What words can not speak to the man, husband

 The words for a loved one

In this article you will learn the meaning of words, what words can not say to the man, the husband, the beloved, the word-parasites in family life.

There are many reasons for divorce, even a seemingly happy couple, with an impeccable reputation for others, suddenly report their disagreement. And it all started so beautifully: words of love, goodbye, nice SMS messages.

It would seem - a wonderful couple, wife, mistress of all trades, a great hostess in the house, a wonderful husband, the left does not look, do not indulge in alcohol, but something is not glued at the family? My husband is gone, without a word, and the abandoned lady crying in the vest of his girlfriend, "he said to me, you bastard, a bastard! "Stop, but from this point in detail!

Words can hurt injure the dignity of any person, and if it is also a mother and a loved one, it is doubly unpleasant to hear in your address nastiness. No, not necessarily with a cry, but sometimes just a monotone voice: "What did you fool so I did not listen, tell me my mother did not go for that idiot, and now you sit, zhresh and slurp like a pig" - a woman kills a man love to yourself.

Even the most mild-mannered man can not withstand such abuse and to leave once and for all without any explanation. It could not swear words had pitched paraphrase: "Well, what have you done? We discussed this question with you, why do not you want me to listen to? Eat carefully ".

In man, there would be a sense of guilt for some misdemeanor, not a seething hatred towards his wife. Usually it happens in families where the wife is dominant, holding it tightly under the heel. And then, when my husband breaks free, inhaling the fresh air, throwing the family, the wife rushes in hysterics: "I fed him all tasty, apartment cleaned, washed his shirt - otglazhivala! "Yes, what is already here shirts - runaway husband and crumpled clothes like, if only not to hear offensive words against him.

Word of parasites in family life

Even worse, when a woman scolding her husband in front of strangers, "But ... my goat! "Why is the goat? And who then it on the status, if he is an animal? First of all, it thereby offends no less than her husband, as widely believed that her husband was the head of the family, and humiliating her husband, she even lower down yourself. But from such a relationship develops to husbands and disrespectful view of society. Who is the head of the family? But no one, a fool, an ordinary mattress. Clearly, therefore, such a family and bring up children as well.

There is another stupid blackmail women from the time of Soviet stagnation. "If you do not fulfill my conditions, I deprive you sex! ". That's a phrase that's exactly facing against her the very same. Firstly, she herself denies this joy - so say the word, you have to keep myself patient, no matter how wanted.

And her husband, if he is in such a situation will not stand and be tempted by another lady, it will be easier to justify if the wife suddenly catches a couple - they say, do not give, and I'm a man, I want to Lulu. It is very important - in any case nothing to do with it, even more so if someone else does not make fun of his male sexual dignity and opportunity.

That remains a mystery mysterious departure from the family of her husband, and all because they do not notice little things in family life, and believing that it is possible to keep the pies husband and children, his wife are deeply mistaken. It is important in family life - a mutual respect and understanding.

10 reasons that cause men to escape from women

 Reasons for leaving men

Yes, if you listen to women, what do we get the box! It is necessary to give up one of you, that's all! Unanimously - bastard! Although, if you change us like a glove, it's normal, supposedly motivating his search - the search for the right one.

There are about 10 reasons because of which the first man out of the relationship and, consequently, a woman throws.

Almost all women believe that a man wants to perfect his wife to cook, clean and cleaned in bed pleasuring would completely. No, it is not. If the break in relations, still occurred, the woman here has affected at least 50 to 50.

So, when are we leaving?

1. A woman has ceased to be interesting

It happens. Actually it does not matter whether in conversation, whether in sex ... Man always strives for the ideal, of course, it is not ideal, but even so want to see and talk about what was in the bed nice. Of course, no one will be watching what the level of intelligence of a woman, if it is considered as an option for one night. But with a serious attitude and requirements are already serious. Here, a man prefers moderately intelligent lady, the main thing that was not a very intelligent man, otherwise he will have complexes of inferiority. Silly woman, too, do not need, and then on the Brazilian TV series and magazines did not see.

Not hard to guess what a woman should be an actress, to teach himself as he wants of man.

The bed also need to find a middle ground. Most fettered he does not need, it will begin to walk to the left, and over-activity of its puzzled about how many men are already familiar with its "arsenal."

2. Do not get along That's like in bed all right, and so always find a common language, but that is not glued. Keep some abuse on the little things. And to give each other one does not. The man he's a leader by nature and therefore can not stand to make concessions. If a woman is the same, the separation is inevitable. Here it all depends on the woman, if you want reconciliation - ledge.

If you're not a supermodel, or simply are not perfect figure and beauty, then you should not think that he is ready for you at all. He was not so difficult to find an alternative than to you. Against demography nowhere.

3. Female Incontinence

Learn to control yourself and keep in your hands. Vryatli man wants to live his life with that which is not responsible for their actions and may at any time to charge such that will shock not only him but also others.

And he needs it?

4. In the past, a woman led dissolute life

Women's "festivities" never welcomed in society, but only criticized. Before you begin to change partners like mittens, thoughtful, you'll find a man in 30 years? With your reputation as something in the future, you have no one to marry will not take.

Remember, the man wants to be, well, even if not the first, but certainly not in the eighth forties. Besides navryatli he be pleased with the fact that it turns out, his friends had the honor of "dating" with you. Think of it as soon as they reach puberty. Build a life with the youth. It is not eternal.

5. A woman uses a man as an outlet

You do not need to overwhelm him with their problems, concerns and so forth. Share questions, you can, but know when to stop! No need to constantly call in the night, which are distributed at intervals of 20 minutes. Where heard the same stories about how you love him, or the same as today's sale, you bought a pile of shoes at a discount and save money gained pads, shampoos and cosmetics 3 kilograms. Know the measure, or, at the sound of a phone call he starts to pull the eye ... In the best case.

6. The woman stopped to care for themselves

Nobody says that appearance plays a huge role in the relationship, but, all the same. A man never forgets that he met with chic brunette toned figure and beautiful breasts. And maybe forget, if after three years of living together with him will not know that, with drooping cheeks and everything.

Purely aesthetic side of the issue will push away from you a man. There are, of course, who likes fat women. But they immediately and ask the search parameters are different from the standards. So watch out for each other. All in your hands, especially your appearance.

7. The woman is clearly a man used as a purse

We men, we get great pleasure from courting a woman. Yes, we like to drive you to the restaurants, cinemas, theaters. We have great pleasure to buy you jewelry, cosmetics, ride your car or boat. Instead, only need love and sex. And, do not need to rely only on sex, it can be bought much more cheaply. So pay attention to love.

If a woman other than sex does nothing more than a man, and only knows how to pull the crisp bills from his wallet, the man for a long time it will not be tolerated and will leave up to you. So carefully, please. Show your love and it will show you your new coat or cell phone. After all, not necessarily just to say that you need this blouse or the ring. You can hint that the rage to have a ring with this pebble.

8. A woman too openly shows that he wants to get married

If you're so eager to get married, then be patient and never force events. If the man you want to marry, you will feel it. But his hints you had just spugnete. If he is not ready, so not ready. Do not try to offer him sex without a condom, since he immediately realizes that something is wrong. On his proposal, too refused. Certainly a real man does not leave a woman with her child. But remember that the statistics of marriages "by aerial" says that they almost always fall.

9. The woman changed Remember, no cheating.

If you have something does not suit, better tell me right away. He will never forgive betrayal. Quite simply, except her. No excuses will not save you. Therefore it is better to leave in advance than in the scandal and abuse. Note, after the betrayal is legally very difficult to get a divorce.

10.Zhena began to earn more than her husband

If a man makes a lot of money, then it is due to this feeling of satisfaction and self-sufficiency in life and society. This is quite natural and normal. But to earn that kind of money is a woman, as directed will reproaches toward men that he is a loser, and if it does not, it would be living now with the shared bedroom.
