Many women feel the skin problem areas. Of course, not always possible to mask various skin "in trouble" and get rid of them - sometimes becomes a problem.
Because, unfortunately, cosmetic products may also prove to be helpless in dealing with skin problems. And if we turn to folk remedies, to recipes, tested by centuries?
Correct and consistent facial and neck
The facial skin is very different from other skin its tenderness and subtlety. For good reason it is compared to a flower. But any flower requires care. And the skin of the face and neck without careful maintenance may fade like a flower. First of all, try to create a favorable environment for your skin - it is a healthy way of life. For washing water, use a special 10-minute soak in water gauze bag filled with wheat bran. The skin will be smooth enough and will not peel off.
Quite effectively operates the home anti-aging lotion. To make it 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley pour a glass of hot water. After an hour the infusion and put in the refrigerator. This lotion skin can be cleaned several times a day.
To thoroughly clean the face and neck, you can use egg peeling mask. For its preparation half a teaspoon of egg shell grind in a coffee grinder, add the egg yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream. The resulting mixture is gently rub on massage lines, then rinse with warm water. This recipe is suitable for all skin types, but the effect is visible almost immediately.
Our skin needs support especially under adverse environmental conditions. It will handle a very simple mask: Grate two fresh carrots, add 2 tablespoons of potato flour and one egg yolk. This mixture is applied to clean skin for 15-20 minutes, then wash well. By the way, this mask is able to improve the complexion and to smooth wrinkles.
Care of hands and feet
The skin of hands and feet is not as tender as the skin of the face, but it does not deprive the attention is. To get rid of flaky skin hand twice a week can you do trays from milk whey or sauerkraut juice, after which the hand can be lubricated with olive oil or cream.
For a good cleansing wipe its hands of the coffee grounds, and then rinse with warm water. And funds received by mixing equal parts of infusion of tea fungus and olive oil will help you save for a long time in good condition hand skin and protect it.
For foot care is a versatile ingredient oak bark. Trays from broth perfectly disinfect, reduce sweating. Very good fatigue, swelling bath with sea salt. To soften rough skin applied aloe leaf.
After all, it is desirable to make the bath massage with olive or other oil.
And yet one should always remember that our skin is directly related to our health.
Swelling and bags under the eyes, the causes
From what are "bags" under the eyes
"Bags" under the eyes did not decorate the person. They meanly giving its owner, tell others about a dysfunctional life, poor health or heredity. And no matter how much sleep and rest their owner, it will still look sick and exhausted. Faced with these swellings are not aesthetic, a man in every way trying to get rid of them without thinking about the real reason for their appearance. And in vain, because only knowing "in the face of the enemy", can effectively deal with this problem.
Remember the lessons of anatomy
Between the eyeball and orbit has a layer of fatty tissue, serving as a shock absorber. It is called periorbital tissue and skin from the century it separated the orbital septum, holding the adipose tissue inside the eye socket.
Causes of "bags" under the eyes
Bags under the eyes can occur with age, when the connective tissue membrane, losing its elasticity, stretches and sags. To resolve this issue, during plastic surgery tightens and firms the orbital septum, thereby eliminating the saggy skin.
If the cause of the bags under the eyes - the swelling, it is most noticeable when they are sleeping and gradually decrease or completely go in the evening, when under the influence of gravitational forces and stimulation of blood circulation, the liquid flows off the bottom of the trunk.
"Bags," which appeared as a result of proliferation of adipose tissue, do not depend on time of day and are a constant phenomenon.
In addition, the appearance of "bags" under the eyes are the following factors:
heredity (bags appear in early childhood, and certainly they are parents);
cheerful party (reception of alcohol or drugs in conjunction with the lack of sleep, causing swelling pereorbitalnoy fiber);
Salt (excessive consumption of salty foods are known to contribute to water retention in the body - from there and swelling under the eyes);
comorbidities (renal diseases, allergic reactions, acute respiratory viral infection, inflammation of the sinuses);
cardiovascular disease (violation of the outflow of venous blood from the head, causing the face, lips and eyelids become cyanotic, and under the eyes there is a characteristic dark color);
hormonal disorders (a manifestation of "bags" under the eyes sometimes occurs in women in some phases of the menstrual cycle, due to changes in hormonal levels);
too thin membrane of the eye, which can break even, and the fat layer forms a kind of hernia;
ultraviolet radiation (tanning is typical for fans and frequent summer visitors);
Stress, fatigue or eyestrain (may occur with prolonged sitting in front of TV or computer);
age-related changes (as yet unexplained reasons pereorbitalnaya tissue grows with age and, as it sags under the eyes, gradually increasing).
"Bags" under the eyes, there is a fairly long period of time under the eyes, regardless of the cause, very often lead to increased pigmentation of the lower eyelids. And visually it is compounded by the shade themselves from the swelling, which leads to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. And for example, in some people, due to the characteristic anatomical features, through the eyelid skin can show through a capillary network of blood vessels. This is especially noticeable after excessive libations or as a result of lack of sleep, creating the effect of dark circles.
Swelling and bags under the eyes, the causes
From what are "bags" under the eyes
"Bags" under the eyes did not decorate the person. They meanly giving its owner, tell others about a dysfunctional life, poor health or heredity. And no matter how much sleep and rest their owner, it will still look sick and exhausted. Faced with these swellings are not aesthetic, a man in every way trying to get rid of them without thinking about the real reason for their appearance. And in vain, because only knowing "in the face of the enemy", can effectively deal with this problem.
Remember the lessons of anatomy
Between the eyeball and orbit has a layer of fatty tissue, serving as a shock absorber. It is called periorbital tissue and skin from the century it separated the orbital septum, holding the adipose tissue inside the eye socket.
Causes of "bags" under the eyes
Bags under the eyes can occur with age, when the connective tissue membrane, losing its elasticity, stretches and sags. To resolve this issue, during plastic surgery tightens and firms the orbital septum, thereby eliminating the saggy skin.
If the cause of the bags under the eyes - the swelling, it is most noticeable when they are sleeping and gradually decrease or completely go in the evening, when under the influence of gravitational forces and stimulation of blood circulation, the liquid flows off the bottom of the trunk.
"Bags," which appeared as a result of proliferation of adipose tissue, do not depend on time of day and are a constant phenomenon.
In addition, the appearance of "bags" under the eyes are the following factors:
heredity (bags appear in early childhood, and certainly they are parents);
cheerful party (reception of alcohol or drugs in conjunction with the lack of sleep, causing swelling pereorbitalnoy fiber);
Salt (excessive consumption of salty foods are known to contribute to water retention in the body - from there and swelling under the eyes);
comorbidities (renal diseases, allergic reactions, acute respiratory viral infection, inflammation of the sinuses);
cardiovascular disease (violation of the outflow of venous blood from the head, causing the face, lips and eyelids become cyanotic, and under the eyes there is a characteristic dark color);
hormonal disorders (a manifestation of "bags" under the eyes sometimes occurs in women in some phases of the menstrual cycle, due to changes in hormonal levels);
too thin membrane of the eye, which can break even, and the fat layer forms a kind of hernia;
ultraviolet radiation (tanning is typical for fans and frequent summer visitors);
Stress, fatigue or eyestrain (may occur with prolonged sitting in front of TV or computer);
age-related changes (as yet unexplained reasons pereorbitalnaya tissue grows with age and, as it sags under the eyes, gradually increasing).
"Bags" under the eyes, there is a fairly long period of time under the eyes, regardless of the cause, very often lead to increased pigmentation of the lower eyelids. And visually it is compounded by the shade themselves from the swelling, which leads to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. And for example, in some people, due to the characteristic anatomical features, through the eyelid skin can show through a capillary network of blood vessels. This is especially noticeable after excessive libations or as a result of lack of sleep, creating the effect of dark circles.