Can I get rid of cellulite at home?

 Get rid of cellulite

Let's first see what kind of terror this cellulite? Some women firmly believe that cellulite - is the accumulated fat under the skin. Others are absolutely convinced that it is only found in middle-aged ladies. Unfortunately, some other wrong. Cellulite - is not fat, and structural changes in cells and tissues of the subcutaneous fat layer.

Let hudyshki not snort, fat cells have each a normal person, not each of them are equally filled with fatty deposits. Also, each person has under the skin blood vessels.

If for some reason they are clogged, stop flow to the tissues of oxygen and blood, or start to arrive in insufficient quantities. Fat, fluid and other "junk" is not derived from the cells and accumulate. The cells swell, protrude. And there are unpleasant "pits", similar to an orange peel.

What can cause the problem of cellulite?

In the first place there are hormonal changes in the body by the use of different drugs. The second - a sedentary lifestyle. There may be the culprit, and sedentary work and laziness, and transferred a trauma. The third important reason - the wrong food.

In addition to the main reasons there are extra. This genetic predisposition and smoking, and stress. To summarize, define, cellulite can develop in anyone - a thick and thin, the old and the young. Only the men it does not happen - they have different operating systems fat accumulation.

The above reasons make it clear that you need to fight cellulite in the complex, from the outside with the help of massage and other things, and from within, following a certain diet. Neither the Kremlin nor Hollywood's not fit. There can be everything, even fat, but in moderation. At the same time make it a rule closely breakfast, lunch and easy to give up supper, replacing it with low-fat yogurt or fruit salad without sugar. Useful in a salad to add low-fat yogurt.

The second thing that needs to be done always - start loading your body with physical exertion. Cleaning of the apartment or single weeding potatoes are not included here. Classes should be systematic. If you can not attend a fitness club and swimming pool, although you need to take it a rule to walk every day to pass one or two stops.

To fight against cellulite are outside the anti-cellulite massage and anti-cellulite cosmetics.

With regard to the latter opinion beauticians diverge. Some say a categorical "no, not help," the other categorical "yes, definitely" Ladies, calculating how much each tube, and after a good cream can not be cheap, multiplying its price in the duration of application, you decide it is better to join the fitness club. There though the result will be one hundred percent. Any cream, even the coolest, not get rid of cellulite without the use of other methods. It is not tested by hundreds of women, as they say on the packaging, and the hundreds of thousands.

Anti-cellulite massage is a very powerful tool in the fight to "infect" one problem - it can not be done alone. This type of massage is one of the most labor-intensive, and as a result, one of the most expensive. Professional executes it at least an hour, and the procedure must be repeated at least 2 times a week.

Self can be a variety of brushes, rollers and other devices massaging the skin, improve its outer structure, blood flow in the upper layers, and their mood. Using scrubs can also rejuvenate and purify the skin. Anti-cellulite it helps small and is only good addition.

Anti-cellulite bath at home

 Anti-cellulite bath

Effective and a great way to combat cellulite at home is the anti-cellulite bath. They burn fat, help to normalize metabolism, well-toned body and nourish the skin, good anti-aging and supply the body with the necessary vitamins.

"Mustard Bath"

The container of warm water to dissolve 1 cup mustard. Stir until the characteristic smell of mustard oil. Add this solution to the hot bath (temp. 38 - 39 C). Before the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking for one hour. To be sitting in a bath in water from the waist up - 5 - 10 min.

If you begin to experience any discomfort or palpitations - bathing should be discontinued. Then Rinse under a warm shower, and then relaxed soak for 30 minutes under a warm blanket. Get ready for a heavy sweating. After the bath as 1:00 nothing to eat or drink.

"Soda bath"

200 grams of baking soda mixed with table salt - 300 grams. Add to hot bath (temp. 38 - 40 ° C). Before the procedure, do not drink and do not eat two hours. With a mug to take a bath is not sweet, hot tea. Drink in small sips. Being in the bathroom 5-12 minutes to look at the state of health.

Wash in the shower after a bath is not necessary. It should immediately lie down under a warm blanket (for which it is desirable to put a sheet). Sweat 40 minutes. Then obmytsya soul. Do not drink or eat after the procedure within one hour. This procedure is perfectly burns fat - about 500 grams at a time.

"Turpentine bath"

The pharmacy sells emulsion which can be used to prepare a turpentine bath at home. The methods described in the manual.

"Bath of lime blossom"

Very good tool to fight fat. Buy at the pharmacy to collect lime color. Make a solution: pour boiling water 5 tb. spoons with gorochkoy collection. Insist, wrapped in a towel for 40 minutes. Add to bath pre-filter. Water is 37 degrees.

The amount of water - from the waist up, give yourself to soak for 15-20 minutes. The bath is taken on an empty stomach. One hour after the procedure, too, does not drink or eat.

"Tea Bath"

3 tb. spoons of tea to brew 1 liter of boiling water. Let configure themselves 10-15 m. Fill the bath, pre-filtered solution. Water 37 ° C, located in the bath sitting in water up to his waist 10 - 20 m. Well-tones the skin, helps to normalize metabolism.

"Vitamin bath"

For vitamins bathtubs needs 1 liter of any fruit juice (even from the store). Pour the juice into the bath water - 37 C. Restrictions on receiving a bath there. Excellent rejuvenates, helps to normalize metabolism, provides the body with vitamins.

Adopt effective anti-cellulite bath as a great way to combat cellulite at home, and all you get.

Grape cosmetics gentle facial and body

 Grape cosmetics

The leaves and fruit of grapes of great benefit for women who are actively removes toxins from the body and add elasticity to your skin and body. If you want to look incredibly attractive and seductive? In this article you will learn that the grape cosmetics is a very gentle facial and body oil from the seed, grape mask, a bath and a decoction of the leaves against cellulite.

In ancient times, women because of lack of alternatives used the most "natural cosmetics". In modern days we can make a choice between the purchased product and means, which are prepared with their own hands, I note, is not worse.

Grape seed oil body

Even in ancient times oil is golden brown, was used as a cosmetic. A surprising benefit of this oil is that the unsaturated fatty acids contained therein are included in the top layer of skin.

You have excessively dry skin? Grape seed oil promotes rapid elimination of this deficiency. After showering, apply the oil lightly on dry skin, wrap the body with a towel and wait until the oil is completely absorbed.

Gentle skin care

Scientists have long shown that creams with fruit additives smooth the wrinkles. Grapes - is the most important supplier of fruit acids. Healing berries pulp contains a mix of malic and tartaric acids, perfectly supplying the skin with moisture and noticeably smoothing it. In addition, much faster particles begin to separate dead top layer, and in addition, activates the collagen.

However, the most important - active substances berries are not only focused but also very soft. That's why even well-tolerated over-sensitive skin. "Grape cosmetics" today is widely represented on the market. But it is not necessary for skin care to use these resources quite expensive in beautiful jars.

Peeling and masks can make the most of. Divided grapes lay on the face on 11-16 minutes or carefully separate the flesh from the skin and seeds, then apply a thick layer on the skin, then rinse.

Vine leaves, in turn, contain unique substances strengthens blood vessels. Incredibly effective bath with grape leaves. Fill the tub with warm water, put it about 53 grams of washed leaves and relax in the bath 11- 22 minutes.

Broth grape leaves against cellulite

Broth grape leaves binds toxins and is often used against cellulite. 34 - 43 g of leaves pour 0, 9 liters of boiling water, letting it brew for 16-23 minutes. Drink infusion of small meals throughout the day.

Knowing the rules and apply the grape cosmetics delicate facial skin care and body, you will always look incredibly tempting to the envy of her friends.
