With the onset of winter, many beautiful women notice that the skin is a series of changes. Cold air has a devastating effect on any skin type, because nature, alas, has made it the most vulnerable to low temperatures. The face and hands are taking the whole "blow" a frosty element and that is why should be paid to care for them attention. Below are tips for each particular type of skin, good care of oily, dry and sensitive skin in the winter at home.
Proper care of oily skin
The most difficult period for oily skin prone to a summer. In hot weather, the sebaceous glands work harder and therefore it is difficult to find the fair sex without toning and refreshing wipes in your purse.
It would seem, what problems may arise with oily skin in winter?
However, there are a lot of difficulties. Cold wind mercilessly destroys the natural protection of the skin in any case, regardless of its type. Daily washing can only complicate the situation. Tap water contains "aggressive" chemical elements, literally washing off the protective shell of the skin, thereby making it more vulnerable to winter frosts.
To prevent dehydration of the skin in the winter should abandon tonics and lotions, as part of which there is alcohol. A particularly positive impact on the appearance cryomassage. If every morning to wipe the skin with ice, your face will look great rest of the day!
Once a week to do the peeling. If we neglect this procedure dead skin cells build up on the surface, resulting in oily skin inflamed. Soft Peeling Mask gently cleanse the face, and a moisturizer to restore the water-salt balance of the skin.
Care for dry skin in the winter
Owners of dry skin can only sympathize. Already almost devoid of moisture and weather-beaten surface of the skin on it there is a lot of microcracks. They are very easy to get to various bacteria and irritate the delicate skin of the face. To avoid this, you can purchase a special protective cream.
In winter, in contrast to the summer period, welcome cosmetics. Light layer of foundation protects the delicate areas of the face from the cold and wind, though weak, but still dangerous UV radiation.
After a walk in the fresh air, do not forget to apply a moisturizer. Choose products based on natural medicinal herbs. For dry skin are ideal: nettle, peppermint, chamomile, mother and stepmother, yarrow, and St. John's wort.
Proper care for sensitive skin in winter
The main problem of this type is a heightened sensitivity to temperature changes. Blood vessels are too close to the skin surface and is therefore unable to withstand the abrupt change of temperature in winter.
To help in the fight against "capricious" sensitive skin can daisy. Among the many useful properties of this plant are two badly needed for sensitive skin. It is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the irritated areas.
Morning wash chamomile infusion pharmacy give sensitive skin healthy and fresh appearance.
If every day to carry out these simple procedures, even in the winter skin is like snow - clean, fresh and radiant.