Fastest and most effective diet for weight loss is free - it's such a diet, which is sitting on the week you can lose from 2 to 5 kilograms and without harm to the body. Of course, now there is no problem in order to lose weight, because pharmacies are selling a lot of teas and diet pills. But what if your evening dress was a little too narrow and friends wedding in 2 weeks?
The piggy diets have a remarkable mono-diet, which has no name, based monopitanie. We offer you a detailed menu monodiets.
So, all you need is to completely eliminate from the diet of salt (as it prevents the fluid from the body), sugar and sugar-containing beverages, coffee and alcohol and, therefore, to adhere to a special diet, the principle monopitaniya when during the day you can eat a specific product or group of products.
How to lose 5 kg in a week
A diet designed for a week, but if you lose a week of 2 - 3 kilos and want 4 or 5, the mono-diet can be extended for another week, repeating the same schedule of power.
To diet was more effective, it is better to drink a day 1, 5-2 liters of mineral water and herbal teas without sugar, you can use tea for weight loss.
Mono-diet menu by day
1 day: day eat 1, 5 kg. fruit, apples better. Bananas and grapes deleted. If you really want to eat something during the day, you can still eat a loaf of rye 1-2 or bran bread.
Day 2: during the day to eat 1, 5 kg. raw fruits (without salt), it is better to take fresh cucumbers and 2-3 fresh tomatoes. Potatoes should be excluded from the diet, since it is rich in starch. For those who have to starvation begins migraine, you can cook soup for the day, as without hot hard. So, 1, 5 liters of water is needed vegetable or mushroom cube "Maggi", 1-2 potatoes, and cauliflower (a few inflorescences). All it cook until tender, and then grind in a blender to puree is very liquid, which can be eaten throughout the day. Thus it is possible to cheat your stomach.
Day 3: Boil 500-600 gr. beef or chicken (without the skin), do not add salt broth. Meat to eat during the day, in several portions.
Day 4: 350 gr. pearl barley and boil the whole day there. Those who are not fond of barley, buckwheat can take and fill it with boiling water and wait until the cereal is not fully absorbs all the water. In 300 gr. buckwheat needs about 1 liter of boiling water. Such a cooking method is very effective, as stored in the rump vitamins. You can take and rice, which is good for weight loss, but it leads to constipation.
By the way, this day allowed to eat a few walnuts and 2 tsp. Of honey.
Day 5: you have to repeat a diet 1st day - fruit, only 1-2 pieces of rye bread can be had spread a thin layer of oil, cheese or pate.
Day 6: In the day stewed cabbage. On average forks take 1 carrot, 1-2 tomatoes, 1 onion and 300 grams. beef or chicken. Simmer the cabbage water without salt or lightly salted.
Day 7: breakfast and lunch to eat 300 grams. fat-free yogurt with 2 tsp. of honey.
For dinner, you can eat any product, be it a sandwich or candy, the main thing in an amount of not more than 50 grams.
The only caveat:
It is not necessary to abuse this diet and stay on it for more than 2 weeks, because the body can occur disturbances and even failure of the menstrual cycle.
And yet, at the end of this diet do not need to go for a meal, or dumped weight again you will return. Repeat this diet, you can 1 time in 2 months.
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The walnut diet menu as quickly lose 3 - 5 kg for 10 days
Nuts - an indispensable and useful food, but many people do not pay enough attention to eat nuts and almost completely eliminate them from your diet. Since It argued that nuts are very high in calories and lead to weight gain. Yes, from the use of nuts can actually be better, but only if you eat their weight.
For all who want to lose weight - nut diet, the impact on the health benefits of nuts, and how you can quickly lose 3 - 5 kg for 10 days, approximate ten-menu nut diet, fasting day to allow the nuts to lose up to 1 - 2 kg of excess weight
Health effects and benefits of nuts
Much more nuts bring good than harm. They contain vegetable protein and healthy unsaturated fats, which really needs our body. These chemicals are involved in cell structure and metabolism.
The kernels contain much potassium, copper, fiber, vitamin E and B, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. Eating nuts reduces the risk of heart disease and blood vessels, prevents certain types of cancer, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, improves brain activity.
The walnut diet for all dieters
The walnut diet was developed by an Italian nutritionist in the 80s of the last century. The idea of diet is that during the entire 10 days of fish, meat and eggs are replaced by nuts. Excluded are sugar and carbohydrates that are easily digested, for example, all your favorite cakes and pastries.
Nuts are eaten in combination with fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, cereals and dried fruits on the water. It is not recommended to use a lot of vegetables that require thermal processing, such as beets, since they may cause disruption in the work of the intestine.
Nuts are eaten in small portions - one quarter kilogram per day. The rest of the diet is quite varied and consists of a set of hearty dishes that are made without sugar and do not contain animal fats.
Their portion not to exceed 250 grams. Food intake should be at least 4. Thus, the walnut diet will quickly lose 3 - 5 kg for 10 days.
Sample menu ten-day diet
Menu classic walnut diet may be as follows:
First breakfast: a glass of fresh fruit juice citrus or pineapple, cooked without sugar.
Second breakfast: milk groats or meal any fruit (except bananas and grapes) in unlimited quantities, a handful of nuts (walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts).
The first snack: 100 g. any nuts.
Option 1: serving of vegetable soup, a handful of nuts and dried fruit, a glass of juice from the cherries, currants and strawberries.
Option 2: fruit salad (as many as you want) from the same fruit, which were at breakfast; a handful of nuts, which are not used for breakfast.
Snack: a glass of juice from fresh apples or pears. At this time of day is not recommended to drink citrus juice.
Dinner: oatmeal, cooked in water, herbal tea or grated carrot salad dressed with low-fat sour cream, stewed fruit and a handful of nuts.
Liquids and juices should be consumed at least one and a half liters a day.
In keeping with this nut diet can not only quickly lose 3 - 5 kg of excess weight in 10 days, but also significantly support and strengthen your immune system.
Discharge day for nuts
If you want to quickly lose 1 - 2 kg overweight is possible to arrange discharge day on nuts. The diet of the day consists of 100 grams. favorite nuts and unlimited green tea or plain mineral water without gas. This way you can get rid of the day for 1 - 2 kg of excess weight.
Unfortunately, the walnut diet is not recommended for people suffering from allergic reactions to nuts.
Soup diet for the seven-day slimming recipe, to lose 10 kg
Ahead of holidays, summer beach or buying a new dress, and appeared at the waist unnecessary folds that haunt? One of the best, and most importantly, fast diet, diet has been recognized, which is based on the soup.
Soup diet recipe
Soup recipe is very simple, even without possessing the culinary talents of its preparation does not cause any problems. To make it, you need to finely chop 6 onions, 2 tomatoes, a bunch of celery, cabbage medium-size and 2 green peppers.
Boil all this mixture until needed, until all the vegetables in the pan are tender. Not forbidden to add salt or vegetable cube to taste.
The peculiarity of this soup is that the withdrawal of fluid from the body, it is at the same time destroys the extra weight. Soup in a diet need to eat whenever there is a feeling of hunger. The more soup will be eaten - the more weight you can lose.
Taste and smell of the soup of the specific, and to please not everyone can, in addition, if you eat this soup for 7 days, which is calculated on the entire diet, the aversion to the soup can only intensify.
How to lose 10 kg in a week
However, for someone who is not afraid of difficulties and wants a very short time to become slim and lose from 3 to 10 kilograms without harming your body, this diet fit perfectly and become a lifeline, in anticipation of the holidays or other important events.
In addition, you can eat soup and other products that are painted by day diet.
Soup diet for the seven-day slimming
1 day.
All fruits except bananas and drink from authorized water, tea, coffee without milk and sugar
Day 2.
Fresh or canned vegetables, and lunch is allowed 1 medium potato with butter.
Day 3.
Water and vegetables. Allowed little fruit
Day 4.
Fruits and vegetables are not more than 3 bananas, low-fat milk and water.
5 day.
Tomatoes and beef no more than 600 grams. 6 or 8 glasses of plain water.
Day 6.
Beef, vegetables, fruit juices without sugar.
Day 7.
Brown rice, fruit juice, containing no sugar, vegetables, water.
Throughout soup diet is strictly prohibited:
1. Any deviation from the menu or replacement products.
2. Alcohol. Eat it permitted no earlier than a day later, after a diet.
3. Carbonated beverages.
4. Bread and flour.
5. Do not use cooking oil.
In the first three days of the diet, weight loss starting is usually 2 or 3 kilograms, depending on the initial weight.
But with proper and strict compliance with all the menu at the end of this diet weight loss up to 10 kilograms per week.