Love Story Wrong choice


Love - a feeling which every girl dreams of. Any wants a relationship in which she is, they were happy and long. But not always desires become reality ...

Search on the internet through social networks in the world today are popular. C she met a guy who was 5 years older than her, corresponded with him for a long time, he was trying to arrange a meeting there. Soon she gave up and agreed.

They met in a cafe, sat, nice chat, he walked her home. Within a month, the guy took her to restaurants and cafes, gave flowers and cute little gifts.

After two months of walking, he invited her to meet. She agreed because the guy was an adult, serious, and what must be confessed provided.

New Year's holidays are celebrated together: salads, baked chicken, like all other people. The guy helped the girl in the kitchen, tried his best. In the morning he gave the girl a diamond ring.

Everything was fine, even perfect. He suffered all her tricks, suffered her friends. She would come to him at three o'clock in the night and require fry cutlets and fried it. He listened to her advice and requests. In the summer they were going to go on a trip abroad. However, the girl with him was difficult, too right, and it was boring.

During this time she worked in a coffee shop, where he worked as a security guard cute boy. He was a bit younger than her, Bezbashenny and cheerful. They began to chat.

The girl was attracted to this cheerful lad, who could tell an anecdote, to cheer her in difficult times. When she had to choose the phone, he agreed to help her, and spent half the time on it. Everything in the cafe were jealous of their fun.

She could not communicate with the two guys at the same time and make a choice. She cast a serious and long-term guy for fun ...

With him they had met 3 years. As many as 3, she put up with him partying with friends, drinking, he could not write for two or three days. She has regretted that has made such a rash act.

3 years later, she broke down and all the pain he had caused her, pulled out ... They quarreled much ... He was not going to make excuses or to ask for forgiveness ...

She was tired of waiting for the moment when it come to its senses and realize that in this world there are things more important pyanok with friends, cars or clubs ... They parted ...

A month passed, the girl had calmed down and began to live a new life, a life without him, when he showed up on her doorstep. He said he thought it over, though, and came to the conclusion that it is the best thing that could happen to him.

His main excuse was that he needed time to think and reflect on all the ...

It took him a month, a month !!! This time he spent on booze, partying, and, of course, on the other girls ... A month later, he decided to go back and walk up ... What is a girl like that?

She said it was all over and stir up the past do not need to. She realized that it is not worth wasting your time on a guy who does not appreciate it, and does not fight for her ...

No need for a moment of fun to throw the one who is ready for a man for all ...

My last Late Love

 Indian summer

I dedicated to my beloved ...

He. He was, and he is no more. As it is not clear, terribly and I could not take my mind. The last conversation on the phone for an hour on March 7 a promise to call tomorrow morning ... in celebration ... and meet.

And many times povtorёnnye words to them: "You just know that I love you very much. Wait three months and we'll be together all the time, anyway will be together ... "He was very ill ... March 8 call and was not ... March 11 he died. There was not. Strange ... I felt that he was not in pain this evening ... .. all burned ...

It was summer ... heat ... we sat in his car and laughed ... When saying goodbye, he said, "Now you have a friend." I walked and smiled, I was insanely good, some feeling of infinite happiness. His glowing eyes and a warm velvety voice ... So began my love ... It took less than three years. And I think that we have always known.

I had a husband, his wife ....

He had a long, old-fashioned, looked after me six months corresponded online, sms, calls, went to suburban cafe where you sit for hours and still keep talking ... about everything. And every time I was away, I was happy with him ... it was easy with him could be herself ... How few of those with whom you can be yourself completely. Somehow we laughed all the time, as children, we were then so well ...

Summer ... autumn ... winter ...

February ... the second ... I was waiting for this intimacy, I really wanted it ... Inn, shot a few hours number. Nothing like this has ever been with me ... Amazing proximity ... All, without a trace of his ... ... to complete devastation. Spring, all of our ...

Go somewhere thought that he had a family ... Who cares, it was in those rare hours only my ... We were all the time there was no time ... Five hours ... seven ... they flew so imperceptibly each time after breaking up all thoughts only about him…

Early summer ... his wife read them messages nestёrtye accident ... Call me, something screaming for a long time, he said: "Take it I do not need ... or do not dare to talk." Nearby was a man ... then there is someone else ... One thought in my head: "He still has to decide ... what she did for him ... maybe ..." He so much ... so smart ... and suddenly: "Take ...."

Time of silence and pain ... ... an infinite melancholy longing. He's sick ... very sick ... She tried to poison him vinegar essence ... ... burned all ... legs were paralyzed. I do not know ... no contact ... It was for me his first death. Just two months later, he wrote to me that practically crawling around the apartment ... For some reason I feel his pain all the time.

He left her when he was able to leave ... Out in the rest of the apartment from his mother ... But most have not come out ... ... I walked with difficulty with a stick .... arthrosis of the hip ... it's a lot of weight ... his desire to lose weight ... not operate due to the large weight ... some ratio of weight-growth ... is not suited for this.

Pen ... his wife with the ever-changing emotions ... who wore his products. I asked him: "Let me ..." I'm so bored ...

We met again only in January, on Christmas Day ... As if there were these months of separation ... I ran in his "bachelor apartment" ... once had a chance ... Every time I stopped by, his eyes shone with happiness ... We talked a lot and about all ... we were so good .... 3 ... 5:00 ... one moment ...

When I left and walked down the street alone ... I wanted to come back ... and be with him all the time. He could not decide ... afraid of being a burden ... I know he loved me, it is impossible not to understand ... This was our second spring with him ...

I came to understand that her husband has long ex ... except that the law is still there. Nothing keeps ... live like bad neighbors ... Divorce.

I'm single ... but really came to him to live the wife ... wrote ... "I'm sorry for my cowardice ..." Again the pain ... long silence ... It was for me the death of his second ...

Summer ... autumn ... without it ... do not forget ... did not work ... I tried to forget it ...

Late last love ... love ...

His phone number is erased ... sometimes short letters by e-mail ... Pain ...

End of October ... heavy rain ... wind ... I was on the street at 7 pm ... the darkness ... What a call to the telephone number ... I do not see ... his voice on the phone ... "How are you? ... And how are you? ... I want to see you ... You come? "Of course I will come ... I would always come to him ... Just call me.

Week nights-nights together ... He seemed to want me to remember then all of his life. We talked a lot ... It told ... says he loves .... and I always wanted to cuddle up to him ... Amazing closeness ... these 10 hours each day as a moment of great happiness ...

Then he got sick ... very sick, always sick. Kidney Liver ... going wild ... testing ... All said that it will only become better we will see that very bored ...

I would always come and everything would be done for him ...

Only now have nowhere to go ... only mound cemetery cross and silence ...

Forgive me for all my good ... sorry ... Your real death ... "... After three months, we can still be together ... You just know that I love you very much ..." .... soulmates ... Why did you go? As I am now without you ....

My last love of late ...

Lyudmila Plish
