Kyon Ki box with a beautiful ringlet

 Kyon Ki box with a beautiful ringlet

In the article a little bit sad love story titled: Box with a ring and a beautiful yellow rose on our website

For six months Valeria did not communicate with her friends and old acquaintances. She avoids the question, "Well, when we walk at your wedding," You kind of have been invited. "

And she can say? What they decided to reflect on their relationship, and that is still so young and foolish? And the worst thing is that it's not for her initiative.

It's only in films and serials spoiled beauty escape from their wedding, life happens on the contrary. One mom her of nothing rasprashivat, but simply said, "you have still yet to come, and you'll be happy."

Valery did not reach to it with different inquiries even changed jobs and trying to sit at home at the weekend. One evening she was riding the bus home from work and reflect on their lives.

At one of the stops on the free seat next to her and went pretty tired woman in fashionable things. In the hands of a woman holding a beautiful yellow rose. There were so many.

- Excuse me, suddenly the woman said - and you have a husband?
- No, - said Valery. - What?
- Then keep - tired woman handed her all roses.
- What are they to me? - Valery was surprised ..
- You can afford to come to my house with flowers - frustrated woman said, staring - down. It is more like that - to say something, but changed her mind and came to a stop.

And Valery wanted to leave flowers on the seat, but the yield on its stop suddenly changed her mind and took them home.

At home, she put them on the table in a beautiful vase and sat down and thought about his life and about his fiancé Maxim. He never gave her roses, daisies and tulips only, but she never complained and did not ask for anything else, and always grateful.

Maybe nothing she always inferior to him in everything? After all, he still left on it. Vaughn and other harmful uncompromising get everything at once - and husband and lover, such as the woman on the bus, because it certainly was traveling from her lover. So she sat and pondered what to do for three hours and suddenly the doorbell long.

Valeria started, did you could only call her Maxim. How long had she been waiting for this. And now for some reason - it is not waiting for her heart skipped a beat as before, but it still opened the door.

He stood in the doorway of her Maxim, as always, in a suit and a tie, and this time with lilies.

- Dear you waiting for me? - Without hugs and kisses asked Maxim (he always believed that once a caress to nothing and it's a waste of time). - You're not busy? What are you doing?

- No, not busy - said Valery - Come on.
- Maxim went to the kitchen, as always, Razuvious.
- It is not good ... it all happened - and then he saw the flowers on the table. - I do not understand how the flowers? Do you have one - that come from?

- What? - Said Valery. About a woman on the bus, she did not say anything, even torment and jealous. - I am a free woman. I am meeting people with whom and when, and I want to bring to your home, what I want.

- Do not understand? Are you free? - Maxim looked confused, and it was unusual to see him so, but quickly composed himself and reached into his pocket and pulled out a box with a beautiful ring.

Half a year ago, when he saw the box it would have jumped for joy up to the ceiling, and now she wants nothing, and the joy of the box does not deliver, and Maxim says:

- You know, I thought about it and realized that without you I can not live, I want to wake up in the morning only to you. Be my wife?

This proposal Valery waited for a very long time, but now, hearing it, regretted that when it wanted to see this man as her husband.

After thinking for a few minutes, Valery finally said:

- It's late and it's time to sleep, go home I will think more about half a year and I will give you an answer. What are our years?

Shocked Maxim walked slowly to the door and turned on the threshold and looked at her the last time. As he left, he did not understand why such an eligible bachelor refused a simple girl. So Valerie and ended with the sad story of her love.

A story of love Shell on the beach

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A story of love Shell on the beach
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I once loved,

More I can not love.

The heart of everything ever gets cold,

I just want to die.

I will die, and everything does not hurt ..

I'm like a bird flying up.

At the heart is no longer painful,

And I do not want to love ...

You do not remember, I know,

But, I'm in the clouds,

I like snow, melting, melting everything,

In your, colorful, in - dreams ..

And maybe you used to be, you ask, -

Where is she now?

I and a lot of these words

It honestly believe you ...


Love, whether we know in fact, what is this feeling? Who of us can truthfully say that it was love? The fact that a person experiences love and not something else, in fact, knows neither he nor anyone else. It is said that love crazy, some scratching himself because of her life, someone commits suicide, but the fact is, no one knows from her all this.

Basically, those who rush to the high-rise buildings, opened his veins, or commit some other acts of violence on his body, a desperate person, or ordinary egoists. Almost always, the problem lies not in the fact that they did not like, but the fact that they did not pay attention to the person that they think that they love.

-How So, I love, and I do not? -I Think the majority of people in love.

Most often, when a person who is like a loved begins to reciprocate, that same Narcissus, who only yesterday was thinking about suicide, from unrequited love, after a while it becomes absolutely not interesting this "lover". Narcissus switches to another subject not attainable, and again suffer from "love."

A story about love "Shell on the beach"

June 2010


This day in June, was one of the hot, summer days. The bright sun was shining, people are somewhere in a hurry, without end drove the car, the birds sang their songs ringing, dogs barking at each other, caressing breeze occasionally stirred the leaves on the trees. She woke up in the street, all came to life after a night of sleep, and of course her with tinnitus, it was simply impossible to sleep on. Opening her eyes, she felt sorry that yesterday before going to bed, do not close the window. If you live on the second floor, and you want to sleep longer in the morning, then another in the evening, it is necessary to close all.

Her name was Victoria, she bylo22goda, for three years, she lived completely alone, her parents were killed in a plane crash when flown on a business trip, she was only four years old, and the girl was left under the care of his grandmother, who died of a heart attack when Victoria turned twelve years. At that time, she had graduated from the institute, where she studied to be a psychologist, and was arranged by - profession.

Victoria loved to read novels, listen to relaxing music, and watch the melodrama. She had green eyes, dark, shoulder-length hair and a slim figure. She was one of the most beautiful girls, with whom she studied in school and in college. Despite all the advantages in the nature and appearance, Victoria still has not been a guy who wanted to spend her entire life.

During her '22 it never got really been in love, she never gave flowers, and did not write romantic notes. All the young people with whom she met or stayed with her friends, or become her friends. Victoria attached great importance to even simple communication with the guys, I remember all those who with her just talked, and she was always sad when her friend got married, for someone with whom she had a nice conversation, whom watched as his second mate, whom herself would like to marry.

Those guys who liked her, always walked past her, they passed through her soul, and allowed cold drafts. Victoria had a lot of friends and acquaintances, all of them are already married, someone had children. Three friends told her about his family life, some happy, some regretted that signed. But almost all say it is one and the same, that after painting, love and a sense replaces the conventional life and stress.

Victoria often thought about this a bad word "life," she did not want her to have everything in the same way as all she wanted to live with her beloved, which will meet someday, quite differently. She wanted to love, passion and tenderness, never cooled off between her and her future husband, but it was all just a dream in her mind, because she had not yet met someone with whom would link its fate.

Victoria got out of bed, went to the window, pushed the curtain, looked at the movement of employees in the morning, this day the people and said:

- Good morning, busy people. And what you can not sleep in this wonderful summer day?

She went to the kitchen to make a sandwich and coffee, which she cooked each morning. Today, she will not have to hurry, because it was a public holiday, and also on Monday from her vacation begins. Throughout June, Victoria was absolutely free, so now it is slowly swallowing the coffee, think of how to hold these warm, work-free days.

After finishing his coffee, Victoria went to the window and looked at the sky, smiled a bright yellow sun, and decided that today will go to the beach to read another novel and a little tan.

It was only ten o'clock in the morning, but the whole promenade and the beach were busy people. In the summer months, due to the holiday-makers, there is always a lot of people. Her favorite place is also settled some young girls who were sunbathing on the loungers drinking cocktails and something talked, shooting with my own eyes, the guys in front of them.

A little on the beach, located on the Victoria as she felt alienated place where no one bothered her alone with a book. It is a bed towel, I picked up the book and began to read. Waves beat noisily on the shore, sometimes spray fell on her face, and she smiled at this. Seagulls ran on - shore, some of them fighting over a piece of bread, which threw people. Pigeons brazenly ran up directly to her feet, one of them even pecked Victoria's finger, as if begging for food. She smiled at the black-and-white dove, and said:

-No I have nothing but water, you really must excuse me. -blue, as if realizing it, flew to beg for others. Victoria has always liked to relax on the beach, away from the hustle and worries. Here, for her time, like it sank. She read into his novel, introducing all the characters, as if she is there, next to them.

She liked to watch the people around her and look at everything that surrounds it, but most of all she loved to meet and see off the sun. The sunset was especially beautiful, as if by order of the wizard, the sun for two or three minutes completely drowned in the sea, and just starting to get dark. Reading the novel she had not noticed how quickly time passed, and the sun began to sink into the sea.

People became less and less. Victoria held the sunset, but was in no hurry to leave. She fingered the stones that lay beneath it, choosing the most beautiful of them, and then throwing them into the sea. Her attention was caught by a very beautiful shell, which alone lay among the stones. She looked at her, and in her mind the idea, perhaps it would suit young people, but why she did not play with fate.

-Nuzhno Sometimes make bright touches on his black-and-white life. - Victor thought, taking a pencil from her bag. She turned to the inside of the shell itself, and wrote on it a number, name and age.

-Vdrug Luck will smile to me and my message is read the one with whom I will be then the rest of his life. - She smiled, realizing that the shell can find the old man and the child, and that in general it's a stupid idea, and the blind. Looking at the evening sea, she said,

I do not believe that it would find the guy most likely, it will lie unnoticed and before the storm, and drown you. But you never know? She took her pencil and closed the bag, and then put a small hole in the shell and threw it a few stones.

On the bank already was dark, it was a little off - Statement by the fact that it has remained almost alone. The waves of the sea splashing stronger, and it became a little cool, she decided to go to your favorite coffee shop on the seafront to order a coffee and cake. Going into the cafe, she chose a window seat.

The waitress brought the menu, appreciatively, as well as all employees of the cafe and looked at Victoria, then smiled and hurried after ordered coffee. The cafe was playing slow music, it suggests sadness. Of the ten tables in the room, only three were available.

Victoria twisted fingers white mug with coffee, and watched a young couple at the next table. They sat opposite each other, and looked with shining eyes full of love. The boy kissed the girl's hands, which gripped in the palm of his hand, whispered something to her, and smiled sweetly. Victoria thought that, perhaps, is the most wonderful time in the budding relationship, even when life is not a burden, and the habit of each other instead of love.

Coffee has already ended, and she decided to smoke. Smoking was her only bad habit. She did not understand why the smoke, but not in a hurry to throw, announcing to all your friends, as if to justify herself, be sure to throw when he finds his only. She smoked, waiting for her only, but for all that she did not want to be like everyone else. She wanted to faithfulness in relationships, children who will give birth to ten years after marriage, freedom in their actions, and for all that passionate, pure and strong love.

Reflecting almost every day on this subject, she thought, as she wants to, is extremely rare, so she decided that the best is to be one at all, and not to chase an illusion. Better to just wait for him, who will want the same thing, and if she did not meet him, it is always better to be alone than ever, many people break their lives, and to live it, not as you wish, but as it is necessary.

Victoria smoked slowly, walking in their thoughts, and suddenly her mind made his way through the pleasant male voice:

-Sorry, You have not taken?

She came back down to earth and seeing the nice guy, said

No, not busy, if you want a seat.

A young guy in a white shirt, jeans and black shoes, with joy and a smile on his face sat down across from her. He raised his hand and called the waitress. Looking at the menu, he turned to Victoria

-Can I'll treat you?

She's embarrassed.

No, you should not, I'm gone.

The boy insisted:

-Please, Make me company.

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