How to care for the skin around the eyes

 How to care for the skin around the eyes

Perhaps the most sensitive areas of the skin on the face - this is under the eyes. It is they, and no other lines, give the age of the head. In these areas, there are almost no sebaceous glands and muscles, so it is quickly "getting older" and loses its elasticity. Why the skin under the eyes so quickly loses its elasticity? There are several answers to this question.

Constant change is already the cause of facial expressions.

Finding the bright sun also causes us to squint.

Those who forget to wear in sunny weather appropriate glasses, then for a long time, used various means to get rid of "crow's feet".

A night without sleep or fatigue - and there is swelling.

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and therefore respond to many stimuli - both external and internal.

How to care for the skin around the eyes?

The first thing you should always do - it's every night to get rid of make-up. Falling asleep with shadows and mascara on the eyes give only negative effects.

By the way, for the use of this procedure should be very sparing and not flavored funds. The labels and stated: "To remove makeup around the eyes." Pay attention to the PH level in the used tool: it must be neutral. You also need to use creams In the same series - not just for the face, namely for the skin around the eyes.

To protect the most sensitive areas of the skin in the summer, it should be worn, as already mentioned, sunglasses, and use a cream with UV-filter.

Ironically, but not hurt, and massage this area. After applying makeup can be applied gel for the skin around the eyes - he will hide wrinkles and "crow's feet".

Do not forget about the "folk" methods: warm tea bags impose on edematous area and lay so for 10 minutes. Such packs are particularly helpful when using the computer when the eyes need a rest.

Also useful mask from potatoes. Rubbed raw potatoes, place in cheesecloth and apply to eyelids for 10-15 minutes several times a week.

Oddly enough, but the condition of the skin around the eyes and face as a whole affects the overall physical condition of your body. If you smoke, this is certainly reflected in the skin.

Therefore, pay attention to their health, spend more time in the fresh air, eat fruits and vegetables. And then your face will always emit light.

How to improve the condition of skin


On questions of readers meet dermatologist-cosmetologist Irina Kirov and the doctor Catherine triholog Sheveleva.

- What type of wrapping you would recommend as a relaxing treatment, and at the same time, the skin is rested and gained fresh? And another question: what procedures and methods

home care you apply to yourself?

Ivan Kirov:

- Let me start with the second question. I myself guided by the principles which advise all to remember: it is always easier to prevent than to deal with already had problems.

To keep your skin healthy, actually it has not so much - to ensure her daily care, feeding the skin, UV protection plus a minimum of negative experiences.

With regard to the wrap, to relax we can recommend wrapping with seaweed, in addition, during the procedure the skin is saturated with trace elements and other useful substances.

Especially effective if the procedure wraps combined with massage.

Getting rid of blackheads in two weeks

Are there ways for two weeks to get rid of acne and blackheads? Tania.

Ivan Kirov:

- Yes, for 2 weeks, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin. To get rid of blackheads, there are many effective methods. I would recommend atraumatic cleaning face with peeling or ultrasonic cleaning. This will help to rid the skin of blackheads without damaging the skin.

As for the acne (pimples), with mild acne and combined treatment with the combination therapy can also be expressed to achieve results for the period of two weeks.

Do I need to wash my hair before taking at trihologa

I understand that any issues related to the treatment of skin or hair, to a large extent derived from the general state of health. Do I need to do some tests, extracts from medical records, and so on. E., Before going to the doctor-trihologu? Igor.

E. Sheveleva:

- Usually, before consulting the doctor-patient clinic trihologa inform requirement. For example, it is better in 3 - 4 days before the first visit did not wash my hair, and remember all the hair products that you used the last time, and what the results were.

With regard to the analysis, the triholog competent in your problem, he will prescribe a list of tests. Good clinical laboratories and interact with the necessary expertise.

And if you have on hand the results of previous surveys, you had better show them to the doctor for the initial consultation, that will make a preliminary diagnosis.

Whitening Mask for young mothers

How to get rid of age spots on the face, which povysypali after childbirth? Marina.

Ivan Kirov:

- You can choose to help cosmetologist whitening procedure that is effective in your case: Peeling (1 - 4 treatments once a week); fotoprotsedury (6 treatments once a month); various hardware techniques, and others.

The procedures it is desirable to combine with home care using special safe bleaches. It is also important to protect the skin from UV exposure - use sunscreen when going outside.

How to do a manicure at home

 Secrets of home manicure is a manicure at home
Secrets of Home Manicure

We all know that without a manicure woman feels insecure, try to figure how to do a manicure at home.

Manicure shall consist of the following steps: removing varnish, filing, cleaning, move aside the cuticle, deburring and lacquer painting, t. E. A kind of nail design.

Secrets of Home Manicure

1. Manicure begins with removing the old varnish. Moisten a cotton swab to remove the solvent and paint residues. Remember unacceptable non-erased traces of nail polish!

2. cutting forceps shorten nails to desired length. If the nails are not too long, you can do without the help of scissors.

3. Then give to nails nail file the necessary form, moving from the edge to the middle of the nail. Nail files should be kept easily, without pressure. Fluid movements very carefully, so as not to spoil the shape of zero, first treat its sides.

Then point the nail file in a semicircle, then left, then right, as little as possible to grind off the smooth surface of the nail plate. Movement in the filing should be short and strictly in one direction. Sawing should not touch the skin at the ends of the fingers, as this may result in coarsening.

4. Form of course you choose to do, but we do not recommend sharpen sharp 'claws' - it looks disgusting. It is better to give them a neat oval.

5. Once you have the desired shape will attach nails, soak your hands in warm soapy water. Rinse your hands after this procedure is not necessary. Coat the base of the nail cream to soften the skin tips hand.

6. Then wipe your hands and take nogtechistku. With the help of carefully remove dirt from under the nail, cuticle nourishing cream, lubricate the nail fold.

7. Now use a blunt spatula, slide the skin around the nails. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the skin. After you clean the skin at the base of the nails, apply nail tips a little cream.

8. During the manicure at home to remove the cuticle is better not to use a pair of scissors, as it will strengthen its growth.

9. Remove burrs tweezers or a small pair of scissors, and again required to disinfect fingers.

10. Polish the nail surface. Polishing - this is an important step, but only if, after this procedure, a special gel is applied. With the help of polish lifted natural nail cells, thus creating a smooth and dry surface. For polishing required sawing of medium size.

11. Now, rinse hands again and wipe them with a cloth.

After finishing nail treatment, apply a nourishing cream on your hands and make a gentle massage. Stroking her fingers and hands toward the forearm, like you pull the tight glove.

How to Apply Nail Polish

First apply varnish-based, then colored lacquer will form a uniform layer. Lac-base can not cover the colored varnish. Before using colored lacquer, a few times vigorously shake the bottle to paint mix.

Covering nail varnish, every time a brush dipped in paint. Take the brush as varnish, to be enough for a single stroke. By keeping the brush from cuticle to edge of nail, giving it a fan-shaped form. This will cover the entire surface and a smooth and even smear.

Start to apply the varnish should be little careful strokes, moving from the tip to the base of the nail. For this it is essential that the varnish was quite liquid, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the required fineness layer and accuracy of application. First, apply the nail polish on the center, and then to the side portions. To do this, from the cuticle, place the brush so that it slightly overlaps the central smear.

For the final touch gently flatten the varnish at the end of the free edge. When the cause of all nail polish, add a top layer of varnish - it will help protect it from rapid erasure.

The second layer of varnish applied in the same sequence. To check whether the dry nail polish, gently tap them with the tip of the nail of the index finger. Some touch the tip of her tongue painted nails. But we do not advise to do it all the same nail - a chemical not intended for ingestion.

Do you need a home manicure on average every two weeks. Of course, it is better to do it more often. Generally, manicure should be a permanent and mandatory procedure. Every day, at least clean nails, leveling nails form nail file. The skin around the nail bends inward and lubricate the cream.

The main advantage and the hallmark of European manicure is that the skin around the nail is cut and pushed back. This is accomplished by the softening of the thin film on the nail special emulsions and oils.

Then, the nail plate is ground and polished. This method is absolutely safe and very suitable holders of a thin skin and closely spaced blood vessels.

If you do a manicure at home yourself, you can pamper your hands with special trays. Hold hands in soapy water a few minutes to steam them well. Then dip them in a bath of herbs and pine needles.

Hand bath with camomile

Take 2 tbsp. l. dried herbs chamomile flowers and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let sit. Dip your hands in warm solution and hold them for 10-15 minutes.

With calendula and olive oil

A few tablespoons of calendula flowers pour water and even hot infusion (but such a temperature that can be tolerated) lower hands. After a few minutes, add a few drops of olive oil and soak your hands in water a little.

Tray with oregano and ammonia

Pour 1 tbsp. l. grass 1 -2 cups of boiling water. The infusion add a little ammonia. Soak it in hand for at least 10 min.

Baths improve circulation, make the skin smooth and delicate, and most importantly - a soft, which provide for a manicure.

Getting home manicure, remember that the hands should be thoroughly steam. From time to time poured into the tub with a solution of a little hot water. When you feel that your skin is enough to steam, proceed to perform a manicure.

If your nails do not have sufficient density and strength, we can recommend you a bath of sodium chloride. Lowering his fingertips to the hot solution, hold them there for 15 minutes, then remove and lubricate the skin around the nail nourishing cream.

By doing home manicures at least a couple times a week, you will soon achieve the best results.

Good luck to you in mastering manicure !!!
