of the skin. Oatmeal displays black spots, as well as eliminates the inflammation of the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Moreover, it means great fights with peeling skin.
When using oatmeal as a cosmetic your flaws may appear stronger than it was before. But fear not. This occurs only in the first procedure. Moreover, this phenomenon is associated with the process of deep cleansing. That is oatmeal flakes pulled out all the inflammatory processes, and then destroys them completely. Especially since this reaction manifests itself very rarely.
There are a few simple ways to prepare oatmeal for washing, as it is made cleansing facials. Some steamed oatmeal flakes in boiling water, and moisten with a small handful of others in the palm of your hands under running water and then wash. Also, there are people who are before the procedure should be crushed as the flakes. There's all about your taste.
Flakes go hard when they poured cold water. But if you pour boiling water over it all completely on the contrary, they become like a mess. Therefore, the best option - to fill oatmeal with warm water. Once filled it with warm water, let it brew - just a few minutes. Then apply flakes on wet face and how to massage. It holds about five minutes.
Wash oatmeal can all skin types: normal, combination, dry, oily. In addition, you can add, taste, juice of aloe, cucumber or even yogurt. Kefir is more suitable for oily or combination skin. But for dry and sensitive skin it is best to pour cereal with warm milk or cream.
Apply this tool can be all over the body. For example, while taking a shower. You can also add oatmeal flakes in a coffee scrub. This will make it softer and softer skin.
Face mask of oatmeal with protein perfectly cleans the skin. For this it is necessary to grind the flakes. For this case will fit the grinder. One tablespoon is enough. Separate the yolks from the protein, and how to, his whip, to get foam. Not to be redundant, and five drops of lemon juice. Stir. The mask is ready. On the face hold about 25 minutes, and then simply shake hands mask. That will be possible to wash with a decoction of camomile.
Mask of oatmeal with the addition of various juices copes well with moisture. It is necessary to grind a small handful of oatmeal, then add the lemon, tomato and orange juice. The amount of each juice - a teaspoon. You can add a teaspoon of milk. Hold for twenty minutes and rinse with cool water.