How nice to hear from friends that you lost weight or look young. It's nice, but at the same time difficult - remember how much work and expense has been invested in this image, it is scary. Therefore, we offer the most simple and easy sleeping weight loss diet for lazy.
How nice to hear from friends that you lost weight or look young. It's nice, but at the same time difficult - remember how much work and expense has been invested in this image, it is scary. Therefore, we offer the most easy and simple sleeping weight loss diet lazy or very busy women.
It takes a little time, you tighten your work in the maelstrom, you suddenly notice that your favorite blouse suddenly become close and familiar holiday pants small waist.
Go on a diet - the only option. But so difficult to stick to a diet at the same time being in the workplace. There's no time to eat, then something caught at a stall and, behold, all the achievements of nothing.
For such cases, and established a "sleepy" diet.
Scientists have proved that during a restful sleep is a natural breakdown of fats. With this type of diet actually lose 500-600 grams. in Week. Despite the "lazy" name, this diet is unique.
Get enough sleep
The first requirement is a complete dream, just for the lazy, what you need. We sleep and losing weight, but did not sleep a few hours, as much as the body needs. Ideally, sleep should last 8-9 hours. This implies a reduction of free time in the evening.
The bedroom should serve just to sleep and not be the center of the universe. Televisions, computers and mobile phones have no place in the bedroom. Here you need to sleep, rather than working or watching TV.
The second important condition in the diet:
The menu carotid diet should prevail low-fat foods, soups, vegetables and fruits. Perfect steamed vegetables. The fat may be used, but in small quantities. No need to lettuce "drowned" in the oil.
Liquid drink in moderation, to abandon fizzy and soft drinks, are washed away from the body useful minerals. Exclude from nicotine and alcohol consumption, which is soaked in the blood causes the body to want to eat.
The use of salt, sugar and other spices is limited, but not to exclude from the diet. After all, we need to lose weight and not get to the hospital with exhaustion.
Weight loss occurs at night
All weight loss occurs at night, when a person immersed in a dream. This means that at first the weight loss will not be so noticeable as in the other diets.
But this indicates that our body gets rid of fat, not water and muscle mass. To enhance the effect, a positive effect is walking in the fresh air before going to bed aerobics, with the exception of stress and depressive state.
This type of carotid diet fits all, without exception. Healthy sleep, giving up booze and nicotine, walking outdoors, the normalization of the nervous system - all this as well as possible impact on the comfort of life and weight loss.