First of all, chocolate wrapping SPA is a tremendous benefit to the whole body and a huge influx of forces and energy. The body receives the necessary vitamins and minerals, and its owner - a lot of positive emotions.
A very popular procedure, carried out at home, both in Russia and abroad, was the use of chocolate in all media. Otherwise it may not be chocolate - a relatively inexpensive means of comparison, for example, algae wraps to any sea - Aegean, red, black.
Chocolate helps to cope with stress and its structure can effectively act on the skin and its upper layers. By the way, chocolate is also different properties reduces body fat (of course, if you do not consume chocolate in large quantities).
SPA-wrapping with chocolate is not only in beauty salons, but also at home. For body wraps can be used conventional cocoa, which was popular in the Soviet times.
Here's how chocolate body wrap at home.
Stage 1.
Immerse the whole body in the world of chocolate, that is, in other words, take a chocolate bath. This requires the purchase of cocoa powder without various additives, a classical dark cocoa.
Ingredients for a chocolate bath:
• Cocoa powder - 250 grams;
• Water - 500 ml.
Pour the cocoa powder with warm water. All mix and 1 minute before the bath, pour the mixture into the water. This stage is a kind of preparation for the chocolate SPA - wrapping at home.
Step 2.
After taking a chocolate bath can go directly to the wrapping. This sequence allows the most successful to prepare the skin for the procedure and to ensure the best effect, because chocolate baths and wraps hard fight against excess weight.
Ingredients for wraps:
• Cocoa powder - 400 grams;
• Hot boiled water - 800 ml;
• Olive oil - 0, 5 tsp
Cocoa powder is dissolved in water. The resulting mass is let cool and then to enhance the thermal effect, add the olive oil.
The prepared mixture should be applied to those areas of the body where you want to say goodbye to cellulite and excess weight - the abdomen, thighs, legs, buttocks. The mixture is applied with a thick layer of about 5 mm.
After the application is necessary to wrap parts of the body smeared with polyethylene film (and for best effect - and even wrap the whole body warm blanket), that it will withdraw all toxins from the body, and the skin will absorb the nutrients. Wrapping can be done about 15-20 minutes.
Do not forget that emotional state at this point is also important. Try to enjoy these moments of chocolate wraps, nothing to think, breathe in the smell of chocolate - and you'll see what a powerful therapy at home.
After the chocolate session, take a contrast shower (cool / warm) and rinse off the remains of "chocolate pleasure" with your body.