Peeling facial at home


Peeling instantly improve the color of your face. Use tools for peeling It should be no more than 1-2 times a week. More frequent cleansing of the skin so drastically could badly affect the skin - it will lose its natural protection.

Only strongly horny place - elbows, knees, soles - can be subjected scraped more often. If you have dry or normal skin, use a scrub once a week. Oily or combination skin can be subjected to this procedure a little more often.

As a rule, it is recommended to refrain from this tool for sensitive skin or acne With abundant. However, once a week you can gently handle scrub prone to acne skin to clear pores and prevent the rash.

Peeling creams rubbed into the wet skin.

Taking a warm shower, circular soft movements put the cream, then rinse with warm water.

Household peeling mask

Can be successfully prepared in the home of the products available on the farm.

Like the effects of soap, tiny particles that are added to the mask - such as sea or river sand, salt, almond bran, crushed shells eggshell act as the finest sandpaper and mechanically remove the horny scales.

Here are some effective and affordable peeling mask to exfoliate the skin.


Honey peeling

Melt 2 tablespoons of honey in a water bath (trying not to lead to a high temperature honey), remove from heat and cool slightly, add the juice of 1/2 lemon honey and 1 tablespoon wheat bran.

Warm the mixture for half an hour to put on the face, and then it must be thoroughly cleaned with plenty of warm water.

The mask is ideal for unclean flaky skin, nourishes, refreshes and lightens it, and thanks to the bran has Regenerating action.

Curd peeling

Take 1 teaspoon of rice milled in a coffee grinder, mix it with 2 stop spoons of curd and 0, 5 teaspoons of olive oil.

The resulting mass is slightly heated, applied for 15 minutes on the face.

Egg peeling

1/2 teaspoon milled in a coffee grinder eggshell mix with egg yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream and preferably in warm water to put on face masks prepared for.

After 20 minutes, remove the mask and apply a nourishing cream.

Carrot-oatmeal peeling

Big juicy morkov rub on a grater, then add 1/2 teaspoon crushed in a coffee grinder oatmeal "Hercules".

The completed mush put on the face and wash off after 20-25 minutes all the water at room temperature.

Ideal as a natural peel, coffee grounds.

Apply it evenly on clean and slightly moistened skin. Giving dry.

Remove circular massage on the massage lines. Rinsed face first warm, then cool water.

There is a scrub mask for deep cleaning of the skin:

Lather the face, neck and chest area with a thin layer of baby soap. Then, take the sugar and carefully plot the rotary motion.

Hold for 15 minutes and wash off. Suitable only for oily skin.

For peeling widely used bodyaga - freshwater sponge.

For this purpose it is dried and pulverized. Medical applications bodyaga has good absorbing effect.

It should be noted that the masks of concoctions are different depending on the destination. When cleaning oily skin diluted with hot water and do not rub the skin, and exfoliating diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide and rubbing it into the skin.

Makeup should emphasize your individuality


We live in an age of debunking stereotypes.

Down bored standards! Beauty woman - in her personality, and the task of makeup that emphasize individuality. Of all people, only ten percent have natural red hair color.

However, they envious of blondes and brunettes regularly replenish the fund of beauty salons, trying to get closer to the coveted fiery redhead shade. Makeup Palette determined professionally speaking, the degree of contrast appearance.

This means the balance between the tone and intensity of the skin color and hair color. Light complexion suggests shades of ivory makeup, pink highlights in harmony with beige tones, tan skin can emphasize the intense beige.

Red hair color blurs pitch in professional make-up artist taxonomy. Decorative cosmetics for solar humans is universal.

Sophisticated image can be formed, having played both harmony and contrast on makeup. Go red coral, terracotta, sand, gold, bronze, olive green ... but it all depends on the color of skin, eyes.

Individual approach to make-up - first and foremost. Film and other creative industries generated image of a woman with fiery hair and emerald eyes.

World creative enclave was not mistaken in the details of image - this color gives the seductiveness and charm of the red-haired lady.

An icy shade of green make makeup look radiant, as if flinging "the mirror of the soul." The blue beautiful decorative shadows emphasize blue eyes and fair skin aristocracy.

The mysterious flickering in the image will appear when you use a transparent gloss lids. The softness and warmth will give a matte shadow image of sand, peach tones.

Black mascara and black eyeliner - it is the prerogative of brunettes in terms of professional make-up. Soft brown lines will be more appropriate. The more stressed eyes, the restrained to be lip makeup, and vice versa.

In bright lips make-up, use a mono-shade, preferably opaque. Red mouth make sense, but by experimenting with bright color, you should be careful (especially with pale skin).

Dark red, burgundy color scheme looks particularly refined. Lip gloss orange-pink color (deep pink excluded) and transparent with golden particles are optimal for women red type. Golden-violet range gently set off copper hair.

A lover of fashion brown can adopt bronze shades. Blush natural shade with light reflecting particles give your face a natural glow.

Accents are placed blush apricot, peach or coral color.

Would you like extravagance? Bring bright pink eye shadow and lightly touch up the eyelashes and lips, apply lipstick coral (which supposedly you never had to face). Bright? Yes. Defiantly? No.

Do not be afraid to experiment with your appearance - feel free to use the gift of Mother Nature or your stylist.

Makeup 12 recommendations of professionals


Makeup is an art - and it involves not only impeccable taste, but also skillful execution.

1. Fatty rouge - the ideal tool for beginners makeup. Apply blush on the cheeks in three places and rub with fingertips.

2. Dry blush will look more natural if you use two shades of one tone. On the dark blush brush type, a slight movement to shake off the excess, apply to cheekbones. Then just apply bright blush, a little beyond the contour of the dark.

3. Tint, regardless of whether they are liquid or compact best applied with a sponge. You should know that the more sparkling and clear tone, the more tender and more natural it looks on the skin; than matt tone, the greater its masking properties.

4. Powder should always be a little lighter tone means. Apply on face powder puff flat and do some gentle pats fingertips.

5. Brushes for the application of powder - wide and fluffy. They are very convenient for removing excess powder. The best option - a shaving brush.

6. Shadow imposed by a fan - not a bad idea for the evening makeup. Bright tone applied to the inner corner of the eye, the middle - the middle of the century, the dark - to the outer corner.

7. Mascara is and transparent. She not only decorates eyelashes, but is night care products.

8. Brown eyes circled in purple outline, seem deeper.

9. Blue eyes circled in light blue outline, brighter highlighted.

10. Shadow pink color should be separated from the lashes darker, or eyes look tearful.

11. Leaflets with powder covering the face a velvety matte layer, used to remove greasy luster of the skin.

12. The masking pencil help hide pimples, dilated capillaries and pigmented birthmarks. Even traces of burns!
