How bored with all his "fad" and complexes!


All of us at certain times of life becomes interested in psychology. Even if you are smart by nature and well-formed, then, faced with the inability to explain the words and deeds of a loved one from the standpoint of common sense and the female logic, start looking for the answers to your questions in the features of male psychology.

Sometimes it starts with a discussion of the problem with the veteran friend and ends consult a psychologist or therapist session.

Obsession akkuratist

From the letter B .: Faith

- About once a week we're going to close the circle and the women usually begin to wash their bones pious. But what if such a bleak turned our life in marriage ?! Especially in terms not ashamed, because I have known each other for two decades. At Natasha's husband - a terrible miser, have Lyudka - terry selfish Lariskin builds itself know-all. In this scenario, most cases of female sympathy I receive.

Where have you seen that guy on the cycle order and cleanliness that respect they became for him "fad" that because of them he did not give to live normally neither wife nor child ?!

In the first year after the wedding, his behavior is softened, then surprised, even shocked me. Coming home from work, and he kitchen towels boil, briefs his and my two sides ironed, toilet with bath chlorinates ... You said, disguise in a clean gown, hands with antibacterial soap and water wash, go to the kitchen to dinner, where I disinfect spent the soup boil.

While I was eating in a perfectly clean kitchen of sterilized equipment, it has a window in the room wash second time this week. On the one hand, everything is fine: the house very clean, almost everything is done hands beloved and loving husband. On the other hand, somehow all this is not a man, somehow everything is excessive, exaggerated. Further more.

When the daughter was born, I became more difficult during the day to maintain the purity of her husband induced. We started the first quarrel, and now it's up to the scandals came. My friends and relatives, even some friends of Paul by my side. All of them agree that it is hard to communicate people.

I'm not messy, too, love to all the apartment was clean and orderly. I do not want to say that I - the ideal woman. Of course, I have flaws, but they are all, so to speak, within the normal range. Paul's also some kind of pathology is already visible. The fact that this kind of complex, shows the following.

All things, dishes, linens, food husband puts into place. This, of course, there is nothing wrong. But if suddenly one of us, I or daughter does not and is not to put the shoes, put an apple, hung a towel, he immediately begins to find fault, yelling at us to quarrel with us, that is satisfied with "a storm in a teacup" .

According to the most insignificant occasion he has a tremendous excitement. Sometimes, when her husband enthusiastically washing dishes or wipe the dust, it seems to me that if my daughter leave the sterile apartment, he does not notice our absence. Perhaps it will even be happy in the knowledge that there is now no one sprayed, do not pollute. That's why I started talking about divorce.

The short unrecognized genius

A letter from Anne D .:

- After the wedding, I immediately turned to my wife complexes. He was suddenly overcome by a painful awareness of their abnormality - it is a little, you see, below me. Where his eyes when the buzz around me two years, and then offered his hand and heart ?!

How could, to gratify its undersized. Conversations with him preventative conducted lectures on the benefits of the low men he had read on the heels and high hair refused to even start to slouch. Nothing helped. Dasha birth, calmed down, stopped jealous.

Soon he descended upon him the grace of God: to compose the music began. It would seem that everything is fine. But there it was. Overnight, it turned into a sort of hyperexcitability, vulnerable creature. He's so sensitive! But when something concerns him personally. How bitter it becomes in his heart, if someone touches his excitable "aura", which immediately trembles and feels misunderstood.

What would become of our life, if I had also started to emit a plaintive cries, lying on the couch? After a while came the drive on which were his songs. Since then, he's a talent, a genius. The instinct of vanity goes hungry in his vanity, his "aura" is becoming more sensitive, and hail falling at her insults inflicted by friends, singers and other representatives of show business.

But I am obliged to walk around on tiptoe, the smallest speck of dust to blow off a possible offense. Then you sit and break your head, wondering what that meant. Do this in vain, there is resentment in him continually, she rushes forward and looking only for something to cling to her. For this fit everything scattered my opinion, careless word, my actions and my inaction.

With such a man who imagines himself a genius, have to be treated as mentally ill, be lenient and tolerated. Blessed peculiar torture made me a victim. His sense of superiority and passing all bounds conceit unbearable.

It remains for me to save her pain, thickening the bitterness of disappointment. I'm doomed to comfort his talented permanently if it poor, visit the boredom, insomnia, creative failure, the blues. And my cup is already full of disappointments. I'm more than a gifted, looking for consolation and help.

For me, working woman, "hang" the child, house, villa, car, dog ... Maybe stop to listen and look for him? Let seeks, if it finds such a good and wise, who have ears and heart to these speeches and actions.

I will return to the doctors

So you terribly tired of his complexes. Do you plan to hike to a psychologist or psychiatrist. You can imagine what this event is all over. Talk to your doctor, as a rule, nothing convincing and unexpected deliverance complexes brings.

The survey results demonstrate the obvious decrease in activity, emotional devastation, the predominance of the closed inner life, exclusion from the outside world, the decline of mental activity. All this can take the form of attacks or continuously for a certain time.

If all of this man "has" in the mild, the diagnosis of the following - oscillating between human health and disease. The specialist will try to get you to pay serious attention to the established scientific psychological characteristics of males.

Although before you is not in doubt the existence of significant biological or universal forms reflecting the sexual division of labor and social roles of the differences between men and women. And you leave the doctor with a "walking" stereotypes about the uniqueness of such a vulnerable creatures - men.

What to do? Change the flea, the complex on a jammed? I do not always want or received. That's how we live: their problems - our suffering. Now we are saddled with their "fad." Narrowing brought to such a condition.

Author: Tatjana Poretsky

Hands can give a sexy woman's status


This happens with almost all couples. Sooner or later, something disappears somewhere. Women believe this love and romance. Men - it's feminine desire. But the big question is, what are the causes of this phenomenon and how to deal with it.

For my grandmother either the first or second question did not exist: she always knew all the answers.

- Honey, what you do for a relationship? You're only thirty-five, you are, by and large, not even middle-aged, and already she'd forgotten that you - a representative of the weaker sex. Naturally, I forgot about it and your man. When was the last time you kissed your hands?

Frankly, I would prefer a more pragmatic expression of love. For example, some convenient practical gift ...

But my grandmother was categorical:

- Believe me, nothing refreshing feeling as humbly bowed his head over your hand with light gray ...

My gray Max was not, but I, in principle, would not mind that at times he leaned over my hand. After a frank conversation with grandma, I even suspected that the hands of women - the most erogenous zone.

Well, not for nothing that in all sorts of sophisticated lovers of ladies' novels acquaintance with a kiss pen. First, back of the hand, then - the interior, and then - you know. In short, I decided to hint to her husband, that would be worth playing in romance. He looked at my hands, and ironic, is not mysterious smile.

Yes, I still have the figure of a very personal (with my work schedule did not work up too much fat), the face, of course, it is far from being so fresh as we would like, but if you apply war paint, then you can live, even colleagues say pretty. Grace and ease of movement are present, but the hand ... Grandma really pointed me to a serious gap.

After careful consideration of its front legs, I understand the meaning of an ironic smile husband hardened, exhausted every possible domestic concerns, with a complete lack of manicure and traces of chemical burns (the day before the younger patches are displayed on the favorite T-shirt), scratched (rescued the cat from the aquarium after an unsuccessful "fishing" ) hands, of course, could not cause feelings of tenderness and desire ...

At that moment, I wondered: what if the hand is really erogenous zone? Then I think I satisfy itself, and with a very big success. The fact that I was raised as a "creator of the future unit of society", that is, from childhood I was ready to participate appliance.

My grandmother, is intellectual has one of the old school, I tried to instill in femininity, but she was in the minority, and her voice was drowned in a chorus of "social activists." But now I am determined to heed the opinion of the grandmother. Although, if only because of its civil husband, that is my "grandfather", I fit a father.

So, the first thing I did - brought their hands in the divine appearance. Of course, acrylic nails flew into penny. Painting them was just superb, so I somehow become thoughtful: how long you can delay the wash, so that, God forbid, do not damage the expensive beauty?

And when still part of the household began to perform the conjugal duty, then, of course, unaccustomed to work with these claws, I managed to break just two. True, I immediately built up them again.

I must say that all the beauty of my hands Max noticed immediately, but somewhere about two weeks later, when I was thinking to score on Babulin idea. He found my pursuit of perfection only when wondered why our monthly budget is melting faster than usual.

And the manifestations of temperament in our conversation on the topic of romance was then much more than I expected. I even broke a couple of nails "in a fit of passion." But a week later, when her husband resigned from my thirst for beauty, we have an automatic washing machine. And dishwasher too.

Max realized that cheaper loan to pay for this technique than ever to correct appearance flaws that appeared in my communication with homework. Moreover, he even said that I was "a monkey with a grenade."

We, as a family, this means that a woman with such a complex technology may fail, and therefore a significant part of my former responsibilities migrated to my technically educated husband.

Of course, I did not say anything about the monkey, but I thought that it will be necessary to work on a little more, perhaps, begin to think about what and who speaks! Therefore I enrolled in the pool and go there without fail every time after a sauna.

And when I'm at your leisure (still free time - a good thing) I thought that it would be nice to make a facelift, my husband became more and more repeat what I am beautiful, and he loves me.

He became jealous! By the swimming coach, colleagues, for whom, perhaps, I am trying to neighbors and lamppost ....

And he began to regularly in the evening kissing my hand. And not only…

P.S. And my grandmother said to me recently that a real woman, real women should be jewelry (preferably polished), natural fur (rabbit fur coat does not count).

Give it all should be a real man, whose real woman is simply obliged to be at my age (after such investment it will take care of your beloved, as the apple of the eye)!

I, by the way, about a year consider myself a present, so it's time to cook her husband - because one of these days we will pay the balance of the loan for home appliances ...

Author: Dana
