White lie, clutching at straws ...


White lie, or why he is constantly lying to me?

Almost all of us in dreams draw perfect relationship built on love and trust. However, in practice, many are faced with the fact that people are beginning to lie, crouch, cheat and do what in my dreams there was no mention.

And this sin, both men and women. However, we consider only the case when men begin to lie.

Lies, big or small, that is, in fact, does not matter, is the stumbling block that breaks relationships and kills love. But even the risk to spoil and lose a loved one does not stop the strong half of humanity to such weakness, like a lie. There are several reasons that push it.

The first reason lies in the man. He knows that the truth will disappoint you, you get angry or upset, in short, do everything that will bring joy to you or him. And therefore lies the benefit is an effective method to protect yourself from your emotions. In fact, this protective reaction. The actions are motivated by the following settings: "It is better I'll be lying, and then we will see."

The second reason, which leads to constant lies - is, oddly enough, own uncertainty, ignorance of their interests and their desires. This lie is born, in fact, because of the stupidity. The man sometimes does not know what he wants, what he would do in half an hour and that he needs. That is, you lied, he did not even suspect that he had done something wrong. From such subjects often can be heard phrases in the style: "What did I do wrong? "And to see sincere bewilderment in his eyes.

The third cause permanent conflicting information from the mouth of your man - this is his need to be "on top". He needs to feel that you are proud of them and cherish. And if it is impossible to praise you to get just so it is possible to lie and to hear at least one compliment. Oddly enough, but men love compliments and need them more than women. Recognizes this fact only women; men categorically deny it.

The fourth reason, driving men to lie to his charming lady, is the love of polygamy. Women tend to call it infidelity and betrayal, but, nevertheless, a polygamous relationship in some countries recognized norms and do not cause a negative assessment of the company.

So a man is interested in, alas, not only to you, in terms of his beloved companions included a certain person has, perhaps, not one.

Naturally, he can not tell you about it, your reaction is too obvious. Here comes one more reason to lie, and thus save yourself from your anger.

You can still endlessly mentioning different reasons lie, but, in fact, they overlap each other.

Because a single and the most faithful will be only one - the need to save themselves, at least for a while, on your attacks, quarrels, clarify the relationship and everything else.

What can we do to avoid lies and build a relationship of trust? The answer is simple and obvious.

Only love can help two loving hearts to avoid lying. If two people live this feeling, enjoy each other and cherish, you would never thought to lie.

Trust from the beginning and feel each other as if you are a single entity. Someone might say that this does not happen and it is an idealistic view of the relationship, but it is not. Just exactly what is true love, it is the best recipe against the lies in a relationship.

What a fool I was, and what was the smart ...


What a fool I was, how smart I was the ...

Remembering the "wasted" years or months at a man who, after his departure left in your heart, only fragments of the former love, hurt the heart that hurts every time "movement of the soul", you constantly repeat to myself, "What a fool I was! .."

And, in fact, a fool? And how clever you have become now? ..



What have you been sincere! I talk about their feelings, about how to love Him as crazy with the smell that you want to be with him, never to be separated and to be together for life! You loved to make plans. I recognize that your dream has come true, because you finally met your other half - His ...


We are taught from childhood not to lie, to be sincere. But life shows that our sincerity useless. I do not need it, and him. It does not require a relationship of sincerity, and most of this fine game, which has its own rules .   Psychologists teach us not a declaration of love (otherwise he will lose interest in you as to the already extracted trophies), not to build aloud plans (men are afraid to be once and for all "caught"), not to call loved the second half (and suddenly it is you alone I do not believe, and does not intend to stop there?). Sincerity in our time taken to identify with naivety and stupidity. They say that only fools say aloud whatever they think ...



You spent a lot of time on it! Squandering precious free time to bake some pies for unimaginable found online recipe whole evening waited until he comes, he spared no time on his (not his!) Hobby. Of course, then you enjoy the simple fact that there was next to the favorite. It does not matter where - his friends on a fishing trip or in the country with his parents.


But now you know how much time is spent for nothing! Pies can be purchased in the cafe instead of his hobby (in fact delivers you a very dubious pleasure) could enjoy your and especially not to spend the weekend at the cottage of his parents (in fact the village you do not like a child) ...



When you love, do not regret for a loved one. You did not seem to notice that become waste for household needs two times more than when no one met. You buy products every day scoring the refrigerator products (after all, men need to eat well!), You give him pretty T-shirts and aftershaves. You're glad that you could smell that she chose for it ... Afraid to offend anyone, you do not propose to share the cost of products "at least in half." You pay for everything in silence itself ...


Now, you know, he just enjoyed your kindness. Products to buy rare and mostly those that he loves. I use all your things. During your relationship only once proposed to divide the payment for public ... and on vacation where he decided to completely change clothes (and spent almost all its money with), you had to at their own expense to buy products to pay for a joint excursion to the mountains, to buy souvenirs for him and his friends and family ...

The victims


When a person is in love, he willingly goes to make concessions, even sacrifices. Here and there ... you did not fly with her sister Julia on vacation because holiday of him this year was not at all (because of the change of place of work). You do not like to cook and feed on semi-finished products, but for him to do the impossible: kudesnichala on complex dishes. In addition, I get up 40 minutes earlier than usual (despite the fact that you - an owl!) To cook him breakfast ...


Now you really do not know, how could (despite themselves and their interests!) To make such sacrifices. And who these victims actually needed? Your refusal to leave he took for granted (as opposed to say, "Fly, my dear, you need rest"), culinary delights not appreciated (just eaten, as any other dinner), and in the morning only, and said that " Here you can also get up so early! I could not! "And if we remember that because you have a date with him began to pass courses in English and then (because of the backlog), you had to get away from them, it is so bitter!



Alas, love relationships are almost always detrimental to friendship! First of all, because the focus is on one, favorite, man. Girlfriends themselves sidelined. Time is running out on them less. Therefore, you rarely meet, calls up "lunch" and begin to be less and less in the know each other ...


And what happened to your friendship! Device is busy personal life, you so rarely called her friends! So rare that when you after the break finally called them all start talking employed exclusively reproaches: - Elka! Where are you?! Absolutely no conscience! We are here with the girls think, guess where you go away ?! Completely forgotten friends! - Mess - do you think. - Love goes, but friendship always remains ... Girlfriends should not be forgotten.

It turns out that in love - it's always a "fool." "Fool" sincere, compliant, self-sacrificing, generous ...

A "smart" - a selfish egoist who never goes against himself. However, "smart" we go only if nobody loved. Therefore, keep your "mind" not for long - before the new infatuation ...
