In order to be always in good shape, look great with a fresh and pleasant complexion, you need to take care of the health of the skin, especially in winter. For you the most useful treatments.
1. Packs
The most common cosmetic practice apply hot and cold compresses. A cold compress - a great tonic, improves the complexion. It is used also as the final procedure after facial cleansing, masks, massage.
Cold compresses great increase in the tone of a person lethargic, sagging skin of the face and neck. How correctly to make a cold compress? It is necessary to take a towel, the best terry cloth or folded in two or three layers in the form of long strips and moisten in very cold water (good idea to add to the water ice).
Then wrap lightly squeeze and quickly put on your face so that he fell to the middle of the face, one half covered one cheek, the other - the other. Holding the hands of a cold compress can not be - it will happen warming. The residence time of a cold compress on the face - a few seconds.
A hot compress causes vasodilation and then, increases blood flow to the skin, muscle relaxant, removes dust from the surface of the skin and scales. Therefore, hot packs recommended before applying the mask, massage. Hot compresses are widely used in dry, limp, flabby skin.
But they are contraindicated in pustules, blackheads, redness and inflammation of the skin. Before applying, hot compress should be thoroughly cleaned skin. Then take a towel, fold it in two or three layers and apply on face for 15-20 minutes, in the same way as a cold compress.
During these 15-20 minutes as cooling, compresses again dipped in hot water. Very useful hot herbal compresses. For example, a decoction of chamomile, lime blossom, sage, succession. Perfectly tones skin combination of hot and cold compresses.
2. Steam Bath
Effect of steam on the skin is very large. First, it affects numerous nerve endings located in the skin. Under the action of a pair of sharply expanding blood vessels and skin pores, soften and rejected skin flakes. The skin is cleansed also from the sebaceous and sweat secretions soften cork plugging the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
How to prevent acne?
In addition, steam bath promotes the resorption of inflammatory cells and seals. Steam bath is recommended for oily, porous skin, as well as acne and "black spots". If you have dry skin of the face with a steam bath should not be. After the steam bath the skin is clean, smooth, elastic. But this procedure is not only cleanses the skin, it prepares it for other treatments: cleaning, massage. Prepare a steam bath at home is not difficult.
To do this, fill a small saucepan with boiling water (better to use a decoction of herbs) and put on the table. Head tilted over a saucepan and cover with a large towel. Duration baths - 10-15 minutes. Then wash the face with cold water or wipe with astringent lotion. Go out after a steam bath can only after 15-20 minutes
3. Face Cleansing
If you spot acne and "black spots" after the steam bath is necessary to clean the face. It must be remembered that this in no case can not be done if the face has inflamed or festering pimples. After the steam bath the skin should be wiped with a damp and then a dry swab.
Then thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water, wipe them with cologne and the ends of the fingers, wrap with sterile gauze, squeeze acne. To loosen the cork, the skin should be several times during cleaning wipe the 3-percent hydrogen peroxide solution.
Use during cleaning alcoholic solutions should not be - it leads to pore contraction, thereby making it difficult cleaning. After the procedure oily skin rubbed with a 2-percent solution of salicylic acid, normal skin - 3 percent solution of alum.
To clean the face, you can apply a special procedure of salt. With it are usually removed the "black spots". In continuation of this theme, we will tell you what are masks that should be applied after the first of these procedures. But more about that next time.