Give your hair healthy

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Give your hair healthy
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From ancient times, people have attached great importance to their hair, seeing them, depending on their status, or source of beauty, or the cause of failure in life. With hair associated values ​​such as individuality, strength, self-awareness and independence.

Even today, in order to give the appearance of his unique style, people around the world tirelessly to make with their hair a variety of manipulations: comb, shear, color, curl, straighten, varnish and other cosmetics.

Hair is a vivid illustration of the incredible diversity of people that inhabit our planet. For example, a tuft of hair on top sumo wrestler is so closely associated with his sporting activities, which solemnly cut off when a fighter ends his career.

In Cambodia, the bride and groom traditionally make special clippers to deflect the impact of newly-weds of evil forces. In Malaysia, the law prohibited men to wear long hair, but in the Indian state of Punjab, on the contrary, the death penalty threatens a man with a short haircut neat.

Because the hair - the dominant factor in our appearance, and through it we are trying to convey to others a certain emotional message, we will always try to give the best hair look.

And so, today, at the forefront of hair health and proper care of them.

For the competent and effective hair care essential correctly determine your hair type, as otherwise there is a risk to aggravate their condition. The hair is divided into normal, dry, oily and combination. Hair normal type reflects the light shimmers in the sun.

If your hair elastic, almost whipped, easy to fit and comb have a live view and retain these qualities for a few days after shampooing, then you competently and properly caring for them with suitable means to you and your hair healthy. Unfortunately, the hair without problems are rare.

Greasy hair is a characteristic dull luster, after a short time after washing stick together and start to look dirty, unkempt. Fat hair depends on the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, which in turn is a purely individual and laid genetically. To some extent the amount of sebum produced depends on the type and amount of food ingested carbohydrates (primarily) and fats.

Dry hair do not reflect light, so that they look dull, lacking luster. They are easily torn, confused, difficult to comb, whipped at the ends. Often, dry hair - the result of improper care, rather than a consequence of the reduced activity of the sebaceous glands.

Hair mixed type - is usually long hair - greasy roots and dry ends due to the fact that they are insufficiently lubricated with grease throughout. The ends of the hair of this type are not getting the necessary lubrication, often flogged. They need care combined by a variety of special tools and modified diet.

As includes the correct hair care ?

From all spectrum procedures haircare washing is the most important component because intended as a hygienic and cosmetic purposes. For healthy hair, damaged and depleted, correct and timely cleaning - minimum adequate care procedure.

The question of the frequency of cleaning is solved purely individual, from daily washing of hair up to 1 times in 8-10 days. The rule here is one thing - you need to wash your hair as often as you need it. Those who daily uses the hair styling (gels, mousses, varnishes), it is recommended to wash your hair every day, because these means aggravate hair that has a bad effect on their quality.

For daily cleaning should use a mild shampoo, specifically for this purpose. Do not wash your hair too hot or too cold water: the optimal water temperature of 35-45 C. The oily hair, the cooler should be water.

In addition, do not apply shampoo to dry hair: you first need to wet hair with water, then pouring in the palm of a little bit of shampoo, rub it and slowly and gently rubbed into the scalp and hair just rinse formed foam, trying not to rub them strongly each other not to damage the hair cuticle and rod.

Lather hair should be at least doubled due to the fact that the first soaping hair removed with only a portion of dirt, dust and sebum, and the therapeutic effect of shampoo comes only at its secondary application. Do not forget that after the use of shampoos and other hair should be thoroughly rinsed with water, not allowing to remain on the surface of the elements of detergents.

It is believed that the hair is well combed before washing, combing, and will be better after. Recommended short hair comb from the roots, and long - with the ends, gradually moving to the roots. Wet hair is better not to comb, and if it is necessary, not metal combs, and plastic or wood.

The best drying is a natural dry hair, sometimes with warm towels. Use a hair dryer is often not recommended, but if your hair requires styling hair dryer, should be used where possible mode of cold drying, holding the hair dryer at least 40 cm from the head.

Now the main thing - how to choose the right tool for washing hair.

Firstly, why for this purpose is strictly not suitable soap: it completely destroys the protective water-lipid emulsion as a film from the hair and to the scalp. Hair after such washing becomes overly dry, damaged, combed worse, become more dim.

In order not to cause such damage to the hair while still wash them from the accumulated fat, dust, otshelushivshihsya cells, and there are shampoos: they have a slightly acidic environment, natural for our skin and hair, and are noticeably softer than soap.

To select a shampoo, use a simple principle: carefully read the text on the package and use the shampoo that is designed for your hair type, and after the results are reviewed.

Positive results from the use of shampoo can be considered clean hair, their lack of fat shine after drying, good disentangling and obedient, no irritation of the scalp.

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How and what properly clean the skin

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How and what properly clean the skin
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that when wiping the face with a cotton ball or a circle can injure the skin.

However tonics can be helpful after cleansing lotions, milks or oils that leave the skin greasy film. Many tonics contain exfoliating additive (glycolic, lactic, salicylic acids, fruit extracts), binding agent (usually a witch hazel extract), other additives (aloe gel, plant extracts, antioxidants, vitamins).

The tonic for dry skin injected glycerin, allantoin, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing agents. People with oily skin prone to acne, commonly abused tonics, seeking to remove the oily film on the skin. However, the tonic only removes fat but does not stop its production. Many women are used tonics pleasant and refreshing procedure, but those who have dry skin and sensitive, it is better to do without them.

What to choose?

A good cleanser should effectively remove the kind of dirt that must be removed (cosmetics, oil, dead skin cells, etc.) is completely washed away from the skin without penetrating beyond the uppermost layers of the horny scales, no toxicity.

Selection of a particular product depends on the purpose and the type of skin.

If you just need to wash up after sleep, then there better to do with plain water without soap. Those who have oily skin, you can gently rub the skin tonic before applying day cream and cosmetics.

In the evening, when you need to remove makeup from the skin, you can use cleanser (choose the best products for sensitive skin, and professional beauty products).

If the skin is very dry, you can apply a cleansing oil. Soap and products containing surfactants, it is better to use not more than once a week, or when very dirty. Synthetic detergents (solid syndet and facial wash) is preferable to the usual soap, but we must make sure that the list of ingredients had no lauryl sulfates. After washing with soap or syndet should be applied to the skin cosmetic oil or a nourishing cream.

Do not forget about the people's means. It is useful to wipe the face apple, pumpkin, melon (they all contain organic acids that cause exfoliation of horny scales, polysaccharides, collect dirt like a grid, saponins (natural soaping agents)).

Some plant extracts have good cleansing - witch hazel extract, verbena, alfalfa, fennel, chamomile, seaweed, blueberries.

Well cleanses the skin without damaging it at the same time, a colorless henna and cosmetic clay.

At least once a week it is necessary to clean the skin exfoliating agents (such as fruit acids) or scrub. Instead of commercial exfoliants can use yogurt, buttermilk, juices of fruits and berries (if the skin moves them well).

If you are experiencing problems with the skin - dryness, irritation, acne outbreaks, scaling, etc. - Do not rush to buy another expensive cream, but first analyze his method of cleansing the skin.

If you regularly destroy protective lipid layer, and even put on the skin of toxic substances that damage cells and do not allow them to restore the protective mantle of the skin, the skin will become irritated, dry, flaky.

If you use too greasy tools that are not well clean the skin, the skin will be dull, "unclean." Toner containing alcohol can dry the skin, and its ingredients are those that do not evaporate completely from the skin, but remain on it may cause allergic reactions and skin irritation.

Conversely, the proper cleansing, may make unnecessary the use of moisturizers and greatly reduce the need for decorative cosmetics. Reliable protective layer of skin, preventing access to germs and allergens in store moisture in the skin - is the foundation of health and beauty of the skin, without which any effort to improve the appearance will be doomed to failure.

At the same time, the purity is not only a guarantee of health, but also the requirement of civilization, so to give up, we can not wash.

All the more reason to take to cleanse the skin seriously and responsibly, choosing a cleanser no less carefully than the nutritional or anti-aging cream.

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