Beautiful facial skin without wrinkles - every woman's dream. But how to prevent the aging process? Unfortunately, the person that already have wrinkles, restore youth can only plastic surgery. But do not be upset: for a long time there is a reliable way to eliminate the appearance of new wrinkles - facial massage.
It is only necessary to find the time, and do them as soon as possible! Immediately before the actual massage is necessary to get wet (do not rub!) The face with a wet towel.
Drain the person applied hygienic powder that needs to be adjusted according to skin type. One important point: the person must be well dried, otherwise the powder will stick to the skin, making it difficult to hand movements. The procedure itself massage lasts from 5 to 15 minutes, which aims to achieve complete relaxation of the facial muscles and improve blood circulation. Technology is as follows: large pads of the fingers are on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows. Pressing strongly and uniformly.
Movements are on the cheek up to the jawbone. The next step takes neck massage, with massage movements that produce the backs of the hands from the base to the chin. A rear and side of the neck massaged circular movements from the bottom up, but with the help of the fingertips. Having made a rotational motion from the center of the upper lip in the direction of to the cheeks, they perform the same movement from the central part of the lower lip to the center schek.Kozhu under the eyebrows from the nose, massaging slowly, picking up the outer corners of the eyes. Due to the fact that the skin under the eyes is very delicate, should be extremely careful and cautious tapping produce gentle movements (can not massage!), Directing traffic to the inner corner of the eye.
Stroking his forehead, occurring from the bottom up, must be carried out using a light touch. After that, from the area between the eyebrows, the motion goes to the outer part of the eyebrows and vverh.Zavershayuschim stage is tapping his fingers the whole face. As the massage means can be used not only various juices such as strawberry and raspberry, but self-cooking cream. During the massage, using the juice, there is as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons juice is added to water.
The resulting solution wetted gauze folded twice. For convenience, the gauze cut holes to allow normal breathing. While such a mask is on the face, are produced massaging motion. In traditional practice, one of the most effective drugs used to massage the face, a cream containing 100 grams of wax, 2 tbsp. l. lanolin, 0, 5, Art. l. oil, and 300 ml kipyatka.Dlya that would cleanse the skin and remove dying cells in the cream, which is used for massage, add wheat or oat flour, resulting in a cleaning pasta.Zabottes about yourself right! So how to be beautiful, not necessarily to load your body with chemicals and subjected to plastic surgery! Do not spare time for this - it's worth it!
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Self-massage the face: be young!
Beautiful facial skin without wrinkles - every woman's dream. But how to prevent the aging process? Unfortunately, the person that already have wrinkles, restore youth can only plastic surgery. But do not be upset: for a long time there is a reliable way to eliminate the appearance of new wrinkles - facial massage.
It is only necessary to find the time, and do them as soon as possible! Immediately before the actual massage is necessary to get wet (do not rub!) The face with a wet towel.
Drain the person applied hygienic powder that needs to be adjusted according to skin type. One important point: the person must be well dried, otherwise the powder will stick to the skin, making it difficult to hand movements. The procedure itself massage lasts from 5 to 15 minutes, which aims to achieve complete relaxation of the facial muscles and improve blood circulation. Technology is as follows: large pads of the fingers are on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows. Pressing strongly and uniformly.
Movements are on the cheek up to the jawbone. The next step takes neck massage, with massage movements that produce the backs of the hands from the base to the chin. A rear and side of the neck massaged circular movements from the bottom up, but with the help of the fingertips. Having made a rotational motion from the center of the upper lip in the direction of to the cheeks, they perform the same movement from the central part of the lower lip to the center schek.Kozhu under the eyebrows from the nose, massaging slowly, picking up the outer corners of the eyes. Due to the fact that the skin under the eyes is very delicate, should be extremely careful and cautious tapping produce gentle movements (can not massage!), Directing traffic to the inner corner of the eye.
Stroking his forehead, occurring from the bottom up, must be carried out using a light touch. After that, from the area between the eyebrows, the motion goes to the outer part of the eyebrows and vverh.Zavershayuschim stage is tapping his fingers the whole face. As the massage means can be used not only various juices such as strawberry and raspberry, but self-cooking cream. During the massage, using the juice, there is as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons juice is added to water.
The resulting solution wetted gauze folded twice. For convenience, the gauze cut holes to allow normal breathing. While such a mask is on the face, are produced massaging motion. In traditional practice, one of the most effective drugs used to massage the face, a cream containing 100 grams of wax, 2 tbsp. l. lanolin, 0, 5, Art. l. oil, and 300 ml kipyatka.Dlya that would cleanse the skin and remove dying cells in the cream, which is used for massage, add wheat or oat flour, resulting in a cleaning pasta.Zabottes about yourself right! So how to be beautiful, not necessarily to load your body with chemicals and subjected to plastic surgery! Do not spare time for this - it's worth it!
Other helpful articles can be read online
Eyelash extensions - the intricacies of the process, technology, care
Eyelashes - a powerful and at the same time a veiled weapons every woman. What tricks we just are not going to make the eye expressive and beautiful - and this is understandable, because they are a reflection of our soul and beauty. Good mejk can transform the face, and failed, or lack of it - to make the look lackluster, and the image of the gray and inconspicuous.
A particularly important role in the glamor lashes. If nature has awarded you this wealth - we can only congratulate you. But not all girls who want to look your best, can boast such a success - and are able to come to the aid it is artificial eyelashes.
Basically, if you are not satisfied with your eyelashes, we can advise you two ways to solve the problem - paste or build new ones. The first option can be called improvised and affordable, but it gives the result, frankly, so-so. But this capacity has been a lifesaver for those ladies who boast of their own length and volume of the cilia can not. Today
eyelash at home
and the cabin is a familiar procedure that is available and performed at the highest level. If you choose a good specialist, it may not even doubt the quality and durability of the result.
"Pros and cons"
With regard to the harm caused by building artificial cilia, the debate on this issue are ongoing and are unlikely to cease once. One thing is for sure - to consider extensions cause loss of eyelashes is fundamentally wrong. Healthy eyelashes with correspondingly strong hair bulbs load created as a result of build-up is not terrible. But when their own cilia weak or prone to loss, before the procedure is optimal to spend treatment. Otherwise, the capacity and the truth can cause hair loss. Want to
lashes after extension
"I stayed in their places?" You approach the matter with the mind, and do not blame or negligence in the master technology to build an increased hazard in principle.
Types of building
Today, there are many options eyelash, but, in fact, they are divided into two main types - a beam and poresnichno. Last is based on the bonding of artificial cilia to their own with a special resin, and it is about the middle of each eyelash. Feature beam technology capacity is that the synthetic material is attached to the bottom of your own eyelashes and directly century. So it is possible to increase immediately and the length and volume.
The speed of implementation is leading, of course, the beam technology - it takes a master holding less than an hour, even in the most difficult cases. But to sit and do cilium eyelash for you with a specialist will have 2-4 hours. But hold on, and such "protracted" longer - up to three months, while the two-stream beauty need to be changed in 2-3 weeks. Well, as you probably guessed,
cost eyelash
beam technology for significantly lower.
Despite the fact that special care lashes require better adhere to certain rules. So try to avoid any mechanical stress, eliminate interaction with eyelash cosmetic products containing in its composition glycerol or oil, do not use a brush to separate cilia (better take a toothpick).
Long and thick lashes look very nice, are an ornament and pride of this woman. Important thing to remember about the health of their own eyelashes - and will avoid unpleasant moments.