How to make yourself stop loving favorite guy, man, if there was a unhappy and unrequited love, advice on how to stop loving and forget
Love - is a wonderful sublime feeling that can teach the "fly" in the heavens, "move" mountains "flip" the world. But love is also an evil, insidious and murderous, but also blind and stupid.
What a joy when it is mutual! Truly, it is a gift of the gods. And if not?
Unhappy and unrequited love
If, say, she is madly in love, thinking about it constantly, living only moments when it will again be able to see. If she even talking about it feels exhilarated and happy and ready to follow him into the fire, into the water, to go to hell, the devil, and he looked at her no attention, at best, barely perceptible nod "hello"?
What if he chose another? What if he broke the connection, I do not want to continue the relationship and now does not want to even hear about reconciliation?
There are thousands of tips "experienced", has survived this hell, there are hundreds of clever tips psychologists. In some cases, they even help. For example, do not go crazy.
The story of unrequited love
Known story of one unfortunate that to somehow throw it to breathe without a loved one, washed down. Moreover, the break-up, she was deep-rooted trezvennitsa. And then everything started to drink, beer, wine, vodka, stop yourself from a variety of cocktails.
To be fair, this pernicious form of self-salvation still helped her not to give up his life, and yet she was ready for it. And those who cut their veins, swallowing pills, jumping from the roof, too, is enough. In some way they can understand, after all, what they are thinking at such moments, it is in the words: "a world without favorite collapsed, life does not need."
What can be objected here? Only that dying, nothing to achieve, because if he gave you a living, to the dead, much less return. But if you stay live, you still have a chance to get it back.
I do not see what he had found another, or that he started to ignore you. It is so today, and tomorrow everything can change. Only need to do a little bit to try to change its image, clothes, hair, and sometimes the case, be a step up, so that he knew what to reject.
Perhaps he even crawl on my knees to you, but if you go out of life now, none of this will not happen ever. You'll calm myself rot, and some girl, you have absolutely no standing next to it will get a lot of happiness.
As a favorite stop loving guy, man
So this method is absolutely not suitable. As, however, and drunkenness. It helps only a moment. When the pain returned with renewed vigor.
The story of the woman is. She slowly began to become an inveterate drunkard than naturally repelled by a loved one even further. There were people who helped her to get out of the pool, offered an interesting job. Gradually, the pain of parting with a beloved dulled. Perhaps this woman still meet their own happiness, because every day our life is unpredictable, everyone can bring something new.
Some advise to look that one can not be out of love, the negative traits recall unpleasant moments. Of course, it would have been nice if he had the most negative traits, but he is a favorite! That means ideal.
Some advise to change the situation, to go on a cruise, travel. New experiences, new friends, no doubt, help, and this method of psychological care is one of the best. Only the journey should really be fun, not a familiar and friends there must be found such that could displace the pain of loss. If not, the journey does not particularly help and after the start all over again.
Tips how to stop loving and forget
Some advise to have a new boyfriend. This is the most ridiculous advice, because the new can only be started if no longer needed the old, and in this case, the old is not just necessary, it is vital.
There is another good tip. To rest his weary soul, you need to load the body. This means you need to find such a thing, it is desirable to heavy physical, which will occupy 16-18-20 hours a day and wear down so that it is about any loved ones to think there will be no force. This method really helps, but many are too lazy to follow it, preferring to sigh and suffer.
Some instead rush to various magicians and psychics. Their help is very controversial, and the money lost good.
Or, leave everything as it is? Do not delete from memory one piece of life, which was carried out with a loved one. After all, it certainly was a lot of pleasant moments. Let them continue to live. Time heals everything, puts everything in its place.
It will solve this problem.