How to improve the condition of skin


On questions of readers meet dermatologist-cosmetologist Irina Kirov and the doctor Catherine triholog Sheveleva.

- What type of wrapping you would recommend as a relaxing treatment, and at the same time, the skin is rested and gained fresh? And another question: what procedures and methods

home care you apply to yourself?

Ivan Kirov:

- Let me start with the second question. I myself guided by the principles which advise all to remember: it is always easier to prevent than to deal with already had problems.

To keep your skin healthy, actually it has not so much - to ensure her daily care, feeding the skin, UV protection plus a minimum of negative experiences.

With regard to the wrap, to relax we can recommend wrapping with seaweed, in addition, during the procedure the skin is saturated with trace elements and other useful substances.

Especially effective if the procedure wraps combined with massage.

Getting rid of blackheads in two weeks

Are there ways for two weeks to get rid of acne and blackheads? Tania.

Ivan Kirov:

- Yes, for 2 weeks, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin. To get rid of blackheads, there are many effective methods. I would recommend atraumatic cleaning face with peeling or ultrasonic cleaning. This will help to rid the skin of blackheads without damaging the skin.

As for the acne (pimples), with mild acne and combined treatment with the combination therapy can also be expressed to achieve results for the period of two weeks.

Do I need to wash my hair before taking at trihologa

I understand that any issues related to the treatment of skin or hair, to a large extent derived from the general state of health. Do I need to do some tests, extracts from medical records, and so on. E., Before going to the doctor-trihologu? Igor.

E. Sheveleva:

- Usually, before consulting the doctor-patient clinic trihologa inform requirement. For example, it is better in 3 - 4 days before the first visit did not wash my hair, and remember all the hair products that you used the last time, and what the results were.

With regard to the analysis, the triholog competent in your problem, he will prescribe a list of tests. Good clinical laboratories and interact with the necessary expertise.

And if you have on hand the results of previous surveys, you had better show them to the doctor for the initial consultation, that will make a preliminary diagnosis.

Whitening Mask for young mothers

How to get rid of age spots on the face, which povysypali after childbirth? Marina.

Ivan Kirov:

- You can choose to help cosmetologist whitening procedure that is effective in your case: Peeling (1 - 4 treatments once a week); fotoprotsedury (6 treatments once a month); various hardware techniques, and others.

The procedures it is desirable to combine with home care using special safe bleaches. It is also important to protect the skin from UV exposure - use sunscreen when going outside.

Removing dark circles under the eyes


Almost all people over the years, in varying degrees, become noticeable dark circles under the eyes. They not only look ugly but also give the face a tired and frustrated expression, his old. Some have dark circles appear in his youth because of structural features

subcutaneous adipose tissue in the eye, or due to internal diseases associated with circulatory disorders.

However more dark circles appear because over the years, the fat layer of the skin under the eyes becomes thinner, and the eyes sink. In this case dark circles - it's just a shadow behind the recessed area of ​​the skin.

Circulatory disorder that occurs when certain diseases, may give these circles bluish hue, making them more swollen. Sometimes the skin around the eyes actually becomes more pigmented than the other parts of the face. This happens, for example, a tendency to allergies, when one part of the third and brushing the skin around the eyes.

Although eliminate dark circles at all, it is likely to be difficult, modern cosmetology able to significantly improve the appearance of the skin around the eyes.

There are several methods.

Primarily, dark areas with a light blue tint can be removed by using a visual equalizer yellow. Yellow absorbs blue and makes the "blueness" under the eyes less noticeable. Over the equalizer can be applied to a conventional foundation.

The next step - the improvement of blood circulation in the problem area. It is recommended to products containing vitamin K. Studies show that vitamin K is effective particularly in combination with vitamin A derivatives, so that it is possible to choose materials that contain both vitamin.

To improve blood circulation and increase skin elasticity around the eyes also used products containing horse chestnut, ginkgo, vitamin C, blueberry, lipoic acid.

If dark circles are caused by pigmentation of the skin due to its chronic irritation, there will be the most effective bleaching creams. However, we should not forget that before beginning whitening, you need to try to figure out the cause of skin pigmentation and possibly fix it.

To temporarily reduce swelling may be applied to the eyes of chilled tea bags used. It may be green tea and black, but always containing caffeine.

Other proven folk remedy - slices of fresh cucumber on her eyes. Cucumber is still considered as the best tonic for the skin around the eyes, perhaps because of the high content of vitamin C.

Of course, those who do not like to use home remedies can find beauty eye gels containing either cucumber extract or tea extract. Unfortunately, all these tricks have only a partial and temporary effect.

A more radical way to get rid of dark circles under the eyes - the transplantation of fat under the skin. Fat is taken from the thighs and injected into the region of dark circles. This has the effect of lifting the skin, and simultaneously fills the hollows under the eyes.

But over time, depression will again, and then have to repeat the procedure. Eliminate dark circles under the eyes - not an easy task, and even plastic surgery does not always give a satisfactory result here.

Therefore, many dermatologists believe that the yellow concealer, cucumbers and tea bags with sleeping are the cheapest, reasonable and safe way to deal with dark circles under his eyes.

How to care for the skin around the eyes

 How to care for the skin around the eyes

Perhaps the most sensitive areas of the skin on the face - this is under the eyes. It is they, and no other lines, give the age of the head. In these areas, there are almost no sebaceous glands and muscles, so it is quickly "getting older" and loses its elasticity. Why the skin under the eyes so quickly loses its elasticity? There are several answers to this question.

Constant change is already the cause of facial expressions.

Finding the bright sun also causes us to squint.

Those who forget to wear in sunny weather appropriate glasses, then for a long time, used various means to get rid of "crow's feet".

A night without sleep or fatigue - and there is swelling.

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and therefore respond to many stimuli - both external and internal.

How to care for the skin around the eyes?

The first thing you should always do - it's every night to get rid of make-up. Falling asleep with shadows and mascara on the eyes give only negative effects.

By the way, for the use of this procedure should be very sparing and not flavored funds. The labels and stated: "To remove makeup around the eyes." Pay attention to the PH level in the used tool: it must be neutral. You also need to use creams In the same series - not just for the face, namely for the skin around the eyes.

To protect the most sensitive areas of the skin in the summer, it should be worn, as already mentioned, sunglasses, and use a cream with UV-filter.

Ironically, but not hurt, and massage this area. After applying makeup can be applied gel for the skin around the eyes - he will hide wrinkles and "crow's feet".

Do not forget about the "folk" methods: warm tea bags impose on edematous area and lay so for 10 minutes. Such packs are particularly helpful when using the computer when the eyes need a rest.

Also useful mask from potatoes. Rubbed raw potatoes, place in cheesecloth and apply to eyelids for 10-15 minutes several times a week.

Oddly enough, but the condition of the skin around the eyes and face as a whole affects the overall physical condition of your body. If you smoke, this is certainly reflected in the skin.

Therefore, pay attention to their health, spend more time in the fresh air, eat fruits and vegetables. And then your face will always emit light.
