William Hay has developed an effective system of power that has made him famous.
However, he has always stressed that it is not discovered anything new, but simple to use and summarized the knowledge obtained earlier by other doctors: common sense, experience gathered in one basket.
Moreover, despite the large number of patients recovered, he never said that to cure some disease. Talking about the cases of healing, he made a special emphasis on the fact that the correct power supply system does not cure, but only removes the obstacles to the internal forces of the body.
The basic idea of a "new era of health" is simple: no matter how different our sorrows, they all have one basic reason - destructive chemical processes in the body. They are created due to the large number of acid end products of digestion.
The body is unable to process multiple large volumes of food, he forced them to accumulate, resulting in a growing self-poisoning (acid avtotoksikoz). This leads to a decrease in the body vital alkaline reserve which, in turn, leads to a weakening of health. "Medical science does not notice such storage - wrote Dr. Hay, -up until not develop a certain pathology, disease."
He taught his patients that there are basic reasons for the accumulation of acid end products of digestion:
eating too much meat;
excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates - white flour products, refined sugar and refined carbohydrates of any type;
disregard the laws of chemistry; constipation.
Although many people, especially young people, produced tolerance or endurance, in relation to the simultaneous use of incompatible products (such as is produced by increasing doses of tolerance exciting poisons), all of this is due to the significant loss of viability. Acquired tolerance unnatural, but it can be successfully eradicated. Then, he emphasized Dr. Hey, you're "not be able to return to the practice of mixing starch and protein without having to have your stomach is not signaled to you that you made a mistake, you probably will not repeat." He promised that he would need two weeks to convince anyone, and the reward for the effort will be increased vitality.
Dr. Hay never forgot to remind the importance of other health aides - fresh air, exercise, daily baths, sunshine, recreation. And, of course, peace of mind: "Only when body and mind are in harmony, there is an opportunity for spiritual development, so do not forget that the spirit of man is in the first place, the intellectual in the second and third physical; and only when the second and the third beginning in harmony, there is a basis for spiritual development. "
Dr. Heyya system consists of five important rules:
1. Starch and sugar can not be eaten with proteins and acid fruits at one meal.
2. Vegetables, salads and fruktydolzhny occupy the main place in the diet.
3. Proteins and fats are allowed to eat starchy food in small quantities.
4. It is necessary to have only whole grains and unrefined starchy foods. Should be deleted all refined foods (especially white flour, sugar and all products made from them), and margarine.
5. Between meals of different structures must be an interval of at least 4-4, 5:00. The main rule - do not mix carbohydrates with proteins and acid fruits.
Diet Heyya patients excluded from the menu of meat, fish and eggs, and allowed once a day to eat a baked potato, a piece of white bread browned and juicy fruit
Dr. Hay recommended bran, germ of wheat, seaweed, fish oil. He said that it is necessary to completely abandon the tea, coffee, spices, vinegar and alcohol, especially sweet wines and liquor.
Trained patients closely monitor the bowel to empty it regularly, if necessary, using an enema (1, 5 liters of cold water).
Separate food by the method of Dr. Hay
William Hay has developed an effective system of power that has made him famous.
However, he has always stressed that it is not discovered anything new, but simple to use and summarized the knowledge obtained earlier by other doctors: common sense, experience gathered in one basket.
Moreover, despite the large number of patients recovered, he never said that to cure some disease. Talking about the cases of healing, he made a special emphasis on the fact that the correct power supply system does not cure, but only removes the obstacles to the internal forces of the body.
The basic idea of a "new era of health" is simple: no matter how different our sorrows, they all have one basic reason - destructive chemical processes in the body. They are created due to the large number of acid end products of digestion.
The body is unable to process multiple large volumes of food, he forced them to accumulate, resulting in a growing self-poisoning (acid avtotoksikoz). This leads to a decrease in the body vital alkaline reserve which, in turn, leads to a weakening of health. "Medical science does not notice such storage - wrote Dr. Hay, -up until not develop a certain pathology, disease."
He taught his patients that there are basic reasons for the accumulation of acid end products of digestion:
eating too much meat;
excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates - white flour products, refined sugar and refined carbohydrates of any type;
disregard the laws of chemistry; constipation.
Although many people, especially young people, produced tolerance or endurance, in relation to the simultaneous use of incompatible products (such as is produced by increasing doses of tolerance exciting poisons), all of this is due to the significant loss of viability. Acquired tolerance unnatural, but it can be successfully eradicated. Then, he emphasized Dr. Hey, you're "not be able to return to the practice of mixing starch and protein without having to have your stomach is not signaled to you that you made a mistake, you probably will not repeat." He promised that he would need two weeks to convince anyone, and the reward for the effort will be increased vitality.
Dr. Hay never forgot to remind the importance of other health aides - fresh air, exercise, daily baths, sunshine, recreation. And, of course, peace of mind: "Only when body and mind are in harmony, there is an opportunity for spiritual development, so do not forget that the spirit of man is in the first place, the intellectual in the second and third physical; and only when the second and the third beginning in harmony, there is a basis for spiritual development. "
Dr. Heyya system consists of five important rules:
1. Starch and sugar can not be eaten with proteins and acid fruits at one meal.
2. Vegetables, salads and fruktydolzhny occupy the main place in the diet.
3. Proteins and fats are allowed to eat starchy food in small quantities.
4. It is necessary to have only whole grains and unrefined starchy foods. Should be deleted all refined foods (especially white flour, sugar and all products made from them), and margarine.
5. Between meals of different structures must be an interval of at least 4-4, 5:00. The main rule - do not mix carbohydrates with proteins and acid fruits.
Diet Heyya patients excluded from the menu of meat, fish and eggs, and allowed once a day to eat a baked potato, a piece of white bread browned and juicy fruit
Dr. Hay recommended bran, germ of wheat, seaweed, fish oil. He said that it is necessary to completely abandon the tea, coffee, spices, vinegar and alcohol, especially sweet wines and liquor.
Trained patients closely monitor the bowel to empty it regularly, if necessary, using an enema (1, 5 liters of cold water).
Kim Protasov diet recipes, menus, a detailed description
In 1999, Kim Protasov typed note, which was described by the diet, thanks to which for several weeks, you can lose a few kilos.
Today, the "Diet Protasov" say, and many have already tried it in practice. The article detailed description of recipes for weight loss menu.
Kim Protasov diet lasts for five weeks
For two weeks, you need to eat raw vegetables (salads), yogury (5%) and hard cheese.
You can eat one boiled egg a day, three apples (not sweet).
It is necessary to drink a lot of coffee and tea. In addition, drink 2 liters of water a day. Coffee does not get carried away, if you are not okay with blood pressure or heart problems are.
Include in the diet of low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt). You can drink mineral water (without gas) in unlimited quantities.
Recipes for weight loss menu
It is important that the menu were fresh vegetables. Fresh cucumber, sprinkled with cheese 5%.
You can make a salad of fresh tomatoes and peppers, fill it with yogurt.
The salad vegetables, you can add chopped boiled egg. Above you can sprinkle with grated cheese pormezan.
Exclude from the menu sour cream, fat cheeses. Do not tempt the stomach hot spices.
This diet simple texte
By the second week, you'll be no problem to give up a boiled egg, and will not feel hunger. At the end of the second week, your body will do fine without meat, fats and sweets.
The third week suggests 300 grams of roasted lean meat, poultry or fish. Cheese and yogurt, in the third week you can consume less than in the first two weeks.
Eating meat, vegetables, cheese, apples and eggs should continue for a further three weeks. After that, you lose a few kilos.
Kim Protasov diet has positive and negative aspects
This diet has the advantage, because they do not have to starve. With this diet you will improve your metabolism and will not appear on carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.
It will therefore be normalized activity of the pancreas, and you will not want to eat a lot of sweets and foods high in carbohydrates and sugar.
You train your body to eat vegetables. Many vegetables contain fiber, minerals, the whole complex of vitamins. Gradually you will improve the work of the stomach and intestines.
But, if you suffer from certain diseases (gastritis, inflammation of the pancreas, duodenitis, cholecystitis), then on a diet Protasov need to take care.
Be sure to be surveyed. Consult with an expert and decide whether you sit on this diet.