Effective and a great way to combat cellulite at home is the anti-cellulite bath. They burn fat, help to normalize metabolism, well-toned body and nourish the skin, good anti-aging and supply the body with the necessary vitamins.
"Mustard Bath"
The container of warm water to dissolve 1 cup mustard. Stir until the characteristic smell of mustard oil. Add this solution to the hot bath (temp. 38 - 39 C). Before the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking for one hour. To be sitting in a bath in water from the waist up - 5 - 10 min.
If you begin to experience any discomfort or palpitations - bathing should be discontinued. Then Rinse under a warm shower, and then relaxed soak for 30 minutes under a warm blanket. Get ready for a heavy sweating. After the bath as 1:00 nothing to eat or drink.
"Soda bath"
200 grams of baking soda mixed with table salt - 300 grams. Add to hot bath (temp. 38 - 40 ° C). Before the procedure, do not drink and do not eat two hours. With a mug to take a bath is not sweet, hot tea. Drink in small sips. Being in the bathroom 5-12 minutes to look at the state of health.
Wash in the shower after a bath is not necessary. It should immediately lie down under a warm blanket (for which it is desirable to put a sheet). Sweat 40 minutes. Then obmytsya soul. Do not drink or eat after the procedure within one hour. This procedure is perfectly burns fat - about 500 grams at a time.
"Turpentine bath"
The pharmacy sells emulsion which can be used to prepare a turpentine bath at home. The methods described in the manual.
"Bath of lime blossom"
Very good tool to fight fat. Buy at the pharmacy to collect lime color. Make a solution: pour boiling water 5 tb. spoons with gorochkoy collection. Insist, wrapped in a towel for 40 minutes. Add to bath pre-filter. Water is 37 degrees.
The amount of water - from the waist up, give yourself to soak for 15-20 minutes. The bath is taken on an empty stomach. One hour after the procedure, too, does not drink or eat.
"Tea Bath"
3 tb. spoons of tea to brew 1 liter of boiling water. Let configure themselves 10-15 m. Fill the bath, pre-filtered solution. Water 37 ° C, located in the bath sitting in water up to his waist 10 - 20 m. Well-tones the skin, helps to normalize metabolism.
"Vitamin bath"
For vitamins bathtubs needs 1 liter of any fruit juice (even from the store). Pour the juice into the bath water - 37 C. Restrictions on receiving a bath there. Excellent rejuvenates, helps to normalize metabolism, provides the body with vitamins.
Adopt effective anti-cellulite bath as a great way to combat cellulite at home, and all you get.