Real stories of love in the life of our love Drama

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Real stories of love in the life of our love Drama
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I hate him what a horrible person he ... asked him how he could be so. "

(From this story you might have thought that once I loved that he negodyay..i unfeeling heart that he does not .. what is there to love ... but believe me it was not, it was evident that all these events were not for him an occasion to laugh at the little girl ... I could feel his emotions, I felt that not only my heart aches. probably to fully understand what happened, you need to read the same story written only for them.)

But life went on, were the days ... of course at first I did not even recognize my best friend Katya ... I came to school with an empty glass eye ... did not talk to anyone, did not communicate ... But even then she admired my resistance through time, everything was back in its place ... I quickly "forgot" about what happened to me ... and a proud smile went through life more ..

The case went to the winter ... relationship "Princess," a friend of mine does not seem very ladilis. Because at the end of December, my sister brought me a gift bag, which was a postcard from him ... it was written something of the type "which he is a fool .. that we do not store, losing her cry."

Forgive me it was not difficult. God bless him. Only this very day, I said to myself that never again, no serious attitude and feelings do not bind me with this man. It looks like it was not my words but the words of my soul, which is much harder to argue. I think the reason is the fear to get hurt again, too hurt, I had the last time. We talked, he always wrote the first, the first time I responded to his letter cold, then everything started to forget.

Over time we saw each other again, I went back to it, but not that Tanyusha ... and a much stronger person. We could watch movies and hugging and even kissing .... but I do not miss all our relationships through the heart, I do not see it as a relationship, and it's what I said too. Nothing serious to be between us can not.

Over time, he again resumed his relationship with the princess .. but I have not been so bad .. of course when he told about it .. I was with him then .. from my eyes the tears began to flow ... he wiped them with his rukoy..eto unforgettable experience ... but then I smiled and said ... we're friends, so)

This time he did not forget about me, we texted, called up, I went to him ... but it is terribly infuriated because she needed ... he treated me better than her ... I realized that I had become more cunning and clever, feel I can make a difference in their favor, I told him that earlier thought ill of his girlfriend ... and I think that she was very fond of him, and that they are a great couple, while she spoke ill of me, forbade him to communicate with me ... He created a different box, he called me several times a day, and one even told me he loved me ... now I know he's my ...

I was 16 .. that spring, he broke up with his princess forever ... our relationship on this have not changed ... I still just talked to him, talked, cuddled ... but only about those relationships, we only knew .. why would someone tell ... we are friends).

I had a young man .. Jack ... I'm in no hurry to talk about it to his friend ... he learned only when one day walking with Eugene .. I met him in the park, he sat alone .. we approached, greeted him .. I He presented to his wife ... as a friend. Of course I'm a little worried about what I do ... and once in the evening we Eugene went home .. I called him ... it was good enough, he said that he changed his mind about me, but I have not made .. as. Exactly.

However, we still continue their dialogue with time we have left with Eugene, eventually Vova started to appear a girl ... but it was not serious ...

I was 17 ... I got Lesch, then Dima, then Vanya ... frankly neither one of these guys feel any I have not experienced, but I really like it to ... the reasons I do not know whether the past closed my heart for all ... then Does something like that ... maybe I'm still very fond of his "friend" ... Vova, we almost did not communicate, even when seen in the city, he basically talked with my girlfriends ... I could not even stand on the sidelines .. life ... I twisted in the new emotion .. did not have time to go back to the past ...

However, in the summer ... my last year at school ... .zhizn again pushed me to my friend, one wrong word in the Internet to renew our relationship ... "how are you? "- I asked," is bad, probably no one will be able to break my heart when Katie "-one said," it has brought me a lot of bad. " "Maybe I should try" - I joked. "how? "....

The summer was truly ours, we went by car, listening to music, kissing, hugging, went to the river to watch the sunset, drank champagne, ate cake, and just enjoy ... but neither he nor I did not speak about any relationship ... Yes, and no one knew, and now no one knows what was in that summer ... .When we went with my girlfriends ... nothing like this, it was only for two ... and for two. You know true love, it is quiet.

Autumn was approaching, I was admitted, and soon had to leave for Minsk ... the last day of the summer we were sitting in his car, and promised that despite the distance will not forget each other. In September, I started a new life. New people, new experiences ... .However, we called each other every day, we missed. He wrote to me about how waiting for me ... when I came to Voozhin, we went by car, I fell asleep in his lap, he was my, my beloved man ... ..but I do not know what it was .. we do not have a pair of ...

Ever so could not go ... one day he called me and said ... Tanya, let's try it all over again, come on .. maybe I can love you .. I do not know ... what I would say ... if not it can be ... I was so scared of .., no I can not suit, relive .. what can be can not be.

I was too afraid that if there is a sudden .. I no longer be able to so easily forget it, so just to survive. I was silent .... ... But wanted to scream yes ... .but I was silent ... and who was to blame more than he or I .. I do not know .. We're rarely called each other, began omissions eventually stopped and calls ... in my life again ... Jack broke

In winter, my friend met a girl ... her name was Ira ... I think about it often, talk about it with friends, he was my best memories ... I do not know by what right .. but my head is spinning, "is my man." I thought that the IRA is one of its

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Real stories of love in the life of our love Drama

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Real stories of love in the life of our love Drama
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hobbies, normally not for long, and even when his status poyavlyalos..ona best, I love her more than anyone else, I do not believe ... .I was sure what would happen something like that, but we will be together again, already may not be as good and accurate ... I was waiting for it and understand it myself ...

Know for those 4 years, I'm from a little girl turned into a beautiful girl ... adult oersteds he could not only love ... and could admire it, admiring its gestures and movements, everything could have been different ... .ved I became an adult I could be ... his woman.

It is summer ... I came home ... The events of the past year ... .eschё longer made it clear to me that he is my man ... and can not be otherwise, now I know what I can do so that it has become my .... But ... you know ... the destiny was never considered with my plans .... I sent him a normal message .. .. it was the first and probably the last step in my conquest of "hello, how the summer? "Answer, I did not get ....

A couple of days on my head struck the news ... I really did not expect ... .It was a dead end, the end of everything between us was .. I learned that "his girlfriend Ira pregnant and in July they have a wedding, but the opposite was that it belonged to my man as men, he told her kind words, and she did not want to be with him, she said that she was smart and he was stupid, "what right it has not treat my best man .... ??

In short .. wedding was more on the aerial course .. everything and said that she loved him only some of their crazy love. But what's this love? I would have accepted his love, I wish him luck, but here ... .on deserves better treatment to her ... Only now do I could not, too late ... ..mne had only to forget about it .. and about the feelings that bound me to him .. I did not want to meet him in the street, I avoided meetings ... just so as not to stir up the past , this does not relieve himself an easy task to forget a loved one .. now I certainly have no other choice .... And it would all have gone through the worst, accustomed, took and was ready to move on, he made his choice ... he loves it, and I will not poke your nose into it, even now, too old problem.

But there was a thing that is completely destroyed and turned my understanding of the world, destroyed the belief in justice ... .. in honesty into something bright. It was one of the usual summer evening ... was nothing to do, nowhere to go ... .but for some reason I still dressing in front of a mirror, hard going somewhere, she did not know where ... and when my marafet was imposed .. and I looked remarkably awesome .. I caught myself thinking .. that will be very upset if I stay at home. Sister of course called me to him ... but there arrived Nastya .. what I would do ... .but it's better than to stay at home ... and I went. The girls were preparing to mark the arrival of Nastya, we all sat in the kitchen. And what was my horror ... when the front door opened and entered OH.

My heart was pounding so hard, I fall into the ground .. he came and said hello, sat down ... oh ... what .. my dear, dear, sweet, gentle, fantastic ... he was there, but so far from me. In order to feel yourself more relaxed, I drank a little ... just somehow easier became (in the evening I drank as much as ever in my life). Alcohol has always acted on my disastrous, but in such numbers ... and even more so in such circumstances .... I was in a state that could be called a soft "no confidence".

At first I just danced, and when, by coincidence, I was left alone in the room ... I felt a lot of emotions and feelings that I was no longer able to something about it with him .... I began to sob so hard and so horrible ... ..rydat probably the first time I did not keep his feelings in yourself ... I'm just already so tired of life, which in his mind is always one person that this evening was the last straw in a glass of my patience. When everything came back .. I'm in tears and without any hesitation, telling them about their feelings, about what it should not be about how I hurt ... I do not know how and who belonged to my words ... because in fact I I talk nonsense that can change now ... when a wedding soon.

And though no one wanted ... We are left with Vova talk ... .. I tried to stop, stop this conversation ... but then this is no longer able to do one ... .In the Lord God himself. We were alone, he already knew what was going on ... I calmed down a bit .... He told me that a year ago when I did not want to be with him ... he started to ride in his car, and the girls look stupid, but he did not go, and at the wedding Vitalik ... he met this girl and even .. did not expect to have some kind of relationship, he asked me why, why I was silent ...

Why did a whole year to me was not a word, no news ... he said that his wedding in the first place is not even from love, but from the fact that the girl is pregnant ... .on it said it wants to in her place I was ... .c every word I was getting worse and worse ... I knew how disgusting all the same everything that happens to me ... but you can not change anything ... I explained to him that I refused only because he said .. maybe .. maybe I will love you, I have suffered so much .. it was not ready to go through the second time .. it could be, and he said he was afraid, afraid of what I'm going to Minsk, I forget about it and, therefore, can be said .

He told me that only with me, he felt like a man. We were hugging, I hugged him with such frenzied force ... in forbidden love accumulates many tears, pain, energy and emotions ... and those of our arms ... it was expressed. "Two lovers embracing a man sat and knew it was the end, that together have they never will."

He kissed me so strongly and passionately, it seemed ... I'll get burned one by one we commit insane acts, we were lying together on the couch quietly embracing ... we walked home clutching hands ... we parted passionate kiss ...... ..a further in the morning I began a new life .. where I do not have it ... and it does not have me ... My man is now no longer mine .... though somewhere inside I think he will always remember .. what we were worth our seemingly small mistakes, and now my true half is not with me ..

Perhaps our meeting was not the will of God ... .. and you need to accept it, otherwise not survive. The question now is just how much time I will need to once again become a cheerful, open and confident person ... for the moment ... because of all the events I became sandwiched complexed.

But more so it can not be. I have, for the sake of his men must put yourself in the foot, to find love, and become a successful woman .... that after many years, when we can meet again ... he was proud of his woman .... and I will do it, what would I not worth it.

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