You saw how offended our children?
In 5 minutes ... I do not mess around with you! And just five minutes later together again. The truth for this time their parents can quarrel so that will not find it. Even his own child ... Stop. Let the kids fight and make peace themselves, without interference from adults.
Psychologists are increasingly confirmed the popular wisdom - every smith his happiness. And unhappiness, of course, too. Everything remains less than people who do not believe in the power of thought. And one more proverb - "Sow a character, reap destiny." Our character - that our thoughts and emotions, and feelings that we have for others.
We can get sick from his own dislike of the outside world, from the negative attitudes within the family or the community of permanent resentment that we hoard a Gobseck with persistence.
Lack of love and trust weakens the human immune system. Perhaps you yourself have noticed that in families where there is no agreement, where the atmosphere of anger, resentment, anger, children can not get out of the sores.
No less dangerous hubris. It is like a magnet, attracts negative events to person, "black band" of his life is simply endless.
Jealousy is not only spoil the relationship breaks up feeling jealous and burns from the inside. Revnivtsev constantly lurk differential pressure, coronary heart disease, hypertension, strokes and other unpleasant things.
Fears istachivayut nervous system, like beetles, borers, and then they are taken for internal organs. Particularly affected by the constant fear of the stomach.
The child, whose nedolyubili a child grows diffident man, with lots of problems with the inability to get along with others, and sexual dissatisfaction.
He does not believe, and therefore are not able to build trusting relationships with loved ones. Therefore it is very important almost from conception, a pregnant woman to love your baby, talk to him, to report that the world is waiting for him, that he is fine and good.
For the harmonious development of personality no less necessary baby love and tenderness of a father.
If parents are quarreling among themselves, the nervous system of unborn baby is exposed to stress. One young parents after the birth came the advice of his upbringing to the sage. And he told them: "You are late for 9 months."
Children who did not want to, but still gave birth, according to foreign scientists are potential smokers, drug addicts, people with unstable mentality, and sexual deviations. So if you dream of a happy healthy offspring, like the kid in advance.
Of course you are familiar phrase - "All Men Are Bast ..." and "all women are fools." So, if your head revolve such thoughts, it is worth to think seriously about how to get rid of them. After seeing the American scientists of the oncology patients, they concluded that genital cancer happens only in people who suffer hatred, contempt, a feeling of superiority in relation to the opposite sex.
In women, cancer of the uterus is back in when she lived in an atmosphere of fear and dislike. Ambitious men seeking power at any cost, often lie in wait for stomach ulcers, and if it someone just goes on corpses, the plague it is provided. This is at best.
It is believed that women get fat from the loss of interest in life, fear of being useless to anyone, from a sense of emptiness in life, lost opportunities and his own insecurity. But the fullness of the baby indicates dissatisfaction with his relationship with his parents, and even a hidden hatred for him.
You probably should not put pressure on the child, but to leave him alone with all its problems, too, not worth it. The child needs support and understanding of mothers and fathers, even if he has already turned into a hairy teen. If you are dissatisfied with their financial situation, but do not do anything to gain wealth, but only complain and whine, it is possible to hurt your feet.
So look for their path in life, not the fate of grumbling.
Life loves the grateful people and helping them in every way. Unrequited love, too, is not as safe as it seems at first glance. If you cherish your suffering, constantly chew the past, live it, the heart can not stand and a relatively young man.
If the relationship for any reason, broke, do not torture yourself, you are in no way to blame. And even if guilty, then forgive yourself. So repeat at every opportunity: "I forgive myself." It does not matter if you believe in this way of getting rid of feelings of guilt or not. It works if you are using them.
It is not necessary to store the offense and former partner, even if you think he's a scoundrel or a primary bitch. Forgive them for their own good. Forgive and let go. In such cases, the exercise successfully works fancies. Can you imagine his former partner. Mentally you minimize it and put yourself on the right hand.
Now look carefully at it and say the reduced copy (can be myself, and wish aloud): "I forgive and let go." Now you see how weak wind swoops, easily picks up your ex-partner and takes it away with your pain. You breathe deeply, straightens his shoulders, lifts his head.
You are free. Exercise it should be done with the same regularity as you wash and brush your teeth. The same method helps to get rid of anger and resentment toward former friends, bosses and neighbors. If you master this technique seriously, your life will be much easier.
The man who is constantly waging a struggle for life and death, waiting for heart attacks and strokes.
Do not fight with life. Take it so what it is. Do not you have created this world, and do not you try and alter it. Do not think that all the people want you to evil that the world is harsh and aggressive. The world is the way you draw it in your imagination.
If you constantly live in the expectation that you hit with a stick, then anyone looking at your sour look, be sure to do it, at least out of a sense of compassion for you ... Life itself embodies the reality of our inner torments and expectations.
So paint the inner world with all the colors of the rainbow, and let there as much as possible the sun always shines.
Then the outside world will turn to you the sunny side, and you will begin to carry wherever you go.