Interval method of losing weight is 4 kg for 1 to 5 months


Currently, most people understand how important it is to have good health, slim figure, handsome and well-groomed look. All these components are tightly interconnected. For the opportunity to have a beautiful body, people often go to extremes: starving, torturing themselves in the gym, use a variety of dietary supplements and other drugs, surgery.

Some methods are a real threat to health, but both want to lose weight and become more beautiful, strong and healthy. People do not take into account that the weight they gain over the years, and want to reset it for a week, a month maximum. Unfortunately, without causing harm to achieve this is not possible.

My weight loss interval method

I helped the interval method of losing weight, but it is important to bear in mind that it will not give results within 5-6 days. This kind of lifestyle that will help get rid of toxins, cleanse the body and lose unwanted weight.

The main thing - attitude and belief that the kilos go away, just someone the process will go slower, someone faster. I for 1, 5 months got rid of 4 kg, and after finishing this diet, weight has subsided within a month.

How I lost 4 kg for 1 to 5 months

This method consists of three stages and is in that - first, should never eat within 3 hours before bedtime. Ie if you go to bed at 00:00, the last meal should be taken no later than 21.00.

For most people it is difficult to immediately move on to another diet, therefore it is necessary to introduce it gradually, as follows: for 3 days to arrange dinner no later than 21.00., In the next 3 days - no later than 20.00., Then 3 days to 19.00., 18.00. , 17.00., 16.00. and 15.00 ..

When you get to 15.00., The body is at the peak of its activity to lose weight, since the rise in 7-9 hours, for food is only 6-8 hours, and at this time, you can have it all. The rest of the rest of the day - for the complete digestion of food eaten and the cleaning up of the "old stock".

Stage 2 - go reverse. In 2 days you can eat until 16.00, 17.00, 18.00, 19.00, 20.00. and 21.00 hours. At this time, your body is already switched to the correct operation and accumulate fat reserves will not, no matter what you eat.

The final Stage 3 - again gets to 15.00, spending every hour for one day, that is, 1 day do not eat till 20.00., One day, to 19.00, 18.00, 17.00, 16.00, and 15 hours.

It is important to remember that after the forbidden time there can not be anything! No fruit, no vegetables. You can drink kefir, water, any tea, fruit drinks, fruit drinks and juices in unlimited quantities. The time allowed may be all there, not counting the calories.

Plus this method is that you can have everything you like, without worrying about the prohibition of favorite products. You need to limit yourself to just in time, following the given interval. Over time, cleanse the body did not want harmful products.
This method helps to get rid of 3-7 kg per 1, 5 months, and repeat this diet is recommended 1 time in 4-5 months.

In general, it is very important to choose a way to lose weight so that the process was a pleasure, then the result of it will be more noticeable.

The best diet - one that is suited to the regime of a particular person and that without unnecessary stress for yourself, you can observe life. This method helped me a lot, practicing it for about 4 years, weight is not reached, and the body is cleansed of unwanted toxins.

Interval method of losing weight is 4 kg for 1 to 5 months


Currently, most people understand how important it is to have good health, slim figure, handsome and well-groomed look. All these components are tightly interconnected. For the opportunity to have a beautiful body, people often go to extremes: starving, torturing themselves in the gym, use a variety of dietary supplements and other drugs, surgery.

Some methods are a real threat to health, but both want to lose weight and become more beautiful, strong and healthy. People do not take into account that the weight they gain over the years, and want to reset it for a week, a month maximum. Unfortunately, without causing harm to achieve this is not possible.

My weight loss interval method

I helped the interval method of losing weight, but it is important to bear in mind that it will not give results within 5-6 days. This kind of lifestyle that will help get rid of toxins, cleanse the body and lose unwanted weight.

The main thing - attitude and belief that the kilos go away, just someone the process will go slower, someone faster. I for 1, 5 months got rid of 4 kg, and after finishing this diet, weight has subsided within a month.

How I lost 4 kg for 1 to 5 months

This method consists of three stages and is in that - first, should never eat within 3 hours before bedtime. Ie if you go to bed at 00:00, the last meal should be taken no later than 21.00.

For most people it is difficult to immediately move on to another diet, therefore it is necessary to introduce it gradually, as follows: for 3 days to arrange dinner no later than 21.00., In the next 3 days - no later than 20.00., Then 3 days to 19.00., 18.00. , 17.00., 16.00. and 15.00 ..

When you get to 15.00., The body is at the peak of its activity to lose weight, since the rise in 7-9 hours, for food is only 6-8 hours, and at this time, you can have it all. The rest of the rest of the day - for the complete digestion of food eaten and the cleaning up of the "old stock".

Stage 2 - go reverse. In 2 days you can eat until 16.00, 17.00, 18.00, 19.00, 20.00. and 21.00 hours. At this time, your body is already switched to the correct operation and accumulate fat reserves will not, no matter what you eat.

The final Stage 3 - again gets to 15.00, spending every hour for one day, that is, 1 day do not eat till 20.00., One day, to 19.00, 18.00, 17.00, 16.00, and 15 hours.

It is important to remember that after the forbidden time there can not be anything! No fruit, no vegetables. You can drink kefir, water, any tea, fruit drinks, fruit drinks and juices in unlimited quantities. The time allowed may be all there, not counting the calories.

Plus this method is that you can have everything you like, without worrying about the prohibition of favorite products. You need to limit yourself to just in time, following the given interval. Over time, cleanse the body did not want harmful products.
This method helps to get rid of 3-7 kg per 1, 5 months, and repeat this diet is recommended 1 time in 4-5 months.

In general, it is very important to choose a way to lose weight so that the process was a pleasure, then the result of it will be more noticeable.

The best diet - one that is suited to the regime of a particular person and that without unnecessary stress for yourself, you can observe life. This method helped me a lot, practicing it for about 4 years, weight is not reached, and the body is cleansed of unwanted toxins.

My personal way to lose weight is 8 kg and a sensible diet


Life is an endless struggle with himself. My name is Elena, I am 29 years old and all my life I aspire to the ideal, the only person to my ideal, created by my imagination. With the growth of 171 cm My weight has always been at the level of 60 kg, while the ideal weight for myself, I think 50 kg.

In his struggle with excess weight I have tried a million different diets like the popular and not so, but the result I was able to achieve only by withdrawing its own way, of course based on the experience of others.

Where do you start, you ask. The first and basic step to his ideal is your desire, the desire to change forever, and not on short-term time your diet.

You must agree with me that it is today, because tomorrow you keep putting off, you completely change your life, your attitude.

Stand in front of a mirror and say that you love yourself, and that's why you fight for its beauty and will remove all of its shortcomings. The first step is done, it's time to move on.

What is the principle of my sensible diet

You probably expect that now followed by a huge list of things that you want to exclude, what you need to forget forever. So, the only thing to remember forever, so it is a passive, inactive lifestyle.

The success of our diet will move all of its manifestations, the most important thing for you to move. It is not necessary to run to the gym and disappear for hours, maybe I will reveal to you a secret, but when you visit the room your weight will go up on the contrary, you will build muscle mass, which is several times heavier than fat.

In my case it was. Weight not only stood on the site, but arrow weight inexorably crept on. Of course, my figure was more athletic, but on the contrary increased by muscles.

So I had to change tactics. I started just doing gymnastics in the morning for 30 minutes and a lot of walking. Walking is everything. In order not to be bored, and to remove the possibility of any excuses, I have got a dog.

Small wonder, my darling pug, has become for me not only a friend, but also a personal trainer in walking. My personal walk at least an hour in the morning and two hours in the evening. Plus, do not forget about the gym, which I do after a walk.

This exercise will suit anyone. Most importantly do not be lazy, you do it for yourself. The word gymnastics, I mean work on the problem areas of your body. For me, this area of ​​the abdomen and thighs.

The focus, therefore I'm doing at the press, which pumps a day and legs, then I help squats, both with and without weights, swings, etc. But this does not mean that I was limited to just these areas, it is necessary to knead the whole body and all its sites, just you pay attention to one thing, depending on your body.

Thus, you have a new regime emerges day. You have become more active, and then there is the question of what to do with the diet, the body works, and you want to eat. My diet includes frequent meals, the more you eat, the better.

On the day I eat at least six times a day. This speeds up the metabolism and the body's metabolism. Of course, once you have a question, what kind of diet and how to lose weight when you eat so much. The answer is simple, eat often, but little by little.

Eat any foods you can, but in one meal you should not eat more than 300 grams. The interval between meals should be at least 2-3 hours. If at this time you want to eat, do not sit and do not suffer, eat an apple or a cucumber.

To improve and accelerate the results reduce the amount of flour and bakery products in their diet, but I do not say that to completely give them up.

As an example, I shall paint the diet of one of my days, but just say that each person has their own preferences in products, and I am no exception. I'm not a vegetarian, but meat is not very much, so I eat it very rarely.

Tea and coffee drink only sugar, but only because of the taste, if you like to drink with sugar on health, but let it be 1-1, 5 teaspoons. I almost forgot, try to drink water, but plain water, at least 1 liter per day. And so, here he is my daily diet:

6:00 - lift, 1 cup water,
6: 00-6: 30 - gymnastics,
6: 30-7: 30 - a walk with her beloved pug,
7:45 - oatmeal with milk / cheese with sour cream / any other cereal, coffee with milk, two toast and butter / cheese
9:00 - cucumber / tomato / banana / apple
9:30 - a glass of water,
10:00 - salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cheese, salt and oil to taste)
11:00 - Coffee + tea or candy / chocolate / pechenyushki / bun,
12:30 - Lunch: potato / cereal + chicken / fish + tea
14:00 - cucumber / tomato / banana / apple
15:00 - a glass of water,
16:00 - steamed vegetables,
17:00 - tea or coffee,
18:00 - 19:00 - walk with her beloved pug,
19:30 - cottage cheese with sour cream / cheese cakes / salad + yogurt,
20:00 - cucumber / tomato / banana / apple
20:30 - a glass of water,
22:00 - a dream.

Products you can use any, depending on your tastes, of course, I think you understand that this should not be a cake divided into six or seven pieces and eaten in a day.

Watch, that you eat healthy foods, fruits and vegetables should be the foundation of your diet. And the result will not take long.

I stick to this regimen for 6 months, as a result, I lost 8 kilograms and height is 171 cm weigh 52 kg. I'm pleased with the result, my appearance did not just happy, I like myself.

Weight is reduced gradually due to physical stress skin does not sag and remains taut. If you are faced with the appearance of sagging, it is possible to correct a massage or a trip to the pool. I am confident that the work done on a good reason, and I'm on the right path to the currently perfect. Believe in yourself and you will succeed.
