Hercules face mask

 Mask for the face

There is an excellent means of cleansing - a simple, cheap, natural, effective - and called Hercules.
Use to cleanse oatmeal - a procedure that includes three effects: softens, removes dirt, moisturizes.

Hercules is very rich in minerals and trace elements. It has a healing effect, thus improving the structure of the skin. Oatmeal displays black spots, as well as eliminates the inflammation of the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Moreover, it means great fights with peeling skin.

When using oatmeal as a cosmetic your flaws may appear stronger than it was before. But fear not. This occurs only in the first procedure. Moreover, this phenomenon is associated with the process of deep cleansing. That is oatmeal flakes pulled out all the inflammatory processes, and then destroys them completely. Especially since this reaction manifests itself very rarely.

There are a few simple ways to prepare oatmeal for washing, as it is made cleansing facials. Some steamed oatmeal flakes in boiling water, and moisten with a small handful of others in the palm of your hands under running water and then wash. Also, there are people who are before the procedure should be crushed as the flakes. There's all about your taste.

Flakes go hard when they poured cold water. But if you pour boiling water over it all completely on the contrary, they become like a mess. Therefore, the best option - to fill oatmeal with warm water. Once filled it with warm water, let it brew - just a few minutes. Then apply flakes on wet face and how to massage. It holds about five minutes.

Wash oatmeal can all skin types: normal, combination, dry, oily. In addition, you can add, taste, juice of aloe, cucumber or even yogurt. Kefir is more suitable for oily or combination skin. But for dry and sensitive skin it is best to pour cereal with warm milk or cream.

Apply this tool can be all over the body. For example, while taking a shower. You can also add oatmeal flakes in a coffee scrub. This will make it softer and softer skin.

Face mask of oatmeal with protein perfectly cleans the skin. For this it is necessary to grind the flakes. For this case will fit the grinder. One tablespoon is enough. Separate the yolks from the protein, and how to, his whip, to get foam. Not to be redundant, and five drops of lemon juice. Stir. The mask is ready. On the face hold about 25 minutes, and then simply shake hands mask. That will be possible to wash with a decoction of camomile.

Mask of oatmeal with the addition of various juices copes well with moisture. It is necessary to grind a small handful of oatmeal, then add the lemon, tomato and orange juice. The amount of each juice - a teaspoon. You can add a teaspoon of milk. Hold for twenty minutes and rinse with cool water.

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Care for oily, dry and sensitive skin in winter

 Face Care

With the onset of winter, many beautiful women notice that the skin is a series of changes. Cold air has a devastating effect on any skin type, because nature, alas, has made it the most vulnerable to low temperatures. The face and hands are taking the whole "blow" a frosty element and that is why should be paid to care for them attention. Below are tips for each particular type of skin, good care of oily, dry and sensitive skin in the winter at home.

Proper care of oily skin

The most difficult period for oily skin prone to a summer. In hot weather, the sebaceous glands work harder and therefore it is difficult to find the fair sex without toning and refreshing wipes in your purse.

It would seem, what problems may arise with oily skin in winter?

However, there are a lot of difficulties. Cold wind mercilessly destroys the natural protection of the skin in any case, regardless of its type. Daily washing can only complicate the situation. Tap water contains "aggressive" chemical elements, literally washing off the protective shell of the skin, thereby making it more vulnerable to winter frosts.

To prevent dehydration of the skin in the winter should abandon tonics and lotions, as part of which there is alcohol. A particularly positive impact on the appearance cryomassage. If every morning to wipe the skin with ice, your face will look great rest of the day!

Once a week to do the peeling. If we neglect this procedure dead skin cells build up on the surface, resulting in oily skin inflamed. Soft Peeling Mask gently cleanse the face, and a moisturizer to restore the water-salt balance of the skin.

Care for dry skin in the winter

Owners of dry skin can only sympathize. Already almost devoid of moisture and weather-beaten surface of the skin on it there is a lot of microcracks. They are very easy to get to various bacteria and irritate the delicate skin of the face. To avoid this, you can purchase a special protective cream.

In winter, in contrast to the summer period, welcome cosmetics. Light layer of foundation protects the delicate areas of the face from the cold and wind, though weak, but still dangerous UV radiation.

After a walk in the fresh air, do not forget to apply a moisturizer. Choose products based on natural medicinal herbs. For dry skin are ideal: nettle, peppermint, chamomile, mother and stepmother, yarrow, and St. John's wort.

Proper care for sensitive skin in winter

The main problem of this type is a heightened sensitivity to temperature changes. Blood vessels are too close to the skin surface and is therefore unable to withstand the abrupt change of temperature in winter.

To help in the fight against "capricious" sensitive skin can daisy. Among the many useful properties of this plant are two badly needed for sensitive skin. It is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the irritated areas.

Morning wash chamomile infusion pharmacy give sensitive skin healthy and fresh appearance. If every day to carry out these simple procedures, even in the winter skin is like snow - clean, fresh and radiant.

Grape cosmetics gentle facial and body

 Grape cosmetics

The leaves and fruit of grapes of great benefit for women who are actively removes toxins from the body and add elasticity to your skin and body. If you want to look incredibly attractive and seductive? In this article you will learn that the grape cosmetics is a very gentle facial and body oil from the seed, grape mask, a bath and a decoction of the leaves against cellulite.

In ancient times, women because of lack of alternatives used the most "natural cosmetics". In modern days we can make a choice between the purchased product and means, which are prepared with their own hands, I note, is not worse.

Grape seed oil body

Even in ancient times oil is golden brown, was used as a cosmetic. A surprising benefit of this oil is that the unsaturated fatty acids contained therein are included in the top layer of skin.

You have excessively dry skin? Grape seed oil promotes rapid elimination of this deficiency. After showering, apply the oil lightly on dry skin, wrap the body with a towel and wait until the oil is completely absorbed.

Gentle skin care

Scientists have long shown that creams with fruit additives smooth the wrinkles. Grapes - is the most important supplier of fruit acids. Healing berries pulp contains a mix of malic and tartaric acids, perfectly supplying the skin with moisture and noticeably smoothing it. In addition, much faster particles begin to separate dead top layer, and in addition, activates the collagen.

However, the most important - active substances berries are not only focused but also very soft. That's why even well-tolerated over-sensitive skin. "Grape cosmetics" today is widely represented on the market. But it is not necessary for skin care to use these resources quite expensive in beautiful jars.

Peeling and masks can make the most of. Divided grapes lay on the face on 11-16 minutes or carefully separate the flesh from the skin and seeds, then apply a thick layer on the skin, then rinse.

Vine leaves, in turn, contain unique substances strengthens blood vessels. Incredibly effective bath with grape leaves. Fill the tub with warm water, put it about 53 grams of washed leaves and relax in the bath 11- 22 minutes.

Broth grape leaves against cellulite

Broth grape leaves binds toxins and is often used against cellulite. 34 - 43 g of leaves pour 0, 9 liters of boiling water, letting it brew for 16-23 minutes. Drink infusion of small meals throughout the day.

Knowing the rules and apply the grape cosmetics delicate facial skin care and body, you will always look incredibly tempting to the envy of her friends.
