Lips are very sensitive part of our face, so caregivers need regular and correct. To lips were pink and tender the following tips:
1. Lip Balm
In cold and windy weather, excellent protection lip balm with UV serve as filters. Try to avoid long walks in this weather, if your lips are prone to dryness. Use hygienic lipstick as often as possible, even if you are indoors. Vegetable oil also will work fine on your lips.
2. Purification lip
Be sure to clean the lips when you go to bed. Lips must be carefully cleaned from the remnants of lipstick to them fed oxygen. Do not forget to process nutritional means.
3. Ointment for the treatment of
If the cracks on the lips they must be processed with special ointments to prevent the development of infection. Ointment contains antibiotics, so before using consult your doctor.
4. Water
Eating plenty of fluids, you moisturize your lips, thus preventing cracking. So try every hour to drink purified water.
5. Moist air
Dermatologists advise winter as often as possible to humidify the air in the room where you are.
6. Beeswax
If you are faced with the problem of chapped lips, then you will come to the rescue balm Karmeks. It is a wonderful tool contains beeswax and phenol by which healing takes place in the shortest possible time. Balm with beeswax can be prepared at home by adding oil to the wax and honey.
7. Do not lick your lips
More from childhood, we know that lick lips in the cold can not, after all because of this happening obvetrivanie that goes into cracks. Licking his lips, the moisture evaporates very quickly, and we begin to repeat this mistake again and again. Especially in saliva contains digestive enzymes, which will only aggravate the problem.
8. Ointment with Zinc oxide
During a night of rest, too, our lips tend to dry out, so at night, use the ointment with zinc oxide, it prevents cracking and moisturizes lips.
9. Toothpaste
Dry mouth can be caused by the toothpaste, so before you make a purchase, read the composition and if the paste contains fluoride and cinnamate, pick another. It is because of these components, which also can be allergens, there is dryness of the mouth, and may appear inflamed.
10. Vitamins
The organism must receive a certain amount of vitamins C and B, and the lack of them can cause peeling.
11. Because of what is happening drying?
The skin of the lips is very delicate so because of the means which is composed of alcohol, menthol, Retin A, glycerol lips spoil. Even the food you eat has an impact on the lips. Sometimes the disease of the lips may be a harbinger of serious diseases of the body, so you should consult your doctor.
12. Protective cream
When the painful cracks, you can use the ointment with vaseline. Craft can be a protective ointment at home. For her, castor oil and the need Vaseline.
13. Gialouranovaya acid
This means in the form of ointment can be purchased at the pharmacy. The ointment helps heal perfectly moisturizes lips and gives shine.
14. Folk remedies
Use chopped in a blender apples, cheese, carrot juice, melted butter it will help heal cracks. Using these tools can be both winter and summer.
15. Train lips
Grooming lips, you keep them healthy, but it can be done through training. Thanks to daily training lips become elastic thereby accentuate your beauty.
Proper care of the lips tips
Lips are very sensitive part of our face, so caregivers need regular and correct. To lips were pink and tender the following tips:
1. Lip Balm
In cold and windy weather, excellent protection lip balm with UV serve as filters. Try to avoid long walks in this weather, if your lips are prone to dryness. Use hygienic lipstick as often as possible, even if you are indoors. Vegetable oil also will work fine on your lips.
2. Purification lip
Be sure to clean the lips when you go to bed. Lips must be carefully cleaned from the remnants of lipstick to them fed oxygen. Do not forget to process nutritional means.
3. Ointment for the treatment of
If the cracks on the lips they must be processed with special ointments to prevent the development of infection. Ointment contains antibiotics, so before using consult your doctor.
4. Water
Eating plenty of fluids, you moisturize your lips, thus preventing cracking. So try every hour to drink purified water.
5. Moist air
Dermatologists advise winter as often as possible to humidify the air in the room where you are.
6. Beeswax
If you are faced with the problem of chapped lips, then you will come to the rescue balm Karmeks. It is a wonderful tool contains beeswax and phenol by which healing takes place in the shortest possible time. Balm with beeswax can be prepared at home by adding oil to the wax and honey.
7. Do not lick your lips
More from childhood, we know that lick lips in the cold can not, after all because of this happening obvetrivanie that goes into cracks. Licking his lips, the moisture evaporates very quickly, and we begin to repeat this mistake again and again. Especially in saliva contains digestive enzymes, which will only aggravate the problem.
8. Ointment with Zinc oxide
During a night of rest, too, our lips tend to dry out, so at night, use the ointment with zinc oxide, it prevents cracking and moisturizes lips.
9. Toothpaste
Dry mouth can be caused by the toothpaste, so before you make a purchase, read the composition and if the paste contains fluoride and cinnamate, pick another. It is because of these components, which also can be allergens, there is dryness of the mouth, and may appear inflamed.
10. Vitamins
The organism must receive a certain amount of vitamins C and B, and the lack of them can cause peeling.
11. Because of what is happening drying?
The skin of the lips is very delicate so because of the means which is composed of alcohol, menthol, Retin A, glycerol lips spoil. Even the food you eat has an impact on the lips. Sometimes the disease of the lips may be a harbinger of serious diseases of the body, so you should consult your doctor.
12. Protective cream
When the painful cracks, you can use the ointment with vaseline. Craft can be a protective ointment at home. For her, castor oil and the need Vaseline.
13. Gialouranovaya acid
This means in the form of ointment can be purchased at the pharmacy. The ointment helps heal perfectly moisturizes lips and gives shine.
14. Folk remedies
Use chopped in a blender apples, cheese, carrot juice, melted butter it will help heal cracks. Using these tools can be both winter and summer.
15. Train lips
Grooming lips, you keep them healthy, but it can be done through training. Thanks to daily training lips become elastic thereby accentuate your beauty.
Rules applying face masks for the skin
Facial masks give our tired skin freshness and help to quickly restore healthy color. The article describes in detail the basic rules of application, exposure time, and the removal (removal) of various cosmetic masks at home. What kind of masks are needed for certain skin types.
Masks beneficial effect on the skin of the face and neck: promote blood circulation, nourish the skin, giving skin elasticity, smooth wrinkles and refresh it. They are good to use in combination with the creams.
Action face masks
There are many alternatives to cosmetic masks. Depending on their composition, preparation and execution method, the mask may have different effects on the skin. Some clean the skin, others soften it, nourish and make elastic, others have a degreasing effect, skin whitening. Masks are selected depending on the season and the age and general condition of the skin.
Masks are active, but in a little while. Therefore, to get a good result, you need to regularly use them: if the normal or dry skin - once a week, if you have oily skin - twice a week. Exceptions are cream-mask with a delicate texture that can be used every day. Care course is 10, 15 or 20 treatments.
For best results, before applying the mask, you can make a steam bath or apply a warm compress. For oily skin steam bath is recommended twice a month for 15 minutes to dry skin - every two months for 5-10 minutes. Dilation of blood vessels on the face are contraindications for the treatment of steam.
What is included in the basic components
The mask consists of a base and optional components with a therapeutic effect. The substrate may be made from animal fat or vegetable oil, starch, oat or wheat flour, egg yolk or protein, white clay, talc, magnesium or zinc oxide, etc.
Additional components: camphor, which strengthens the skin and supplements that narrow pores - aluminum salts, moisturizing and soothing active ingredients (azulene). Composition tonic masks may include vitamins A, B, C, D, E; bleaches - zinc oxide and hydrogen peroxide.
However, the best masks are prepared at home, they can do wonders for your skin. For their preparation, you should only use fresh ingredients. Most often these masks are made from cottage cheese, cream, yeast, egg yolk and honey.
The composition of the mask for dry skin, including vegetable oil and cream. Vegetables and fruits that are abundant in the summer it possible to obtain a variety of face masks. Indispensable for the preparation of the mixture are wonderful and herbs: chamomile, thyme, linden flowers, birch leaves, mint leaves, petals, peony and rose petals.
Rules applying face masks
The procedure is as follows:
1. A small amount of the mixture is applied to the fingertips on the face, a clean and heated with hot water or compress to the skin hairline and neck. Movements are performed from the bottom up, from the upper lip to ear, from the chin to the temples, from the nose to the root of the ear; from the middle of the forehead to the temples.
Do not apply to areas of about 2, 5 cm around the eyes, ears and lips. Before applying the mask, the eyelids and the skin around the eyes can be spread with fat cream. If necessary, you can stretch the mask to the neck.
2. Using the brush, cosmetic mask should be applied evenly to the face and neck movements from the bottom up. On the wings of the nose and chin mask easier to put your fingertips.
Exposure time
3. Then you must lie on your back, place a small pillow under your head. If you can not go to bed, you can sit in a chair. It is desirable to raise the legs and relax.
After applying the mask and before its removal, you should still sidit. Do not read and do not talk during the procedure. Masks for skin cleansing applied to the face for 10 minutes, and nutritious or hydrating masks should be left on for 15-20 minutes.
Do not leave the mask on the face of more than 20 minutes - can occur irritation. If you overdo the mask, it can stretch the skin and cause a feeling of fatigue.
Removing facials
4. The last step is to remove the mask. Depending on its composition, the mask is removed with cotton wool soaked in cold water, dry with a towel (if you used a mask with oil) or a suitable lotion. Do not use harsh, raw water.
For removing the mask from oily skin, you can soften the water with boric acid or by the addition of lemon or orange juice. If the skin is normal or dry, it is recommended to remove the mask of herbal extract, medium strength tea, milk, broth chamomile or boiled water, chilled and lightly salted.
The masks, which harden before removing soaked. To do this, wet face with a towel soaked in warm water and gently pressed. Then the mask is removed with gentle movements and wash your face with warm water.
5. At the end wash your face with cold water and wipe with toner and apply a moisturizer (morning) or a nutrient (in the evening).
If you have problem skin inflammations or acne before choosing a mask, it is best to consult a dermatologist.