Betrayal .... How much pain and humiliation in the word. And it does not matter the physical or moral, from a loved one, family or friends. In any case, you feel disgusting. It feels as if the soul shrinks and slowly inserted into the heart knife.
There are two options for further developments: leave everything as it is and to continue suffering, and it is possible to forgive and let go of the situation. But how? This is a blow in the back, deep emotional scars. This is difficult to survive, but there is also need to forgive.
For this we need to make an effort. To begin to calm down, analyze everything, look at the situation from a different angle. Under the influence of the emotions you can tell a story and do a lot of stupid things, that is not only easier, but only aggravate the situation.
Even if you stepped over his pride and simple, will forever remain in the memory trace. Resentment is the sort of thing that sits deep and long. Often the cause of the quarrel forgotten, that resentment still remains. That is the most difficult.
But the resentment could be overcome. Try to find a reason to regret your abuser. If the betrayal was physical, you can imagine that your partner got a bitch who treated him very roughly. Most likely you will want to after such a sorry man.
Think of all the good things that happened between you. Ideal people do not happen, and each person can make a mistake. In any case, the good must override even resentment.
But maybe it's worth to turn to self-criticism? It's complicated, but effective. Why did you change? Maybe the reason for what happened lies in you?
Maybe you are immersed himself in work and have less time to spend with your loved ones, no longer pay attention to sovey appearance to show more aggression and negativity towards others?
Carefully analyze everything, because you do it for your benefit. And try to place themselves become a changed man. He made a mistake, but admits his guilt.
And now, standing in front of a closed, impenetrable iron door and waiting for forgiveness. And forgive its not going to. And the very moment when you get a blow to the ego, it seems that only you and the suffering, and to him and to do with it is not. But you are absolutely right.
Especially if the man himself admits you with treason. Do not cause even more pain to each other. If you want to forgive, then stepped over his ego and make a step towards your reunion. Of course, this will not be easy. But forgive infidelity, then defeat the other. A victory is always given is not easy.
But most importantly, you have to answer honestly the question: Do you love this man, despite the fact that he committed?
It's love can long endure, miloserdstvovat. Love is not peculiar to envy, pride, anger, and even more evil.
In love there is no injustice, on the contrary, the truth triumphs. Love is able to endure everything, the whole trust and always hope. And if you still love each other, you will be able to overcome all the troubles completely.
How to recognize the brutal man
What most attracts women to men? Kindness? Charisma? Mind? Charisma? Many glossy magazines claim that there is one single quality, against which few women can resist. About the man with this quality dream woman is what drives them crazy. And this is just "brutality."
Well, let's see for yourself if this is really. What kind of a mystical quality that attracts all the females?
Do you think a man is considered to be brutal? What's the meaning of the concept of this?
Translated from the French word meaning "brutality." But nowadays it has become an adjective other connotation. Speaking of brutal men, modern women do not have in mind that they are cruel. In a word, they put a different meaning.
Brutal - a strong, confident and stubborn man. This Statement of alpha male that easily pereplyvёt ocean and almost at a glance incinerate mammoth. Such a man is like a stone wall. With him are not afraid of any adversity and challenges, it is easily cope with the whole, protection against all.
Women who dream of their lives to such a man, ready to become dependent, to be led in a relationship. It will be responsible for all the brutal partner. So women trust men, and most importantly feel themselves confident with them.
But like two sides of a coin, so at the brutality of a downside. You will never find two identical men. Well, brutal male does not need a pass.
By their nature, all men are polygamous, and even with increased levels of testosterone attraction for the fair sex in general go out of control. And most likely, the girl who dared to marry a brutal man, willing to tolerate his periodic spree.
And the man of this type simply can not take women seriously. Unfortunately for them are far concepts such as tenderness, understanding and caring. And here the problem is not that he is insensitive. That's how nature, that such qualities are not inherent to it simply. His motto in life - it is the energy, passion and victory.
In fact, the woman called the brutal men who do not personally know - actors, singers, businessmen. But do not be so categorical. After all, all of this can be tinsel screen image.
In real life, these people may be vulnerable and insecure. It so happened that the women themselves invent ideals and firmly believe in them. No wonder they say: "Do not make yourself an idol."
It turns out that married life is not for brutal men. They will be very difficult to adapt to family life with the average woman. Well, not for him so measured life.
But a woman should keep this in mind before you plunge into the pool with his head, in order to rid yourself of unnecessary suffering. The family is not based on just one romance.
The basis for a strong union of two loving hearts - a mutual respect and love. And beware if you can get from your partner it all.
How to live after the betrayal, what to do
Betrayal .... How much pain and humiliation in the word. And it does not matter the physical or moral, from a loved one, family or friends. In any case, you feel disgusting. It feels as if the soul shrinks and slowly inserted into the heart knife.
There are two options for further developments: leave everything as it is and to continue suffering, and it is possible to forgive and let go of the situation. But how? This is a blow in the back, deep emotional scars. This is difficult to survive, but there is also need to forgive.
For this we need to make an effort. To begin to calm down, analyze everything, look at the situation from a different angle. Under the influence of the emotions you can tell a story and do a lot of stupid things, that is not only easier, but only aggravate the situation.
Even if you stepped over his pride and simple, will forever remain in the memory trace. Resentment is the sort of thing that sits deep and long. Often the cause of the quarrel forgotten, that resentment still remains. That is the most difficult.
But the resentment could be overcome. Try to find a reason to regret your abuser. If the betrayal was physical, you can imagine that your partner got a bitch who treated him very roughly. Most likely you will want to after such a sorry man.
Think of all the good things that happened between you. Ideal people do not happen, and each person can make a mistake. In any case, the good must override even resentment.
But maybe it's worth to turn to self-criticism? It's complicated, but effective. Why did you change? Maybe the reason for what happened lies in you?
Maybe you are immersed himself in work and have less time to spend with your loved ones, no longer pay attention to sovey appearance to show more aggression and negativity towards others?
Carefully analyze everything, because you do it for your benefit. And try to place themselves become a changed man. He made a mistake, but admits his guilt.
And now, standing in front of a closed, impenetrable iron door and waiting for forgiveness. And forgive its not going to. And the very moment when you get a blow to the ego, it seems that only you and the suffering, and to him and to do with it is not. But you are absolutely right.
Especially if the man himself admits you with treason. Do not cause even more pain to each other. If you want to forgive, then stepped over his ego and make a step towards your reunion. Of course, this will not be easy. But forgive infidelity, then defeat the other. A victory is always given is not easy.
But most importantly, you have to answer honestly the question: Do you love this man, despite the fact that he committed?
It's love can long endure, miloserdstvovat. Love is not peculiar to envy, pride, anger, and even more evil.
In love there is no injustice, on the contrary, the truth triumphs. Love is able to endure everything, the whole trust and always hope. And if you still love each other, you will be able to overcome all the troubles completely.