Men's bad habits, benefit from them

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Men's bad habits, benefit from them
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Do not be nervous, and learn to benefit from them

It is all good for you, but a couple of stupid and incredibly annoying habits you. They prevent you live, but he stubbornly does not want to get rid of them. There is a wonderful way to cope with it

- Understand how "grow legs" habits, and then extract from them the benefits for themselves.

He scatters the room his socks and underwear, pants hanging on the backs of chairs - in short, to create a perpetual mess

Why is he doing

By the order inherent in all creatures male (from hare and ending wolf) instinct mark their territory, to her not wandered into another male, and not encroach on his female. It is desirable to mark something has a strong odor, so not too surprised to find in the corridor on the telephone table, his dirty socks. Some who manages the education of instinct to put down, but most of the men training lends itself poorly.

How to benefit from it

Let him things delight you with her fragrance! Buy your man deodorant, shower gel, good aftershave, cologne road - let 'marks territory "marvelous aroma. Clinging to his neck, feel excites you smell of patchouli and vetiver, and tell him about it. Oddly enough, getting into the hands of fragrant hygiene and accustomed to him, man starts to put dirty socks and a T-shirt in the laundry basket. And do not bother cleaning the apartment on a regular, if he does not want cleanliness, for which torment yourself so?

Every Friday night he goes with friends on the football (fishing, sitting in the cigar club, soared in the bath), and you're jealous of him

Why is he doing

Man, as a rule, it should be for internal peace and raise their self-esteem to feel like a member of some large flocks. In some men, the role played by the working team of the pack - they are more a support group and do not need to sit at home on Friday night. Some sell the herd instinct in the family - and begin it all command. Others prefer to communicate with school friends or colleagues for sport and hunting.

How to benefit from it

Relax! Without any guilt complex ships with her friends in a cafe or in a beauty salon, to visit parents, wallowing with a book on the couch, look melodrama on a video player. Think about the fact that many women dream about the possibility of at least one evening a week to spend in peace and quiet and only belong to myself.

He falls asleep immediately after sex, even if sex was the day

Why is he doing

The man has sex to relieve stress, disconnect from the issues and express their sympathy lady. After sex, at the peak of hormonal and psychological relaxation, he was in a state of blissful ease throughout the body and is ready to love all and first of all - the woman who gave him such joy. But then, according to American psychologists, some men triggered a protective instinct: how would your partner say something superfluous and not to promise the impossible. Therefore, he is disabled and goes to sleep. Even in the afternoon.

How to benefit from it

Since it is a result of hormonal release and good humored, then willingly spoil you some simple thing - it allows him to express to you my good attitude and at the same time does not blurt out anything extra, like the proposal to marry or consent of the purchase of a new car. He is willing to make coffee, spill the wine by the glass, will bring the ice cream out of the fridge.

He always asks after sex, whether you like it. How many times you can repeat the same thing ?!

Why is he doing

From a sincere desire to know whether he was able to please you. How do I find a British psychologist, always ask this question not too skillful, but sensitive and gentle partners, and are angry because of it, only those women who are in bed that something is missing.

How to benefit from it

Stop, please, lie, portraying an orgasm, and tell him the truth about what you need. After a frank and delicate conversation you finally will please each other and your sex life will flourish.

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All men or womanizer or ...

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All men or womanizer or ...
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Modern Mythology men in women's concept

Nowadays it has become fashionable to criticize men. All together and each separately: the individual representatives and as a "species." They say they are lazy and and lack of initiative.

And drunks, spenders, clumsy, unable to cook dinner even from semi-finished products, callous and heartless creatures that devise only one football. That is not a complete list of negative assessments.

In fairness, it should be noted this time - often the most violent and uncompromising critics favor those who are familiar with men, so to speak, purely in theory, but certainly not in practice, that is, spinsters.

Let's see what is true and what is false, department, so to speak, cutlets from flies.


Incredibly, this epithet is often awarded to men employed in heavy physical labor, such as working at a construction site and unloading of wagons: the drivers, truckers, miners, steelworkers ... Pro athletes have nothing to say.

Well, knowledge workers cited as lazy, as they say, God himself commanded. Although, sometimes exhausting mental work is much more than physical. Not so easy to shovel a pile of documents to pass through the mountain of information itself, and everything to only take one administrative decision, which, however, sometimes dependent on the fate of the entire corporation.

Believe me, I do not feel the slightest sympathy for cops, but is prepared to recognize - these guys plow like a curse. It is not always effective, it is true, but plowed. The most funny thing starts when criticized by those who should be modestly silent: housewives, students, pensioners.

I foresee a mountain of criticism. How? A woman should eat and cook, and wash, and clean up the apartment, and do some shopping, as well as make up and hair done. While her husband all day slacking in his fleet (in a mine, an office, a shop, at a construction site - underline). Well, not quite, as if slacking.

Most men are brought into the house paid, as is known, no employer pays for "just so", well, not in their midst selfless humanists. So the man goes home to rest, that is, to recuperate.

"So what? - Probably ask an angry housewife - really so difficult to fasten the bulb (hammer a nail, take out the trash, fix the faucet, take the child out of kindergarten)? "

Yes, ready to agree among men as among women, there are lazy creatures. But that all? No I do not believe.

Let's look at the situation a little bit from the other side. A man worked hard all day. He came home, his wife asks for help. Okay, simple household chores like washing dishes or a trip to the store, but the same fix plumbing?

First, for this is a plumber. Second, if there is such a need, then, in my opinion, it is much easier and more efficient to give a bit of money a professional, the same plumbing and float their brains such nonsense.

However, many of the fair sex think otherwise. "This man should be able to all! "And who came up with this nonsense?

The main thing in this sense is not. In our time, anyway. Maybe mothers should not pay for the sons of training in high schools? Let them go to vocational school, learn to work with a hammer, a chisel, a soldering iron, turn the nut to fix the furniture?

The guy sticks all day long, but also brings into the house a few thousand dollars a month, so there is every weekend Mota to the cottage for agricultural work. What for? Otherwise, mother-in-law will not rest. Another turns the millions of transactions, but in order to be considered a full-fledged man, it is urgent to pass a short training course at your local plumber uncle Vasya, having behind three classes and a corridor.

By the way, the women themselves, if necessary, turn to the professionals. By barbers, cosmetologists, psychologists, doctors, lawyers. The clothes usually buy ready-made, but do not sew in the light of a kerosene lamp, as did their grandparents.

So, ladies, let's get together to draw conclusions.

Lack of initiative.

Yes, there is. Many men do not know how to make decisions, and are ready to go for anyone. But so is to blame for this one, specifically taken a man?

Generally, passive men are brought up in families where the mother makes the decisions, tough and powerful woman. Its guidelines are final and not subject to appeal, as the orders of the commander in the army.

If any member of the family does not agree with this, it will be immediately punished. She then wonders. Why, why did you let daughter to sit on his head? And where he could learn how to take the initiative? Here and grow generation henpecked that step can not step without the consent of the wife (mother, mother-in - underline).

We often hear is: "Yes, I make the decisions for her husband. But if I meet a man who would take decisions for me, I would have gone after him. " Really? And if that Superman has decided that it is not necessary, for example, to buy his wife a new fur coat, winter it may well take place in artificial sheepskin coat.

Instead, buy a car or make repairs in the apartment. "This weekend did not go to the country. You can go shopping a little bit, but that was 19-00 at home, and I'll go popyu beer with friends. " - "How is it, but I ..." - "I decided. Dot". Initiating a man? Certainly not. Samodurov. Tiran. Home despot.

In real life - every family has its own model of relations. Often, the husband - impoverished intellectual, receives a penny, and his wife - a business woman, which often remains a real woman. Often, the husband-tyrant and wife - unhappy Cinderella. Anyway, so say her relatives.

Sometimes - husband successfully managed by (commanding the regiment, create literary masterpieces, making one discovery after another), and his wife - successfully manages her husband, directing his energy "in the right direction."

In general, up to you, dear lady, do you really need so notorious men's initiative?


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