Hello everybody!!! Please help advice. I like the guy

Hello everybody!!! Help me please.

I like a guy in my class. I am 16 years old.

He often looks at me - telling poems in class when I told him that what I explain, talking about yourself all the time he looks into my eyes so serious, with a slight smile.

My friend noticed that he often calls me and is looking for an excuse if I have something to ask.

I read many articles - How do you know a guy like me if I? - More convergent.

But if so, why he did not ask me or acknowledged me ?!

I too many times called him to ask that type of set, he always comments on it at the same time makes, for example,

Sorry, I did not stop ?! I wanted to ask that I ask ?,

he - yes, no, I do not hurt, only now DIARY found ... Maybe he's in the closet, but he is ...

He's a pretty nice guy (for me the best) and many girls to him, too, stick, plucking, sniffing at a crowded his clothes (cologne), I did not leave room for the same, I do not want that he thought I would like them .

S.O.S !!!

Katjusha *

Hello everybody!!! Please help advice. I like the guy

Hello everybody!!! Help me please.

I like a guy in my class. I am 16 years old.

He often looks at me - telling poems in class when I told him that what I explain, talking about yourself all the time he looks into my eyes so serious, with a slight smile.

My friend noticed that he often calls me and is looking for an excuse if I have something to ask.

I read many articles - How do you know a guy like me if I? - More convergent.

But if so, why he did not ask me or acknowledged me ?!

I too many times called him to ask that type of set, he always comments on it at the same time makes, for example,

Sorry, I did not stop ?! I wanted to ask that I ask ?,

he - yes, no, I do not hurt, only now DIARY found ... Maybe he's in the closet, but he is ...

He's a pretty nice guy (for me the best) and many girls to him, too, stick, plucking, sniffing at a crowded his clothes (cologne), I did not leave room for the same, I do not want that he thought I would like them .

S.O.S !!!

Katjusha *

Always - always be sure!


At any age girl, and then, and a woman may face questions to which it can not alone provide the answer. This happens in youth, when everything is new and unknown, and in adulthood. In other words, each age problems.

Women face a variety of difficulties in their lives. For some impossible task is to choose an evening dress for an important event, and for someone to understand how you can help someone or yourself in a difficult situation.

Some of the most frequently asked questions related to the relationship in the family - assistance in raising children, socializing with her husband and his parents. And the more a woman will get a variety of answers, so it is easier on the basis of their final decision. So never forget that women are not always able to solve its own troubles, and the reasons for this are many - the gender differences between men and women when the problems of one another are not clear, the lack of experience of similar situations have girlfriends, etc.

But the most serious, not only when there is nobody to ask for advice, but there are no interlocutor. And it is no secret that the communication and exchange of experience is important for women of inner harmony, and simple conversation in the kitchen will help relieve the tension. Our entire life consists of contradictions and so it is important to understand what your point of view is correct and up to date.

Always supports women in their decisions, therefore developed a special application for communication, which helps to move toward their goals and beautiful future, while maintaining confidence in the correctness of the choice. One of the guarantors of security that the messages are available only to a select group of individuals, is to check the moderator of all entered users. In particular, do not have access to a resource for men, which is an advantage, because it allows more openly and directly express his thoughts. And if suddenly there quite "inconvenient" for all the question, it can only set his real girlfriend or groups of experts, which the participant can create itself.

In addition to solving problems using an application by Always you can brighten leisure, receiving responses from the comic "cube of confidence."

All of this is under the protection of Always, so you can be sure - is just your own! Join us!

Link to Application:


November 18, 2011

Always - always be sure!


At any age girl, and then, and a woman may face questions to which it can not alone provide the answer. This happens in youth, when everything is new and unknown, and in adulthood. In other words, each age problems.

Women face a variety of difficulties in their lives. For some impossible task is to choose an evening dress for an important event, and for someone to understand how you can help someone or yourself in a difficult situation.

Some of the most frequently asked questions related to the relationship in the family - assistance in raising children, socializing with her husband and his parents. And the more a woman will get a variety of answers, so it is easier on the basis of their final decision. So never forget that women are not always able to solve its own troubles, and the reasons for this are many - the gender differences between men and women when the problems of one another are not clear, the lack of experience of similar situations have girlfriends, etc.

But the most serious, not only when there is nobody to ask for advice, but there are no interlocutor. And it is no secret that the communication and exchange of experience is important for women of inner harmony, and simple conversation in the kitchen will help relieve the tension. Our entire life consists of contradictions and so it is important to understand what your point of view is correct and up to date.

Always supports women in their decisions, therefore developed a special application for communication, which helps to move toward their goals and beautiful future, while maintaining confidence in the correctness of the choice. One of the guarantors of security that the messages are available only to a select group of individuals, is to check the moderator of all entered users. In particular, do not have access to a resource for men, which is an advantage, because it allows more openly and directly express his thoughts. And if suddenly there quite "inconvenient" for all the question, it can only set his real girlfriend or groups of experts, which the participant can create itself.

In addition to solving problems using an application by Always you can brighten leisure, receiving responses from the comic "cube of confidence."

All of this is under the protection of Always, so you can be sure - is just your own! Join us!

Link to Application:


November 18, 2011
